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Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 1:26 pm
by JackFavell
The Wings of Eagles is on right now...

"I'm gonna move that toe."


Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 1:35 pm
by MissGoddess

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 1:50 pm
by JackFavell

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 8:03 pm
by pvitari
John Wayne at his birthday party. :)


Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 10:10 pm
by Rita Hayworth
John Wayne

In the Longest Day

This movie was on the other day on AMC & it's one of my favorites movie about D-DAY.
I'm pretty sure that it will come on again on June 6th.

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: June 3rd, 2011, 10:23 am
by pvitari
In case anyone here doesn't read the Ben Johnson thread... my write-up on the John Wayne Birthday Celebration in Winterset last weekend is here:

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: June 3rd, 2011, 10:39 am
by Rita Hayworth
Thanks for sharing the John Wayne Birthday Celebration ... Pvitari!

I enjoyed reading about it. :)

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 12:15 pm
by pvitari
John Wayne's grandson and Gregory LaCava's grand-nephew is actor Brendan Wayne. He's got quite an extensive filmography on the IMDB. He's in Cowboys and Aliens, too! ... -wayne.jsp ... oys-aliens




Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 11:21 am
by MissGoddess
If I may, I thought I'd share a couple of lists from someone we all know.

In 1977 some publication called "The People's Almanac" contacted John Wayne and requested his opinion of who he felt were the best film actors and movies of all time Below are his choices, as they appeared in his letter responding to the request.

John Wayne's list of Best Motion Picture Actors of All Time:

1) Spencer Tracy
2) Elizabeth Taylor
3) Kathrine [sic] Hepburn
4) Laurence Olivier
5) Lionel Barrymore

John Wayne's list of Best Motion Pictures:

1) A Man for All Seasons
2) Gone with the Wind :D :D
3) The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (I think it probably is the silent version with Valentino?)
4) The Searchers
5) The Quiet Man

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 2:03 pm
by RedRiver
How very interesting! A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS would not have been my guess for El Duko's favorite. THE SEARCHERS? That one doesn't surprise me!

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 3:44 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Has John Wayne listed The Searchers and The Quiet Man as a tribute to John Ford or the fun he had making them? An interesting article, thanks for sharing.

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 5:38 pm
by JackFavell
I've always been under the impression that Wayne was far more interested in reading and intellectual pursuits than he let on.

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: August 27th, 2011, 7:05 am
by pvitari
JackFavell wrote:I've always been under the impression that Wayne was far more interested in reading and intellectual pursuits than he let on.
You are correct, suh. Wayne was a top student during his schoolboy days and at college, he loved to read, and his original intention was to be a lawyer. He won academic honors at USC before he had to drop out.

Remember that article by Dick Cavett in which he told the story of who Wayne recognized the Noel Coward tune Cavett was humming and talked about how much he liked Coward and wished he could do a Coward play, but he was afraid he'd be laughed off the stage by the critics?

He was actually a man of very wide interests -- the cowboy thing was a screen image, not who he really was, although he did have a big cattle operation, I think in Arizona. He and Ben Johnson did some cattle business together, though they weren't actually all that close off-screen. He had a perfect eye for women's dress sizes, and for women's clothing (he loved department store catalogues and shopping for stuff) and sometimes surprised female acquaintances and employees by ordering clothes for them, which always were just the right size.

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: August 27th, 2011, 7:28 am
by moira finnie
Speaking of unexpected dimensions to Wayne off-camera, if you ever get the chance, try to see one of his last interviews (with Barbara Walters, who often makes the mute button a joy). This interview took place in his home, which was an impressive and elegant blend of his collection of Asian art alongside Native American work, particularly Navajo and Hopi Kachina dolls, with the Duke explaining their spiritual and aesthetic significance to a blessedly dumbfounded Walters . I think that one of the reasons I enjoy his non-cowboy films so much is that sometimes it hints more at a man with an erudite streak as well as the common touch and a sense of humor that went beyond his more familiar screen persona.

Re: John Wayne, Lest We Forget

Posted: August 27th, 2011, 8:37 am
by knitwit45
(with Barbara Walters, who often makes the mute button a joy)
Love it! Started my day with a laugh!!!