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Posted: September 5th, 2008, 6:43 pm
by moira finnie
Since we've stumbled on what seems to be our latent interest in life in Britain here, and BBC4 has already been mentioned, if you have a broadband connection, you might enjoy the online version (lots of news, book talk, science, political and musical stuff, along with quite a bit of amusingly eccentric forays into esoterically British stuff too). I like to hear the book readings while doing stuff around the house some days. I particularly like the perspective you get on American life here.CBC radio1, 2 and 3, also give you a uniquely Canadian view too.

You'll find BBC4 here & CBC radio access here. Enjoy!

Posted: September 5th, 2008, 11:36 pm
by mrsl

We still have a wonderful country, the best in fact, it's just a little bent out of shape right now, and we have to get it fixed.

A short time ago on (can't stand him but . . . ) Larry Kings show, Michael Moore gave a good parallel. You're trying to fix your car, but the wrench you're using isn't working right, do you continue trying with the wrench that you know isn't working, or do you get a different wrench that might do better and get the job done? McCain is another Bush type of puppet whose strings are being pulled and manipulated. Already you can see his Veep is taking over while he stands back and lets her handle the crowd. He is no longer the strong young fighter pilot who defied his captors and miraculously stayed alive to tell the story. He is an older gentleman who should be rocking on the porch while his grandchildren bring him his slippers. I like THE MAN, but he is not vital enough to counteract even his own Veep or the youth of Obama.

Do you think we, as a nation will elect the next president, or will the actual choice be done by our electoral college as has been discussed?


Posted: September 6th, 2008, 9:34 am
by movieman1957
Technically, it will always be the electoral college. Don't you think the Democrats have their own strings?

There are plenty of people in Washington who can be put out to pasture. We can start with most of Congress.

Re: speeches

Posted: September 6th, 2008, 1:17 pm
by traceyk
inglis wrote:I am a Canadian but I have always had an interest in American politic's. I watched the convention.I liked Michelle's speech and his on the Thursday was very powerful . I liked what he had to say and he seems very refreshing after seeing George Bush talk over the years .I am in no position to judge however as to who would make the next President of your Country . We are ourselves heading for the polls soon as well to vote for a new Prime Minister.
Its truly sad that we appreciate an articulate speaker simply because it's such a contrast to Dubbya's tongue-twisted stumbling.

"OMG. I'm like that woman in Texas who dropped her son on his head! I'm turning into Barbara Bush!" ~~Lois Griffin (Family Guy)

Posted: September 6th, 2008, 6:21 pm
by mrsl
Traceyk said:

"Its truly sad that we appreciate an articulate speaker simply because it's such a contrast to Dubbya's tongue-twisted stumbling."

I hope you're kidding in connection with the above quote. It's only logical to prefer listening to sensible oratory over Dubya's stumbling. His 'stumbling' is not only mispronouncing words, he also obviously forgets in the middle of a paragraph what he was saying, or what the statement was about. When the press corps asks him questions, many times he again, obviously does not know what they mean, and the worst thing is his habit I mentioned, before, of looking at his buddies for approval that he got something right. That to me is the most telling that he is strictly a puppet following orders.

I did not mean a sweep of removing congress to retirement homes per se', I just meant McCain seems to be stepping back and letting his Veep take over the ending part of their conferences as if she is in charge rather than him.


Posted: September 6th, 2008, 7:40 pm
by silentscreen
I think that McCain is just letting you know that his Veep is like him. McCain is too strong to let his Veep take over, but he doesn't think that women can't be strong in having a say in the government. To my way of thinking, the Dems copped out on that when they didn't choose Hillary as Veep, although I don't like her personally. Even if you don't like Palin, she's a straight shooter, and that's refreshing! Biden will have a tough go with her in debate, and he knows it! They are sending out surrogates to down grade her because they know that!

Posted: September 6th, 2008, 7:45 pm
by movieman1957
mrsl wrote:
I did not mean a sweep of removing congress to retirement homes per se', I just meant McCain seems to be stepping back and letting his Veep take over the ending part of their conferences as if she is in charge rather than him.

The press is certainly doing its best to help that perception.

