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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 1:36 pm
by moira finnie
What a gyp.

I looked forward eagerly to the promised super "perigee moon" that was touted by everyone from my local weather man to NASA as the "largest moon in appearance in 20 years." Okay, it rose at 7:44pm as promised, but, other than exceptionally bright moonlight last night and a more detailed moonscape visible to this naked eye, it didn't seem all that much closer to earth than usual. Aside from an idle thought that it would not be a good night for the French Underground to bedevil the jerries, I wish that I could report a more impressive lunar event. You can read some of the hype and scientific explanation of this phenomenon here if you are interested.

Did the moon loom larger for anyone else?

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 1:41 pm
by knitwit45
wouldn't know...cloudy and rainy last night. But ZOWIE!!! Today is gorgeous, blue skies and 72 degrees...almost makes up for missing that moonlight (I was really looking forward to it also, Moira!)

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 2:36 pm
by moira finnie
Perhaps you'll get to see the moon in all its glory this evening if the clouds stay away, Nancy. After a lovely sparkling day yesterday, we have had a cold front with clouds come through, but I have seen crocuses (crocii?) starting to come while out walking. Spring is trying to make an effort.

Love the dancing chickie avatar!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 4:43 pm
by knitwit45
Isn't she cute? I thought it was time to have a Spring face. I have miniature daffodils with their legs showing, no blooms, pansies (love them best of all) and planted tulip bulbs that are sending out green foliage. Love this time of year (except for the fact that it's also tornado season...)

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 6:26 pm
by klondike
Well . . if it's time for Spring avatars - then it's time for the return of

The Finnie McBunnies > > > > > >

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 7:07 pm
by Lzcutter
It's been raining here in the City by the Bay for the last week. Last night was no exception. Cloudy, thunderstorms and no sign of the Super Moon. MrC hoped to see it down in the City of Angels but it was overcast and raining there as well.

Today, after a few brief showers in the morning the sun is out but the clouds are returning and we're supposed to have another week of rain.

This time next week we may be floating away.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 7:48 pm
by JackFavell
We had clouds only in the part of the sky where the super moon was supposed to be rising. I'm kind of glad it was a bust, because we didn't get to see it on the horizon, at it's biggest. Later on at night, the moon woke my daughter out of a sound sleep, it was sneakily peeking in through the edge of the blinds - she came out to tell me about how bright it was and we looked at it then.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: March 26th, 2011, 11:55 pm
by klondike
In A Child's Garden of Verse, Robert Louis Stevenson (that lyrical Scot), rhymed:

"The moon has a face like the clock in the hall,
He shines on thieves on the garden wall,
On fields and streets,
And harbors quays,
And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees . . "

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 8:51 am
by knitwit45
this was our 'gift' from Ma Nature last night:


Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 9:09 am
by movieman1957
Our gift today is nearly 80 with some wind. Opening day for the Orioles (which I think makes Jon a happy guy.) The tree in my front yard is on its annual pretty week. Next week or so it won't be anymore and I'll have to look at the lousy dark red color all summer.

Tomorrow it will be 50 again.

(I hope no one was bopped on the head with any of that hail.)

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 9:44 am
by Rita Hayworth
knitwit45 - Unreal photograph - my jaws dropped when I saw this. Thanks for sharing this and using the golf ball as a reference point of the size of these hail pellets. Totally unreal.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 9:51 am
by moira finnie
So knitty,
How dented is your car after this "present" from Mother Nature?

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 10:11 am
by JackFavell
Oh my gosh, knitty! I hope you didn't go out in it to collect your presents! You'd get your head smashed in!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 12:31 pm
by knitwit45
The picture was sent to me by a friend. I was too scared to look!!!! I did peek out once, and I swear, stuff (hail and trash) was flying SIDEWAYS!!! Those hailstones look like BOMBS!!!!

Can't believe my car didn't sustain damage. Haven't checked the siding on the house yet.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 1:40 pm
by JackFavell
In college I once got caught outside walking home in a hailstorm. It hurts, especially if you run! But those were not even remotely as big as the ones you got... those could literally knock you unconscious!