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Get Carter (1971)

Posted: November 3rd, 2007, 12:38 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
Anyone else watch? I had never seen this before, so I set the recorder. I dozed off a few times (hey, it was 2am), but I liked the film a lot.

Posted: November 3rd, 2007, 1:09 pm
by Dewey1960
I've seen GET CARTER a number of times so I didn't tune in last night. Nonetheless, a brutal and brilliant crime film with Michael Caine at top form. And it definitely benefits from multiple viewings. As does the film that TCM followed it with, John Boorman's equally fantastic POINT BLANK with Lee Marvin and Angie Dickinson. Now that's a double-bill we can really be proud of; great programming, TCM!

Posted: November 3rd, 2007, 4:01 pm
by Erebus
I agree with both you guys. First time I'd seen "Get Carter". Great plot, settings, cast, energy, pace, .... miniskirts. I had seen "Point Blank" before but last night I focused more. The best use of flash flashbacks that I can recall, and all of it in just over ninety minutes.

edit: Meant to credit Alfred Molina for his set of guest selections. While I haven't examined the month's guest programming schedule, I do share the concern of some over how redundant much it has tended to be in the past, e.g. Trump tonight, but Molina was an interesting interview who came up with some films we don't see that often. I also enjoyed his "The Secret of Santa Vittoria" and "Divorce, Italian Style".