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Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 5:15 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Here are some more holiday pictures for those of you who are interested. These are mostly of Pompei, very interesting place.


This is taken from the deck of the boat whilst it was docked in Naples. Naples castle is behind Libby.


I just love this one, it's so sweet!


Near the entrance to Pompei, this place is huge, we only saw a corner of it, the kids couldn't possibly have managed it all, I thought it was a town but it was the size of a city.


It's difficult to give the correct perspective, Libby is always handy at posing so you can get some idea how big the place is


Taken from another angle


Libby was mesmerised by the casts of dead people. When we got back to the boat that's all she would draw for days. Children love the macabre.

I didn't realise that Pompei had been destroyed about ten years earlier by an earthquake and the residents were in the process of rebuilding. 20,000 got away from the earthquake but 2,000 died. First the ash rained down on them and they climbed on top of their dwellings, then their was a heat flash that burned them alive. All the models we saw, the faces were frozen in horror or are being covered by their hands to relieve them of the choking ash.

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 6:08 am
by Synnove
Now it's time for me to go on a longer vacation too. I'm going with my family to a house in the countryside. This time I will be on the internet even less since we don't have a broadband there... I hope everyone here is going to have a nice summer, and I'll see you later!

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 9:12 am
by silentscreen
:) Have fun Hedvig! We'll miss you!

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 1:19 pm
by Synnove
:D Thanks! We were delayed, but we are leaving...

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 2:12 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Have a lovely break Hedvig.

Posted: August 8th, 2008, 5:29 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Well we're off again. This time tomorrow we'll be on the Isle of Wight which is just off the South coast. There should be plenty of things to see and plenty for the kids to do. Top of my list is to see Osbourne House, the favorite of all Queen Victoria's houses, were she spent her summers and were she died. I've always been fascinated by Victoria and the Victorian era so I'm quite excited by it.

Say your prayers for nice weather, see you all when I get back :D

Posted: August 9th, 2008, 3:30 pm
by inglis
Ah Italy !
I too had my Europe vacaction years ago and Italy was one of my favorites .I was single and it was thee best time in that part of my life .I love Venice very romantic on the canals. Those Gondolier drivers were pretty hansome :lol: Rome was very exciting .The Italian police loved me oh oh ,well that's another story . Have a great time!

Posted: August 9th, 2008, 4:58 pm
by MichiganJ

Here’s hoping your days are sunny and warm (but not too hot), and you and your family have a wonderful time.
(Just found this thread, and the pictures of your children are adorable!):D

Posted: August 10th, 2008, 8:49 am
by Synnove
Alison, I hope you are having a lovely time right now. :D

Hi! I'm back now, after about a month. I hadn't planned to be away that long, but a lot of relatives and friends came by and I had to stay to say hello to everyone.

I actually have a few pictures this time. It's mostly skies, but they're scenic, aren't they? You can get some impressive cloud formations on the island Öland.

The landscape isn't dazzling otherwise, but I like the feeling of it being frozen in time. There are a lot of old villages, and old farming landscapes. And there's the sea, of course.





Posted: August 10th, 2008, 11:23 am
by feaito
Beautiful landscapes Hedvig. :D

Posted: August 13th, 2008, 12:28 pm
by Synnove
Thanks. :)

Posted: August 24th, 2008, 3:13 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Your pictures are beautiful Hedvig.

We've got back yesterday from the Isle of Wight. It has so much there to entertain small kids. They've climbed, dug, swung, slid, played cowboys, indians, played in purpose built villages, fished, paddled, run around, danced and tired themselves out.

The caravan we hired had a play area straight outside the door. The weather was mostly cloudy a couple of days we got rain but we're British we just get the coats and head out into it.

There was Osbourne House for me to get excited about. To see where Queen Victoria spent the majority of her time and called home was quite unbelieveable. I had to go twice just to let it soak in. I'll put some pictures up when I get organised.

On our way home yesterday we stopped at Stonehenge. The kids were decidely unimpressed but Chrs and I loved it.

A very good holiday was had by all. Now who is going to do my laundry?

Posted: August 24th, 2008, 3:22 pm
by Marta
What beautiful photos Hedvig. They are breathtaking! Bring your laundry to me Alison, with my foot broken I've got plenty of times on my hands for 3 more weeks!!!! I could tell yuo had a wonderful time when I spoke to you on the phone earlier!!!! I'd love to see Osbourne house, that's on my list now.

Posted: August 24th, 2008, 8:48 pm
by feaito
Welcome back Alison!! :D

Posted: August 24th, 2008, 10:23 pm
by silentscreen

I'm glad you and your lovely family are back safe and sound! Look forward to your posts!