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Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 17th, 2011, 11:05 am
by Dewey1960
Hey Lynn, I did think of you when I jottted Floyd's name down and know of
your legendary fondness for HOT WAX. Hang out with us at the Roxie this
fall for TWO great series!! From Sept 30 - Oct 6 we're doing a FULL WEEK
of MORE TV NOIR featuring a bringback of MIKE HAMMER and the unspooling
of FOUR O'CLOCK, directed by HITCHCOCK (speaking of directors) from a
story by CORNELL WOOLRICH (speaking of film noir) plus tons of great and
shocking surprises! I'll post about it as we get closer. THEN, from Nov 4 - 8
it's NOT NECESSARILY NOIR (part two) featuring films by (speaking of
directors) Don Siegel, Nicholas Ray, Brian DePalma, Edward D. Wood, Clint
Eastwood and William Conrad! More to follow. In the meantime start making
your plans now!

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 17th, 2011, 11:44 am
by srowley75
Oh, #&%*#!!...I'm just going to list 15 favorites and have done with it. At this point, it's like splitting hairs over who is better. And this 1001 project I'm still working on has made this all the more difficult.

1. Ernst Lubitsch
2. Preston Sturges
3. Stanley Kubrick
4. Yasujiro Ozu
5. Akira Kurosawa
6. Michael Powell (& Emeric Pressburger)
7. Josef von Sternberg
8. Douglas Sirk
9. Mike Leigh
10. Alfred Hitchcock
11. Jean Renoir
12. William Wyler
13. F. W. Murnau
14. Fritz Lang
15. David Lean

I also would love to have been able to add: Erich von Stroheim, Woody Allen, Federico Fellini, Nicholas Ray, Ingmar Bergman, Russ Meyer, Sergei Eisenstein, Roman Polanski, Orson Welles, Otto Preminger, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Sergio Martino, Francois Truffaut, Joseph Losey, Roger Corman, Sidney Lumet, Nicolas Roeg, Max Ophuls, Robert Altman, Seijun Suzuki, John Cassavetes, Dario Argento, Howard Hawks, Frank Perry, Sergio Leone, David Lynch, Michael Curtiz, Edward D. Wood Jr., Carol Reed, Henri Georges Clouzot, James Whale, and Rouben Mamoulian.

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 17th, 2011, 5:01 pm
by MichiganJ
My list for now:

1. Ingmar Bergman
2. F.W. Murnau
3. Francois Truffaut
4. Krzysztof Kieslowski
5. Carl Th. Dryer
6. Stanley Kubrick
7. Tim Burton
8. Akira Kurosawa
9. Martin Scorsese
10. Coen Brothers
11. Quentin Tarantino
12. David Lynch
13. Jean Renoir
14. David Cronenberg
15. David Fincher

And some of the others:
Cameron Crowe; James Whale; Pedro Almodovar; Victor Sjörström; Erich von Stroheim; Woody Allen; Robert Altman; Jean Luc Godard; Michael Antonioni; Werner Herzog; Roman Polanski; Terrence Malick; Eric Rohmer; G.W. Pabst; René Clair; Wes Anderson; Nicolas Roeg; Spike Jonze; Paul Thomas Anderson; Maurice Tourneur; Kevin Smith; Jean Vigo; Richard Linklater; Terry Gilliam

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 17th, 2011, 6:30 pm
by Rita Hayworth
This is going to be interesting when its all put together and I have a very funny feeling that its going to be tough for all of us here to name our Favorite Director.

We will have this feeling ...
And, its not going to easy to name one!

I for one, is looking forward to it!

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 18th, 2011, 9:51 am
by sandykaypax
I don't pay as much attention to the director of a film as I should, so my list is small.

1. Vincente Minnelli
2. Alfred Hitchcock
3. George Cukor
4. Busby Berkley
5. George Stevens
6. Frank Capra
7. John Ford

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 18th, 2011, 12:59 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I agree Kingme. Elia Kazan, Nicholas Ray, William Wyler, there's so many directors well deserving of recognition that I haven't even added.

I'll keep my list as it is though, it's going to be an interesting vote.

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 18th, 2011, 9:08 pm
by CharlieT
For what it's worth:

1. John Ford
2. Frank Capra
3. Alfred Hitchcock
4. Howard Hawks
5. Cecil B. DeMille
6. Leo McCarey
7. Martin Scorsese
8. D. W. Griffith
9. John Huston
10. Victor Fleming
11. Orson Welles
12. Ingmar Bergman
13. Francis Ford Coppola
14. William Wyler
15. George Cukor

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 18th, 2011, 9:19 pm
by srowley75
I forgot Marcel Carne in my "runners-up." :( I've also grown to like Sacha Guitry quite a lot.

I almost feel as though I shouldn't participate. There are certain directors whom I'd probably have named if I'd seen more of their work.

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 19th, 2011, 1:17 pm
by ChiO
Seven points to all these guys.
That reminds me -- I goofed in the instructions. It's eight (8) points for the non-ranked nominees (8 being the midpoint of 15).

I will correct the instructions.

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 20th, 2011, 10:53 am
by JackFavell
1. John Ford John Ford John Ford

2. Carol Reed
3. Hanns Schwarz
4. Jacques Tati
5. Akira Kurosawa
6. Billy Wilder
7. William Wellman
8. Fritz Lang
9. Gregory LaCava
10. W.S. Van Dyke
11. Ernst Lubitsch
12. Rene Clair
13. Powell/Pressburger
14. Orson Welles
15. Jacques Tourneur

My regrets to:

Raoul Walsh
Robert Wise
David Lean
Elia Kazan
Spike Lee
Sydney Lumet
Marc Alligret
Marcel Pagnol
Joe Mankiewicz
Anthony Mann
Sam Peckinpah
Budd Boetticher
Lewis Milestone
Coen Bros.
Preston Sturges
Von Sternberg
King Vidor
George Cukor
Herbert Brenon

My top fifteen directors are ranked in order of preference. Thanks for the migraine and the guilty conscience. :D

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 20th, 2011, 12:10 pm
by ChiO
Associate Justice Knitwit has just informed me of little known SSO Poll Rule 3.7.6(c)(iii), which I hereby quote:

In the event a participant states the name of a director or film three times and said director or film is placed in the highest position by said participant, then said director or film shall be stricken from said participant's list and, in its place, shall be substituted the name of the director or film that said participant placed in the next-to-last position.

I pleaded with her, but to no avail. "Rules is rules," she said.

Justice can be a cruel mistress. :twisted:

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 20th, 2011, 12:21 pm
by MissGoddess
Subsection 3.7.6(c)(iii-1): Unless stated name is from direct quote by aforementioned second-to-last named director.

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 20th, 2011, 12:41 pm
by ChiO
Subsection 3.7.6(c)(iii-2): In the event that said direct quote referred to in subsection 3.7.6.(c)(iii-1) is clearly the result of misinterpreting the question, the general provisions of Rule 3.7.6.(c)(iii) shall apply.

It was just a Fordian slip, after all.

Re: NEW POLL! The SSO Favorite Director

Posted: September 20th, 2011, 12:55 pm
by MissGoddess
Objection! :P