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Most Obnoxious Star of the Classic Era

Posted: January 24th, 2008, 1:21 am
by ken123
By the classic ere I mean the period from the advent of talkies in 1927 to 1960 or just beyond.

For the men Mickey Rooney wins hands down. Though Jerry Lewis places for me.

Betty Hutton is the lady that I could not take, even in small doses.

Posted: January 24th, 2008, 5:09 am
by feaito
Currently it would have to be Mitzi Green. Sorry, but I cannot stand her onscreen.

Posted: January 24th, 2008, 11:59 am
by Ollie
I'm not sure I have unfavorite "classic" actors - the ones from the '30s and '40s, at least.

But if we move into the '50s, it's Kirk Douglas, for me. DETECTIVE STORY is one of "his" films that I will rewatch intentionally, and BAD & BEAUTIFUL has enough cast members to dilute his presence for me. OUT OF THE PAST doesn't get nearly the re-watchings it deserves, and I suspect it's because of my distaste for Kirk. And put him in a Western, and I'll always find something else to do.

Cagney's been an unlikeable character in so many of his films, but I've really liked him in some, and his comedy is appealing to me.

Burt Lancaster and Robert Mitchum walk fine lines, too. I never re-watch Mitchum's later films, but I'm a huge fan of Lancaster's later ones.

I can't explain any of these inconsistences, however.

I can certainly echo Ken's comments about Mickey Rooney, come to think of it. I DO watch some films with Kirk in them, but I've never intentionally bought a Mickey Rooney film where he's the significant character in.

NIGHT IN THE MUSEUM, however, was a great role for Mickey and I enjoyed him in that film, brief as it was (too bad the rest of the film - the other 80% - didn't match Mickey & Dick Van Dyke's scenes). Somehow, I think I'd enjoy him if they'd use him in these advanced years.

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 5:10 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I can't take to Charlton Heston. I just don't know why. The only movie I've got through with him in is A Touch of Evil and that's because it had Orson Welles in it, it balanced it up for me.

I've only seen Kirk Douglas in Out of The Past and Spartacus. I find him difficult to watch.

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 5:24 pm
by SSO Admins
I can't get past Heston's politics. I like other stars from the other side of the political fence though, so maybe I was just looking for an excuse to dislike Heston.

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 5:48 pm
by klondike
Charlie Chaplin annoys me, irritates me and makes my skin crawl.
Conversely, Carmen Miranda tickles me so pink that I've sat through entire movies that I find otherwise dissatisfying/boring/unpleasant, just for the thrill of watching the original Brazilian Bombshell.

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 6:39 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I feel the same way about Chaplin, and Carmen Miranda, klondike.

(The only film of Chaplin's that I enjoy is Monsieur Verdoux which vindicates my uneasiness about him. In addition, Martha Raye is so enjoyable to watch as she irritates the heck out of him.)


Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 8:58 pm
by melwalton
For me, the most obnoxious are the most conceited;

Frank Sinatra, Jackie Gleason, Al Jolson, Gene Kelly.

This'll draw some commentary.

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 9:16 am
by movieman1957
Joan Crawford. Can't stand her.

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 2:37 pm
by charliechaplinfan
How can anyone not like Gene Kelly. He was genius and made some of the happiest films out there.

I can understand Chaplin as a person not being to everyone's taste. I would like to try and make anyone who doesn't like him watch a Mutual comedy though. 20 minutes and you'd be convinced of his lasting appeal, you might not have changed your mind about him being conceited though.

I'm glad I'm not alone about Charlton Heston, it's not his politics for me. As a Brit it doesn't really enter the equation.

If I'm honest I don't get Steve McQueen. He didn't age very well and hos characters don't do anything for me. Perhaps I've watched the wrong films.

MARLON BRANDO for being the most talented actor of a generation and leaving us with some explosive performances but he squandered his talent and that annoys me.

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 8:19 pm
by feaito
charliechaplinfan wrote:MARLON BRANDO for being the most talented actor of a generation and leaving us with some explosive performances but he squandered his talent and that annoys me.
I dislike Brando. He's a great actor, but his screen persona annoys me in most of his films. Just a matter of taste.

I used to loathe Tom Hanks, but recently I changed my perception of him, although he's far from being a favorite.

Posted: February 5th, 2008, 2:52 am
by charliechaplinfan
JohnM wrote:I can easily see how someone could not like Gene Kelly. I barely like him. His ego is constantly on display in his films.
What you see as ego I see as warmth and exuberance.

I don't seem to mind ego when it is deserved like Gene Kelly and Chaplin but it irritates the heck out of me when genius status is conferred after one or two its.