'Round the World Weather Report

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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by klondike »

patful wrote:I guess winter's over in Texas. Knock wood.
Does that mean the breeze from Terlingua smells like chili? 8)
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by knitwit45 »

Hope our Northeastern friends are all ok. That was some storm that rolled thru last night up there. Judith? Moira? April? you guys ok???? Wendy, Birdy, anyone else (c.r.s. disease has kicked in... :? )
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by moira finnie »

Two topiary trees blew off my porch, but they should be okay. I brought them in the house and replaced the dirt they lost. Maybe I should give them a cup of cocoa too?

Very blustery again today with sprinkling rain blowing by, but the rain is not as heavy today as Saturday. Saw a bed of snowdrops coming up, so Spring is coming. By Tuesday it is supposed to be near 50 again with some sun. Typical March weather.
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by knitwit45 »

Maybe I should give them a cup of cocoa too?
Nope, but a brew of very weak tea would help. In fact, you could drag your used tea bag through warm (not hot) water, and that would do the trick!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by klondike »

knitwit45 wrote:
Maybe I should give them a cup of cocoa too?
Nope, but a brew of very weak tea would help. In fact, you could drag your used tea bag through warm (not hot) water, and that would do the trick!
Leave it to a Daughter of the Great Prairie to know how to resuscitate a tree! :wink:
Here in Nawthin' N'anglund, we just worry about cuttin' down enough every year to let the sunlight through! :|

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by jdb1 »

A lot of debris in the streets. I haven't heard of any downed power lines in the area (unlike Manhattan, most of Brooklyn's power lines are overhead).

It's raining down buckets now, and I heard thunder this morning. Not too cold, though and much less wind than yesterday.

You can see many layers of clouds in the sky, some very black, and some lighter.
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by JackFavell »

Well, last night was a howling, noisy night here in Connecticut. Even though I grew up in Oklahoma, I never experienced a tornado first hand... but last night the wind sounded like a freight train bearing down on us, which is how they describe them.... They say this was not a hurricane, but the wind was as bad as I have experienced here, except for maybe during hurricane Gloria. It was sustained and frightening, and literally when I thought it could not get worse it would pick up and blow like the devil.

I was up most of the night. At 11:30 or 12:00, something that sounded like my husband's grill picked up off the deck and flew into the side of the house. When I looked this morning there was nothing blown over and very few branches down, so I have no idea what it actually was. The grill is fine, as is the house and patio furniture. Our power only flickered, never went out... which was great, because I got to watch White Heat, The Big Heat and Heat Lightning while I was awake shaking under a blanket on the couch. My dog, who usually gets up every 2 hours to pee (he has kidney disease), would go out and run right back to the door, an extremely unusual occurrence since he usually dawdles due to arthritis pain.

This morning, there were either police or fire sirens going off all over the place, from about 4 in the morning till 11:00 am or so. My husband went to check on his mother, and first discovered that our downtown area was roped off for an unknown reason. I tried to get on the computer, but could not get to a news site to find out what happened.... the network has not been working, or been off and on all morning. My husband called me about five minutes later to tell me that he also couldn't get to the rural route (his mother is about ten minutes or so down that way), it was also roped off. He was able to go by way of the highway. She is fine. I still have no idea what happened on these two stretches of road that bracket our town.
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by knitwit45 »

Thank heavens you are ok!!! Those winds are really scary. Keep us posted!!
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by JackFavell »

WE get Nor'easters a lot here, and it never really bothers me. But last night was a little bit nerve wracking. :shock:

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by jdb1 »

It's still chilly, cloudy and windy today, but nothing like yesterday.

I went out to dinner yesterday evening when there was a break from the rain, and saw about a dozen downed trees in the streets all around my building. They are completely uprooted - it's really something. One of the radio announcers this morning said that it's because the ground is so saturated from all the snow we had, so that the wind was able to pick the trees right out of the soft earth. There are other trees snapped at the middle, and branches and twigs all over the sidewalks. I heard that some parts of Brooklyn are without power, and poor Staten Island, across the Bay from us, was really walloped badly.

And me -- well, I forgot to turn my bedside clock radio ahead an hour, and I woke up to hear the time being announced -- I should have left a half hour before! I think one of the problems is that the clocks I generally rely on at home -- on the cable box and my cell phone, are adjusted automatically. There's a clock in the kitchen, but we never remember to change it until days later, so I don't count it in the mix. When every appliance in the kitchen has a digital clock on it somewhere, who really needs to look at a kitchen clock? It's really only there as decor.
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by JackFavell »

I find this is the problem with new technology that updates things automatically for you. You come to expect it. I can't tell you how many times I forget to do things the old fashioned way, because I now have a car that automatically locks itself, or a clock that is able to change it's own time.
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by Birdy »

Hail 2 times here - otherwise not that exciting!
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by knitwit45 »

Hail can be VERY exciting, especially if you're caught out in it without an umbrella, or you're driving home in your brand new car, or it wakes you up in the middle of a great dream....hope none of the above applied to you, Ms. B! :D
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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by JackFavell »

Never RUN in a hailstorm. I got caught in one in college and we made the mistake of running to get home. BOY does that hurt!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Post by klondike »

JackFavell wrote:Never RUN in a hailstorm. I got caught in one in college and we made the mistake of running to get home. BOY does that hurt!
Don't feel good coming down on ya when you're mushing the Yukon River basin, either! :x
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