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Dr Who

Posted: March 3rd, 2008, 2:59 pm
Two films were made of Dr Who with Peter Cushing playing him as a human scientist. however, in the 45-yr-old tv series he was a time lord from another world, who traveled through time and space in a london Police Box which was bigger on the inside than what it was on the out.

10 actors have played The Doctor. this was explained by regeneration. that meant when he was killed or simply died of natural causes he regenerated into another body and had different characteristics. for the most part it was done on low budgets with old William Hartnel playing the 1st Doctor. he was followed by Patrick throughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom baker, Peter Davidson, Colin Baker, Sylvester Mcoy, Paul Mcann, Chistopher Eccelston and currently David Tennant.

the Eccelston and Tennant Doctors have a much bigger budget and is arguebly the most popular show on UK television. his old ememies are still there, noteably The Daleks, The Cybermen and The Master.

at the moment Doctor Who has two spin-offs on the go. Torchwood, starring John Barrowman as the head of the Cardiff branch of a secret organization fighting hostile aliens. the other is aimed at a much younger audience, Serah Jane investigates. this stars Elizabeth Sladen as journalist Serah Jane Smith, who was the Doc's assistant when he was Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker in the 70s and she along with robot dog K9 and teenage children save the world every week. she's in great nick for 58.

aother recent girl assistants have included Billie Piper, Catherine Tate and Aussie all round entertainer Kylie, who appeared and was killed of in the last Christamas special

Posted: March 3rd, 2008, 3:07 pm
by cinemalover
I've always had a soft spot for the classic Doctor Who episodes. My local PBS station is currently showing classic Tom Baker episodes from the late seventies. The monster costumes are usually terrible and the sets tremble when you sneeze, but they are a lot of fun if you're willing to just let your mind go and enjoy. Each actor to play the Doctor has had some lovable quirks to his personality, but I think Baker is my favorite overall. He plays the part with an open wink to the audience and never is pretentious. Have a jelly baby and a giggle.

It should also be mentioned for those not familiar with the series that it was originally shown on Saturday afternoons in half hour installments, each ending with a cliff-hanger similar to the serials of bygone years. A typical story will unfold over the course of 4 to 6 episodes.

Posted: March 3rd, 2008, 3:29 pm
its now on fof on hour on Saturday evenings usually ending with a conclusion on the same night

Re: Dr Who

Posted: March 3rd, 2008, 4:15 pm
by SSO Admins wrote:Serah Jane investigates. this stars Elizabeth Sladen as journalist Serah Jane Smith, who was the Doc's assistant when he was Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker in the 70s and she along with robot dog K9 and teenage children save the world every week. she's in great nick for 58.
WOOHOO! Sarah was my major crush as an adolescent -- she beat out any woman alive for me. I haven't seen the new show, since Tom Baker will always be THE Doctor to me, but I'll definitely check this out given the chance.

Posted: March 4th, 2008, 10:56 am

here's a link to Serah Jane as she is now. hope it works. (check videos and see pictures of Serah Jane over a 30-yr-period)if so will look for an up dated Dr. Who. i have found Dr who link and put it on the next post after this. it's not the home page, as it's off air at the moment, but i think you'll stilll enjoy it. however, in the post after Dr Who i'll send you the homepage of its other spin off Torchwood.

Radio Times | The Sarah Jane ...
Meanwhile, Sarah Jane investigates the Pharos Para-Science Institute, a research unit that has been conducting experiments using alien technology. ... sode-guide · Cached page

Posted: March 4th, 2008, 11:05 am
here's a lnk to the new Dr Who. as the series is of air at the moment i can't get the home page

BBC - Doctor Who - News
Tennant and Tate's tete a tete. [19 February 2008] Reviewers Required! Can your school help us out with the latest novels? [13 February 2008] Kevin Stoney · Cached page

Posted: March 4th, 2008, 11:09 am
BBC - Torchwood - Homepage
Torchwood, the award-winning drama created by Doctor Who writer Russell T Davies, bursts back on our screens in mid-January 2008, this time premiering on BBC Two. And this time it ... · Cached page

Posted: March 9th, 2008, 2:05 pm
by Dawtrina
Like everyone else in England I grew up on Dr Who, though I never watched from behind the couch. I subscribed to Dr Who Magazine. I have most of the novelisations. I even learned to type properly by bringing Dr Who plot synopses to typing class (I originally learned to type by typing in code from computer program listings in magazines, back before they had discs stuck to the front, but couldn't get past about 60 wpm because my fingers were all over the place). I'm pretty sure I still have Dr Who games, cut out of the back of Weetabix boxes or some such.

But now I'm way out of date. I haven't seen Torchwood or the Sarah Jane Adventures, but I haven't seen Dr Who itself since it's return. Once they cancelled it (sadly during Sylvester McCoy's era because he was so much better than his predecessor Colin Baker), I drifted away and only caught up on older episodes when I found them on VHS. Now I can't watch all those videos I bought because I'm in the States and it's NTFS not PAL, but torrents have filled in the gaps and I'm gradually working through.