Posted: September 6th, 2008, 8:21 pm
by silentscreen
I like a tough person, whether it be male or female. And I admire people who takes risks. Most people in America can relate to that. But we'll see what happens! An exciting election to say the least! I'm proud of our country in putting forth both an African American and a woman. Shows you how far we've come! ... d=42164631


Posted: September 6th, 2008, 9:43 pm
by melwalton

I was being facetious, of course,
Of course we have the best political system in the history of the planet>
Don"t worry< Obama< McCain< Pallin or smigdelessa< we"ll muddle through with or without the electoral college>
But enough of politics< time now for the important things like FOOTBALL1

Laughter is the best medicine Reaser"s Digest


Posted: September 6th, 2008, 10:26 pm
by mrsl

Once again, you have it all wrong. When I speak about football, there is only the navy blue and orange - GO BEARS !!!!!!!!!

Anne :lol:

Posted: September 7th, 2008, 7:55 am
by MichiganJ
Does any one know when Palin is going to speak unscripted? Since the surprise announcement, all she’s done publicly is give two scripted speeches. We know virtually nothing about her, except for what the “liberal media” has reported. Exactly what is her position on Iraq? Economic policies? Given her family situation, does she still support abstinence only education? We know her position on abortion (against it, even for rape and incest victims), but has that position softened, any? (Is it fair to point out that she has five children, none of whom are adopted--is that hypocritical?)

I’m surprised by how many people have such strong opinions about her without actually knowing much of anything except that she is bit snarky about public service, and, for some reason, likes to put lipstick on dogs.

Posted: September 7th, 2008, 11:07 am
by silentscreen
I'm sure she'll have to talk to reporters before long. If the press had chosen to ask her about issues instead of focusing on her teenage daughters pregnancy, she may have spoken unscripted already.(Yes, I know a candidates personal life is fair game, but I felt that they went beyond the pale with her.) I think she made it pretty clear how she feels about the good opinion of the press, and I can't say that I blame her. I wouldn't trust them either, but this is an election and she'll have to. I'm sure there will be plenty coming out in the weeks ahead. I know that she's spoken to reporters while she's been governor of Alaska.

Need some input from Klondike!!!

Posted: September 7th, 2008, 12:29 pm
by mrsl
You live in Alaska - can you give us any info on Ms. Palin? I'm not looking for dirt. Just her ideas about Iraq, Social Security, Government Insurance coverage, and all the other stuff MichiganJ asked about. Although I live in the suburbs of Chicago, I still learned a lot about Obama from local items in the local papers, and his views on many big problems, so hopefully you can let us in on the general feeling in your home town regarding her. I know you have had more important things on your mind lately, but perhaps you recall some things you might have overheard or read in the past three weeks or so.


Posted: September 7th, 2008, 2:35 pm
by charliechaplinfan
You've educated me a little here. Sarah Palin is getting far more coverage here than McCain, the feeling is that McCain's campaign is getting stronger. It's nice to see more balanced coverage over here rather than it being assumed it's a one horse race. I knew Sarah Palin was against abortion but against abortion for rape victims, what about little babies whom doctors think aren't viable (?) for life? That's a very strong message, over here the stregth of it would turn many, many people off.

The hunting is something else that would be quite unpalatable over here. I don't like guns, I haven't been brought up around guns and I don't like hunting, to me it's cruel, I don't understand how someone could like do hunt, I think my reason for thinking this way is that I just have not known it.

Perhaps these two things do show how we are a little different as nations. I'm not saying one way is better than another, just different.

Why didn't Obama pick Hillary? Is there any obvious answer that our press hasn't given?

Posted: September 7th, 2008, 3:15 pm
by SSO Admins
silentscreen wrote:I'm sure she'll have to talk to reporters before long. If the press had chosen to ask her about issues instead of focusing on her teenage daughters pregnancy, she may have spoken unscripted already.(Yes, I know a candidates personal life is fair game, but I felt that they went beyond the pale with her.)
She's running against the media because the right wing has done such a great job of promoting the idea of the "liberal media." If the media can be seen as blatantly unfair. then it doesnt' matter what evidence comes out that she's a corrupt psychotic far right whack job -- the campaign can just blame it on "the media."

All the focus on her daughter is her fault -- that's the only news that the campaign has released officially. The real stories, which are her lies about opposing the Bridge to Nowhere and the scandal involving her abuse of power are the subject of cover ups and obfuscation by the McCain campaign.

Palin is far worse than George Bush or Dick Cheney. I didn't think it was possible, but there you go. McCain has destroyed any perception of himself as honorable by his selection of her. Neither one deserves to be anywhere near the levers of power.