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Dirk Bogarde

Posted: January 25th, 2008, 7:17 am
Dirk Bogarde made his name in the best ever British cop film The Blue Lamp. he robbed a cinema box office and killed Pc George Dixon in the process. the film was so popular that the character of Dixon played by Jack Warner was brought back five yrs later for Dixon Of Dock Green, a show that lasted 20-yrs

Bogarde made a series of 'Doctors' films, playing Simon Sparrow. he was oppisite Muriel Pavlow in two of those films and Bridget Bardot in one. another regular was James Robertson Justice as Sir Lancelot Spratt.

Bogarde eager to make more serious films made Victim, which i've documented on other posts. one thing did annoy me about it. the theme of the film was homosexuality and yrs later Bogarde said the only gay actor involved with the film was Dennis Price. this wasn't true as Bogarde himself was homosexual. it wasn't that i objected to, but the fact he outted the late Dennis Price while suggesting he himself wasn't gay.

other films of the vain followed. In The Servent he played a servent, who controls his master James Fox. the ladies were represented by Wendy Craig and Serah Miles

Sebastian is one of my favourite films as i also mentioned before. he was also in Darling with Julie Christie

Posted: January 25th, 2008, 8:41 am
by feaito
Mr. Bogarde had quite an intriguing screen persona.

I have seen few films of his: "The Doctor's Dilemma" (1959), a very amusing film opposite Leslie Caron; "HMS Defiant" (aka Damn the Defiant!) (1962), a gripping adventure drama set on board a British warship, reminiscent of "Mutiny on the Bounty" and the 1958 version of "A Tale of Two Cities" (1958), very good indeed.

I still haven't got around to seeing "Death in Venice" (1971).