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Maggie Smith film Love Pain And The Whole Damn Thing

Posted: February 2nd, 2008, 6:00 am
Spoiler Alert!

My favourite Maggie Smith is a little known May to December love story called Love Pain And The Whole Damn Thing. she plays a dying 30 something woman on holiday on a singles bus tour in Europe. Tough only in her 30s she looks very much like a middle aged spinster. also on the tour is lonely teenage misfit Timothy Buttons. He falls in love with her, but she's upset and offended by his advances. however, she finds she to is falling in love and they start to have a relationship, leaving the bus tour.

Maggie at his point stops looking like an old maid and starts wearing trousers and short skirts, making herself beautiful. There's one funny scene where their in a caravan and she as a fit. frustrated he can't do anything to help her, Timothy hits the table he's sitting at so heard, he tips the caravan. as a result both he and Maggie have a fit of the giggles

Posted: February 18th, 2008, 12:47 am
by mrsl

Have you ever seen that 'between movies' spot with Nina Foch where she talks about her very small part in Executive Suite? She says she was insulted when the director asked her to play the part, knowing she would make something out of it. That same can be said about Maggie Smith. Whatever she was doing - she made something out of it, no matter if she was the love interest, the lead, or the spinster friend, she could shine like the star she has always been.

Although I like her as Miss Jean Brody, my favorite role of hers was the small and unassuming secretary to Rod Taylor in The V.I.P.'s. She was glorious in her pathetic plea to Richard Burton for Rod's sake. She is wonderful though - she can be funny, dramatic, a trickster, or anything they throw at her. And now she's racking in a whole new slew of fans with the Harry Potter series.


Posted: February 18th, 2008, 2:18 pm

That's what i like about middle-aged Brit actresses. they can mix their roles up and play elderly looking women one minute and can still play the attractive beauty the next

Vennessa Redgrave is another example. Julie Walters was playing old dears when she was about 40, but she can still in her 50s turn on the glam if she needs too

Posted: February 18th, 2008, 2:42 pm
by klondike
I caught Maggie in a rare "repeat run" of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie at a local theatre when I was 18, and in under 90 minutes, she not only rocked my world, but challenged a lot of my concepts (at that age) of what a "real woman" was.
Even now, all these decades later, I'm not sure I'm "over" her yet!

Posted: February 18th, 2008, 3:09 pm
by feaito
Maggie Smith is a joy to behold. She adds class and interest to every film I've seen her in from "A Room with a View", the "Harry Potters" and "Gosford Park" to the "Sisters Act" & "Keeping Mum".

My favorite film of hers: "A Private Function" :lol:

Posted: May 18th, 2008, 11:35 pm
by CineMaven
I remember seeing the coming attractions to "Love and Pain and the Whole Damned Thing." I never did get to see the movie but I had an unbelievable crush on Timothy Bottoms at the time "Paper Chase" "Johnny Got His Gun" "Coaster" (?) and of course, "The Last Picture Show."

My eighth grade class went on a class trip to see the movie "Othello" starring Olivier...and Maggie Smith as the doomed Desdemona. (Her son was in the last James Bond movie Pierce Brosnan did. He acquitted himself nicely as the villain).

Posted: May 19th, 2008, 10:32 am
Toby Stephens is to be the next radio James Bond. like former Bond Timothy Dalton, he also played Rochester on tv in Jane Eyre.

retired tv presenter Bob Hollness also played Bond on radio in the 50s