Do You Know Me?


Post by feaito »


Post by jdb1 »

feaito wrote:Vera-Ellen?
Yes, Vera-Ellen, she of the enormous calves, it is.

The poor woman had a hard time of it, reportedly suffering from anorexia, serious arthritis, and many other setbacks. In addition, her baby daughter died, the death being attributed to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, known as "cot death" in Britain).

Fortunately, we don't hear quite so much about children and SIDS as we did when I was a little girl. In those days, the mother was usually blamed. How awful: your child dies seemingly for no reason, and you are blamed for it. Although the phenomenon still exists, I believe it has a few proposed medical explanations now. The baby of a long-ago neighbor died that way. It was so shocking.

Post by jdb1 »

Very quiet in the office today, so I am able to entertain visitors. Here's another:

Do you know me?

I was a huge star in my time. I started out as a showgirl, and caught the attention of a famous ladies' man who cast me in one of his films. I was a hit, and made many more films, a few with Hollywood's greatest sex symbol (although they didn't call him that in those days). I was almost always glamorous, and the other woman. A few times I played a simpler type of person, once in an early Hitchcock film. Unfortunately, the advent of sound did me in - I had a very heavy accent reflecting the place where I was born. That accent didn't seem to hurt a lot of actors who made it big in sound, but it didn't suit the sophisticated parts I liked to play. I did some theater, and then I married and retired while still young, emerging once in a while to appear on TV, but not very often. One of my most famous silent roles was recreated 20 years later, equally famously, by a beautiful redheaded dancer/actress.

Who am I?

Post by feaito »

Are you Nita Naldi?

Post by jdb1 »

feaito wrote:Are you Nita Naldi?
Yes! (if only).

I think I may have mentioned either here or back at TCM that my Aunt Pearl, when complimented on any aspect of her appearance, used to respond "Oh, thank you. Do I look like Nita Naldi?"

According to the sources I read, Naldi had a pretty thick New Yawk accent, which didn't correspond to the vampish creatures she played, and kept her out of sound movies. She was in the Follies when spotted by John Barrymore and cast in his Jekyll/Hyde. She made several films with Valentino; she played the same role in Blood and Sand subsequently played by Rita Hayworth.

Post by jdb1 »

A new MG has entered:

I was born in the South, but went to school in California. Like many of my UCLA classmates, I decided to become an actor. I started out playing bit parts as country bumpkins and good ol' boys, but my talents soon got me meatier roles, and I was a featured player in some of Hollywood's "big" movies. I have co-starred with many of the biggest stars. Two movies I was in are still staples of TV broadcasts, and both are shown from time to time on TCM. In one of them, I played the unlikely sibling of a Really Big Star.

I moved on to TV, working steadily for 40 years. I have co-starred in several series, and I was the star of one short-lived modern western show. I am probably best remembered as the co-star of a very popular police drama, which was somewhat revolutionary in its time. I appeared in one Twilight Zone episode, which is one of those always included in the TZ marathons run on SciFi and other networks.

Who am I?

Post by jdb1 »

No one's responded yet, so I suppose you need a little prompting. So ......

As I mentioned, I've been in a few "big" Hollywood movies. One was the saga of a Southwestern family, and was the final film of a young actor who became a screen icon. Another was loosely based on a Shakespeare play, only scarier. And when I said I was the unlikely sibling of a Really Big Star in another, I meant a "Rahlly Big Stah." Rahlly, she is.

I'm still around -- who am I?
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Post by ken123 »

Earl Holliman - Giant & The Rainmaker - Giant was James Dean's last film - In The Rainmaker he is Katharine Hepburn's brother.

But I cannot think of a Twilight Zone episode that he was in unless I am wrong and it is Dennis Hopper, also in Giant and who was a Hilter wannabe in TZ . :wink:

Post by jdb1 »

ken123 wrote:Earl Holliman - Giant & The Rainmaker - Giant was James Dean's last film - In The Rainmaker he is Katharine Hepburn's brother.

But I cannot think of a Twilight Zone episode that he was in unless I am wrong and it is Dennis Hopper, also in Giant and who was a Hilter wannabe in TZ . :wink:
You are correct, Ken. The MG is Earl Holliman.

As a matter of fact, Holliman was in the very first Twilight Zone episode (1959), entitled "Where Is Everybody?" He plays a man with amnesia who finds himself in a seemingly deserted town. He's realizes he's in the Air Force. Things aren't what they seem . . . . . do you remember it?

Post by jdb1 »

Another star has joined us:

Do you know me?

I was born in New York City and grew up in the Midwest. I got the theater bug at an early age, and worked behind the scenes in a travelling company. When we got to Hollywood, I got some work in the silents, and landed some pretty important roles, but didn't make too big an impression. I divided my time between Hollywood and Broadway for a time. However, when sound came in, I came into my own in the movies.

My tall, patrician bearing and excellent delivery helped me to get roles in all sorts of movies. I played royalty, professional men, ladies' men, and villains, and I was an excellent foil for several comedians, including one who liked to make ladies and gentlemen such as myself as uncomfortable as possible. I worked with some of Hollywood's great directors, too.

I stepped in to replace a beloved actor in a colorful role when he passed away. Unfortunately, the same fate befell me a few years later.

Who am I?

Post by jdb1 »

Nothing yet? How about this:

I was married four times, each time to a beautiful woman. One of my wives was a minor contract player for years until she hit it big in a TV comedy as a very rich man's wife who maintains her lifestyle under very trying circumstances.

In one of my best known films I played the "patron" of a lovely young woman who went on to become one of the world's greatest stars.
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Ann Harding
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Post by Ann Harding »

Louis Calhern?

Post by jdb1 »

Ann Harding wrote:Louis Calhern?
Correct! Well done.

The ex-wife referred to is Natalie Shaeffer, who made it big as Mrs. Howell in TV's Gilligan's Island. The lovely young woman was, of course, Marilyn Monroe.

Calhern replaced the recently-deceased Frank Morgan in Annie Get Your Gun as Buffalo Bill. Calhern himself passed away in Japan while filming Teahouse of the August Moon, and was replaced by Paul Ford.
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Post by Ann Harding »

Well, until you mentioned the fact that he was the 'patron' of future movie star, I didn't have a clue.....but then, I immediately thought of The Asphalt Jungle. 8)

Post by jdb1 »

Let's greet our new Mystery Guest:

I was one of Hollywood's premier character actors, and more of a supporting player than just a character in the background. I did a lot of stage work, and made frequent screen appearances, in movies and on TV. I did comedy and drama, both on stage and on the screen. I was usually cast as someone's mother, or maiden aunt. I usually played characters older than myself, but I eventually caught up with those characterizations. The only major acting award I won, an Emmy, was far along in my career, for playing a genteel, but feisty, old girl. My more famous co-star in that show had also won a major award (a different award) for just such a characterization.

Two of my dearest friends were Joshua Logan and John Ford, and I worked often with both of them. I made a film with Hitchcock, too. I had the same first name as another popular supporting actress who played similar roles, and we were often confused. In fact, we were in a few things together, one of which was the Hitchcock movie.

Who am I?
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