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Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 12:38 pm
by knitwit45
kingrat wrote:I wondered if perhaps Sir Anthony's war wounds included some of a more personal nature than he had ever managed to tell Edith about. Though SueSue's scenario is a lot more fun!
You know, that does make sense...and I agree about Suex2's first I thought I had missed something, before realizing it was something she cooked up herself :lol: :lol:

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 1:15 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
kingrat wrote:I wondered if perhaps Sir Anthony's war wounds included some of a more personal nature than he had ever managed to tell Edith about. Though SueSue's scenario is a lot more fun!
That does seem more logical. It's just that every moment Edith saddled up to Sir Anthony, he just seemed to become more anxious, and I am not sure if it was an internal reaction to her proximity or an external one. Maybe it was both!

So I feel if it was internal, it might have something to do with Thomas.
And if it was external, it might have had something to do with "extended war wounds."

Might even the Dowager Countess and the Earl of Grantham have heard such rumors concerning Sir Anthony which had previously prejudiced them against such a union with Edith in their discussions to quash the "blending of souls" at the portal of love?

Whatever might be the case, it would seem Sir Anthony "quivereth" resoundingly at the prospect...
I fear the next episode might find Sir Anthony a victim of his own regret, sprawled in a dishelved manner upon his canopied bedchamber, with the barrister later ministering his estate to his beloved Edith.

Thomas, ever the enterprising opportunist, always seems to be seeking a sympathetic superior, lest we forget his overtures to Kemal Pamuk, the overly taxed, hormonally compromised Turkish diplomat who bit the Downton dust in season one.

And David, I guess I'm always "cooking" up something! :lol:

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 1:46 pm
by charliechaplinfan
How far has Edith got with her wedding plans? I don't want to jump in until I know what you know.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 1:57 pm
by JackFavell
Edith's been dumped, in front of god and everybody at the church.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 2:06 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Yes, Jackie! :(

Sir Anthony refused her at the altar. And I feel that he is such a tortured soul, he might will her his estate so that he can repair the psychic damage he has done to her already tenuous state of mind. But she looked angelic as her father walked her down the aisle. Her gown was fabulous. It was Edith's moment in the Downton sun.
Sir Anthony...Sir Anthony...Sir Anthony...Lady Strallan?

Here are a few costumes seen on the previous episodes. They seem to be all from Season One:

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 3:49 pm
by JackFavell
Those are gorgeous... and the two I like best are good colors for me. :D

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 4:20 pm
by Rita Hayworth
My favorite one is the burgundy/red one ... its so exquisite.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 5:12 pm
by mrsl

You are simply outrageous!!! As a southern lady, I'm sure you're always 'cooking'. Do you ever see Trisha Yearwood's cooking show? I love it, I've already copied two of her recipes.

Anyway, following is an excerpt from my last post, and I hope you all understood I was talking about the reaction that news gets, even today.

"I thought he was going to claim he was gay or something like that, but I guess that would be a little more than acceptable in 1920, it's bad enough today."

I just re-read it and realized it didn't read as I thought it in my head as I typed.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 7:23 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Thanks for the input, Anne.

Wendy and kingme, I think I like the burgundy one best, too!
And now it seems Downton is headed for holiday exploitation and serious Hallmark negotiations....
Easter Peeps...

Greeting cards for all occaisions...
Valentine's Day(Sweet)...
Valentine's Day (Humorous)...
Valentine's Day (Macabre)...

BTW, Knitty and Moira, I also adored 1978's Lillie. It was lovely. Did you ever read the book it was based on?

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 18th, 2013, 12:31 pm
by charliechaplinfan
JackFavell wrote:Edith's been dumped, in front of god and everybody at the church.
That's what I didn't want to let out of the bag.

I thought she was selling herself short in her choice of groom, I can understand what Grantham's misgivings but faced with the shortage of men I can understand Edith's longing to be married to someone. has Grantham not got another dishy chaffeur? Or does he keep his unmarried daughter well away from said chaffeur.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 18th, 2013, 2:54 pm
by JackFavell
I was thinking that there was a possible triangle between Daisy, the new boy who is O'Brien's nephew, and Edith. The new boy was quite gentlemanly standing up for Edith when downstairs gossip got too rough.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 10:59 am
by moira finnie
Well, the supposition that there might be something amiss "below decks" with Sir Anthony thanks to a war wound does make sense, though of course he really could just be awfully inhibited as well. As to a possible liaison with Thomas the Footman, I suspect that there was more than one other gay guy in the UK back then, don't you? Speaking of Thomas, does anyone else think that he is headed for a dramatic departure from his current position as Grantham's valet?

It also makes sense that Grantham and his mother might have been opposed to the match with Edith based on rumors they had heard about Sir Anthony's health and proclivities.

I am starting to wonder if Lord Grantham might not be the brightest (even if he is cute)--heck, Pharaoh, the golden lab might have more going on between his ears. First, Grantham ignores the basic rules of all investing (diversify, diversify, diversify, and don't touch the capital). Second, he doesn't seem to notice that his valet Thomas oils his way around the mansion, though you know that if Bates could get out of the grey bar hotel and back at Downton, Thomas would be polishing silver back in the kitchen again (if he was lucky). Third, why doesn't Grantham take an active part in investigating the murder conviction of Bates? Is he too busy fretting?

If there were one of the three sisters who might survive in war torn Ireland just as she is about to give birth, my money would be on Sybil, who always seemed to be the most daring and resourceful of the three to me. I am so curious about what happens to Tom and Sybil to separate them at a crucial time. I loved the interactions of the Downton crew with Thomas, especially when the Dowager Countess and Isobel Crawley conspired to get him into a proper morning coat for the wedding of Mary and Matthew. It was great when Matthew and Sir Anthony both stood up to the aristocratic cousin who drugged poor Tom and the rest of the household seemed to realize how shabbily he had been treated. Now if they could only get the snobs working people (esp. Carson) below stairs to accept him.

Good news. I think I have finally gotten my 'movie-hating sister' interested in Downton too.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 1:11 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Then there is indeed hope for her! :lol:

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 4:40 pm
by charliechaplinfan
There's never enough Sybil for me, she has daring and she's the one of the sisters who isn't at all spoiled.