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Underworld (1927)

Posted: February 18th, 2008, 3:19 pm
by Gagman 66
:) This famed Josef' Von Sternberg Silent was one of Paramount Pictures Major Hit's of 1927. Among the very first of the Big Gang-Land type Pictures, proceeding both WHILE THE CITY SLEEPS, with Lon Chaney, and Lewis Milestone's THE RACKET with Thomas Meighan, Louis Wolheim, and Marie Prevost, the following year.

:? The brutish George Bancroft Starrs as a brash overconfident Gangster named "Bull Weed". An overbearing type, with allot of Hair, who laughs at most everything. Not a very serious minded fellow. Believes that He is a might to clever, and always one step ahead in any situation.

:oops: Sassy Evelyn Brent is "Feathers" McCoy his "Sweet Tootsie", and Clive Brook is "Rolls Royce" the recovering alcoholic that Bull fishes out of the gutter, to become his "Right Hand Man". Bancroft is hard to like, Rolls, is easy to like, and Feathers, well, "What's Not to Like?"

Brent falls for the made over Ex-Drunk in a Big-way, and Vice-Versa. Bull routinely get's away with everything, even Robbing Banks, and boast's "They'll Never Get Me!, Besides all I do is Help people!" For some reason, He fancies himself quite the philanthropist?

:( For all his bravado, eventually Bull gets caught, and is sentenced to the maximum penalty. At an Annual Bash for the elite Mob set, He gun's down a particularly loathsome rival who tried to Rape his girl! No solace this time, Bull is Sunk!

:shock: On the night of The "Hanging", Bull busts out of "The Slammer", to even the score with "Roll's" who stole Feathers away from him, and presumably is content to let him die! The papers have turned Weed into a laughing stock! Rubbing it in how He was Jilted, for his Butler, and Erand Boy! This film has many plot twist's and turns, with a violent Shoot-Out for an ending!

:wink: Very good quality print, multi-tinted, but with horrible modern sounding music! That's why I am subbing my own score for this one. Had this DVD for about a year, but never watched it until just last night.

:lol: Fading Comic Star Larry Semon, who I'll freely admit I have not seen allot of, has a key supporting role in UNDERWORLD, and is quite good. Minus his trademark-White Face. This was one of if not, his final Motion-Picture appearance? Since Semon died in 1928. Has anybody else here, seen this movie before??? :?:

Posted: February 18th, 2008, 6:37 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
I've wanted to see Underworld for quite awhile now. I tried borrowing it though various libraries, but copies are scarce.

Posted: February 18th, 2008, 8:47 pm
by Gagman 66

:D I have a few more Evelyn Brent Silents, and find Her to be very underrated in the general shape of things. Brent typically was cast as a Sexy, Saucy, Flapper, or Vamp. I just added a score to a nice tinted print of LOVE 'EM AND LEAVE 'EM (1926), with Louise Brooks, and Lawrence Gray, a couple months ago. Also have her in THE MATING CALL (1928), with Thomas Meighan, and another big favorite of mine Renee Adoree. As well as THE LAST COMMAND (1928), with Emil Jannings, and William Powell.

:? I think the only others I have seen with George Bancroft though, are James Cruze OLD IRONSIDES (1926) with Charles Farrell, lovely Esther Ralston, and Wallace Beery, and Von Sternberg's THE DOCKS OF NEW YORK (1928), with Betty Compson, and Olga Baclanova. No one's looking at him, with those two ladies around. But Bancroft was actually a pretty Big Star for a number of years.

:P Couldn't stand the Modern-Moody Music on UNDERWORLD so I dubbed my own score. Here are just some of the Vintage tunes that I used. Let's See what you think of these selections?:

Fate (1923, Paul Whiteman, and His Orchestra.)

At Sundown (1927, Harry Reser Ensamble)

Blue Baby (1926, George Olsen Band)

Dolly Dimples (1925, Paul Whiteman Orchestra.)

Moonlight (1921 SS. Fotila Dance Orchestra)

Suez (1922, Paul Whiteman Orchestra)

Mary Lou (1926. Abe Lyman Orchestra)

Lucky Day (1926, Phil Ohman.)

Dancing The Devil Away (1927, Don Voorhee's Orchestra.)

Lila (1927 Tony Young's Ramblers.)

Doll Dance (1927, Nat Shilkret Orchestra.)

Posted: February 18th, 2008, 11:24 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
Gagman, I'm familar w/Whitman as I'm a fan of Bix (one of my cats is named Bix!). Some of the others I've heard here and there.

Re: Underworld (1927)

Posted: April 26th, 2008, 1:15 pm
by srowley75
Gagman 66 wrote:Has anybody else here, seen this movie before??? :?:
I just acquired it in an online purchase about 2-3 months ago. I've been collecting like mad lately and am way behind on my viewing, but once I get to watch it I'll post a review.