Watching with an adult's perspective now, I'm a little surprised at some of the characteristics of William Hartnell's doctor. It was fun to revisit An Unearthly Child and The Daleks, but even more fun to see The Edge of Destruction, which I'd read so much about but never seen and fan reconstructions of lost episodes like Marco Polo.

Patrick Troughton was always my favourite doctor, though they were all enjoyable and even outstanding in their own ways (except maybe Colin Baker). Even Cushing, outside the canon, was fun in the two movies. But hey, I even enjoyed K9 and Company, so what do I know? : )

Posted: March 9th, 2008, 3:44 pm
by SSO Admins wrote:Jondaris

here's a link to Serah Jane as she is now. hope it works. (check videos and see pictures of Serah Jane over a 30-yr-period)if so will look for an up dated Dr. Who.

THANK YOU. *sigh* She's still beautiful.

Posted: March 9th, 2008, 4:20 pm
recently the charity show Children In Need did Doctor Who sketch. it was set between the end of the last series and the Christmas Show and it featured my two favourite Doctor's. the current Doctor David Tennant was operating the Tardis and something when wrong and the 5th doc Peter Davidson appeared, where together they sorted out the difficulty. Tennant in character said Davidson was his favourite Doc as he was the first one, who was young.

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 10:37 am
by SSO Admins
stuart, thank you for starting this thread. I hadn't really thought of those shows in years. After reading this I added a bunch of the Tom Baker episodes to my Netflix queue.

So far I've watched the first Tom Baker series, Robot, and the excellent Genesis of the Daleks. Since BBC isn't releasing them in season sets and is moving around between Doctors, it's difficult to get the complete continuity, although each DVD has a series of usually six episodes on it.

My take is that the show is even better than I remembered. This is great, entertaining stuff, and the humanity (and inhumanity) of the characters is extremely well developed. Also, Elisabeth Sladen is just as gorgeous as memory told me she was -- I'm in love all over again.

Genesis of the Daleks comes with second disk of special features, including long documentaries about the Genesis story arc and another about the history of the Daleks on the show. The former contains interviews with Baker (who has put on a few pounds) and Sladen (who hasn't-- mmmm) along with secondary actors, writers, the guy who did the voice of the Daleks and some archive footage of the actor who played Davros.

I'll be getting The Sontaran Experiment and The Ark in Space today and tomorrow.

I'm enjoying these a lot. Thanks for reminding me.

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 12:12 pm

In UK shops it's the current David Tennent one's that are popular, but the older ones are also for sale. one in particular is the tv movie The Five Doctors, because it's 25-years since it was made.

spoiler alert

made in the 80s the emperor of the Doctor's home planet, brings the then current Dr. Peter Davidson and his assistants back home in the tardis. then a triangle (much like the one in Superman Two) zoomeds down on Patrick Throughton and his friend Brigadeer Stewart. then the same thing happened to John Pertwee and his car Betsy followed by Elizabeth Sladen who's trying to catch a bus. the triangle also captured the original Dr, played by another actor, but his granddaughter Susan is played by the same actress who played her in 1963. Tom Baker could reprise his role, so some old unseen footage of him and Lana Ward was used. while the other Doctors were released into the planets death zone Baker and Ward were trapped in the triangle

it was interesting to see the 1st crumpy Doctor working with the sexy Tegan, who was normally Davidson's assistant. the Daleks,The Cybermen and in particulary The Master are also in the death zone.

one interesting leak from the BBC that a future episode will feature all the last 3 Doctors assistants including Catherine Tate and Billie Piper plus Elizabeth Sladen in a special episode where i'm told The Doctor hardly features at all

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 12:22 pm
here's a link to Doctor Who. it has video clips from all the previous episodes of the last 50 yrs. you'll also find clips from the last Christmas special with gutsy Aussie all round entertainer Kylie Monogue as leading lady. if you click new series you'll also see a trailer of whats to come.

Doctor Who - The Classic Series
The official website with news, episode guide, cast video diaries, "the making of Doctor Who", Dalek game, image galleries, wallpapers, downloadable audio clips and footage from ... · Cached page

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 12:39 pm
by SSO Admins
The current ones are popular here too, but before watching them I wanted to reaquaint myself with what I loved about it years ago. I saw the Five Doctors years ago, but honestly I never cared for Peter Davison in the role. He was just too... cutesy.

From what I heard Baker was available for the movie but felt like it hadn't been long enough since he'd left the role, so he declined the invitation to appear. Baker actually married Lalla Ward (Romana) but it only lasted a couple of years.

I really wish BBC would release the DVDs in season sets like a normal series. I would be all about buying those. Currently the only complete season that's available from the original series is season 16 with Baker and Ward in the Key of Time story arc.

Posted: April 26th, 2008, 2:26 pm
i see that Bernard Cribbons, who played the comic hero in the 2nd Peter Cushing Doctor Who film, has become a regular in the current tv sreies playing Catherine Tate's Donna's grandfather Wilf