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Lovely June Haver

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 8:47 pm
by rainingviolets21
my very favorite musical star of the 1940's era is lovely June Haver,
In film after film she sang and danced in one Fox movie after another
what was surprising was how young she was in all those old movies,
Beginning her career with a bit part as a hat check girl in The Gangs All Here, she rocketed to Stardom in The Dolly Sisters and Home in Indiana and I Wonder Whos Kissing Her Now, She began her career early and retired just as Marilyn Monroe was ascending to stardom - the irony is
June Haver was nine days younger than Marilyn .~

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 9:21 pm
by CharlieT
One guy I used to work with said that he dated June Haver when she was in town shooting the finale race in Home In Indiana. I believed him - there wasn't any reason not to. :D

Posted: January 30th, 2008, 9:34 pm
by mrsl
June quit the movie business to join the convent but only stayed there for a few months, then came out and ended up married to Fred MacMurray until his death in 1991.