Speaking of Bancroft, I've been searching like crazy for a good copy of Thunderbolt, but haven't been able to find one. A few online sellers have it, but it's terrible quality (and I do mean terrible).


Posted: April 26th, 2008, 3:17 pm
by bdp
Grapevine once released The Pony Express with George Bancroft, Betty Compson, Ricardo Cortez, Ernest Torrence, and Wallace Beery. What a cast...slightly better-than-average for Grapevine qualitywise.

Posted: May 4th, 2008, 1:33 pm
by SSO Admins
I went to see this in a fantastic print and live accompaniment by Alloy Orchestra. Magnificent score to a great film. It was the first time I'd seen it and I was completely captivated.

Incidentally, Alloy will be touring in the fall with von Sternberg's "The Last Command" even though it won't be officially announced until after Labor Day. As I understand it there will also be a DVD.

After the movie I talked to Ken Winokur of Alloy, and he said that there's a new guy in charge of the Paramount archives who has been as great as can be about access to the films. Quite a change for the worst studio in the biz about their silents. What this means for future DVD releases can only be guessed at -- or hoped for.

Posted: May 4th, 2008, 2:12 pm
by Gagman 66

:shock: Are you serious! A DVD of THE LAST COMMAND? Or did you mean UNDERWORLD? How about? THE DOCKS OF NEW YORK? Maybe all three, part of nice Josef' Von Sternberg collection! This would be fabulous, and I never thought that I would see the day! Sorry to say, I do not share your enthusiasm for the Alloy Orchestra, and would be disappointed if they were scoring such a project.

:o New guy in charge huh? Does this bode well for the possibility if finally seeing the Photo-play Productions versions of WINGS, and THE WEDDING MARCH on DVD? Or at least on TCM? What about THE COVERED WAGON. OLD IRONSIDES, and BARBED WIRE??? Anyway, I hope the DVD story is correct. Paramount has to start someplace with it's Silent's. They are sitting on allot of Gloria Swanson, Clara Bow, Bebe Daniels and Pola Negri films, just to name a few big names. Every one of these ladies merits a nice box set if you ask me!

Posted: May 4th, 2008, 3:06 pm
by SSO Admins
I meant DVD of The Last Command, and yes, Alloy will be scoring. Their score for Underworld was beautiful and fit the film perfectly. I'd love to see a DVD of that as well.

You'll get your chance to make your wishes known to Mr. Kinokur eventually though. :)

Posted: May 4th, 2008, 6:24 pm
by bdp

I sure hope they have a choice of scores, if it's Alloy only I'll stay content with my VHS versions.


Posted: July 10th, 2008, 1:28 pm
by Ken Winokur
Paramount isn't (it seems) interested in putting out Underworld - or at least they are definitely not putting it out with an Alloy score.

I have been talking with an independent video company (who I probably shouldn't name). I have no sense at this point if they are really interested or not. We'll just have to wait and see.

If you are basing your dislike of Alloy on some of our more "out" scores (Arbuckles, Metropolis, Lonesome etc.) you might want to give a listen to some of our more conservative scores (Underworld is in this group). It's almost completely orchestral instruments (and no junk metal) , with orchestral drums, real clarinet, and accordion. This has been one of our many styles over the years (Blackmail, Dan La Nuit, The Wind).

There's also a good bit of early jazz in the Underworld score.

There's a sample on our myspace page:


Posted: July 10th, 2008, 2:55 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Ken, Welcome to Silver Screen Oasis.

I'm by no means an expert at soundtracks that accompany silents. I'm glad we have a professional amongst us. I very much liked the sample.

Have you checked out our silent movie poll, if not you must. The first round is being voted on now and is open for the rest of this week. Here it is ... 72bd70ff41

Re: Underworld

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 5:46 pm
by bdp
Ken Winokur wrote: If you are basing your dislike of Alloy on some of our more "out" scores (Arbuckles, Metropolis, Lonesome etc.) you might want to give a listen to some of our more conservative scores
Yes, it is definitely those 'out there' scores that I dislike; I had no idea you gentlemen did other kinds, the press doesn't seem to be interested in highlighting that aspect of your work and I can't deny that you've brought attention to the silent film medium. Welcome aboard.

Ken Winokur as "Guest Star"

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 8:55 pm
by Ken Winokur
So I guess this is a good time to announce that I am going to be next week's "guest star" on Silver Screen Oasis.

Following in a long line of distinguished guests (David Shepard and Kevin Brownlow!!!!!), I will be fielding questions for a week or so.

I'll try to get as much "media" up on the web as I can so that you can hear lots of our music and watch many clips of silent films.

I've got fabulous fairly hi-res original silent film stills of UNDERWORLD up on our myspace page as well as lots of audio clips:

I'm in the middle of revamping our website so that it has tons of media, but for now it's got tons of pictures and information about the band:

And for the best collection of video of Alloy orchestra Silent Films go to:



Posted: July 11th, 2008, 1:10 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I'll be looking forward to your spot Ken.