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Posted: April 4th, 2008, 1:39 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I'm starting a thread dedicated to our vacations or as we say over here holidays :D

I'll start with my holiday plans we're going away tomorrow to Tuscany until the 17th. It's the first time we have flown with the children, they are very excited.

We're staying in a caravan park which has swimming pools and playgrounds for them. It's just outside Florence and Pisa and Siena are within easy travelling distance.

I'll miss you all, I promise to read some movie books whilst I'm there. Make sure you ask Mr Brownlow lots of interesting questions, it's the first thread I'll head to when I'm back :D .

Posted: April 4th, 2008, 6:49 pm
by MissGoddess
I love Tuscany (all of Italy, really) and I know you will have a marvelous time! Enjoy every minute and bonnes vacances!

Posted: April 4th, 2008, 11:36 pm
by mrsl
Have a wonderful time CCF, in my ancestors ancestral country. Last year Larry went to Russia and brought his laptop along with and kept us fully informed throughout his whole trip. So be ready to answer questions when you return.

I always said 'See the USA first' and now that I've pretty much done that, with Mr L gone, I have no longer any desire to travel, although Italy was the only place I would have gone to in Europe because I'm a history nut and would have loved to see the Collesium, and the underground tunnels.


Posted: April 5th, 2008, 5:59 pm
by ChiO
Tuscany...I'm sooo envious. My favorite spot that I've ever been to is Tuscany...followed by Umbria, followed by anywhere else in Italy (though I haven't been south of Pompeii). Siena...sigh. Cortona...sigh, sigh.

Whenever any member of the family asks, "So where do you want to go this year?", before I can respond, the question is followed with, "Other than Italy."

I think we're going to Spain...probably Madrid-Toledo-Salamanca.

Posted: April 5th, 2008, 6:58 pm
by MissGoddess
ChiO wrote:I think we're going to Spain...probably Madrid-Toledo-Salamanca.
How marvelous! I still haven't been to Spain and I feel awful about it. I'm torn over where my holiday will be this year. I had planned on Rome and Greece (I've been to Rome several times, never to Greece) but now I'm not so sure. The jacked up Euro/Dollar has made me think twice.

Posted: April 6th, 2008, 3:59 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Thanks for your good wishes everyone.

We're back home we travelled 6 hours to London to travel with BA because we wanted an airline with a good reputation. It snowed, our flight was cancelled along with 10 others, we queued for 3 hours with two very tired and hungry children to be told that we couldn't fly for another two days. That meant three days out of our ten day holiday. we felt we had no choice but to cancel, we would have had to either stay in the airport or fund a hotel for the night from our own money, there was no guarantee that we'd fly tomorrow night then. Hopefully insurance will cover some of our costs. We've driven 6 hours back and searched for other holidays to go on. Thing is it's such short notice we can't afford to take them anywhere else as the prices are too high.

We're very tired now and utterly dejected but I'm so mad I couldn't possibly sleep.

The behaviour of some people when travelling is appalling. Twice Joe was knocked away from me when I was holding his hand so tightly. Libby got pushed and shoved and got very upset at one point when she was pushed away from us and lost sight of us. Not only did we queue for hours but we had two children crying bitterly.

They've gone to bed now, children are resilient. Pray for the weather to brighten here and we'll take them for days out.

We chose British Airways over budget carriers because we didn't want to scrimp with having children.

Come on everyone cheer us up!!!!!

Posted: April 6th, 2008, 8:03 pm
by MissGoddess
I feel so for you! Travelling has become a nightmare logistically, but when it's compounded by the general decline in manners and patience it's unbearable. I hope you can make it all up to yourselves soon---hang in there! Watch a funny movie, a classic---it's why we love them so.

Posted: April 6th, 2008, 8:21 pm
by markfp
This year my wife and I are planning a stay-at-home vacation. What with the U.S. dollar in the toilet and all the trials and tribulations of flying it's just not worth it this year.

The last couple of years we went to Ireland and had a great time. What a wonderful country. We found the little village where my wife's family came from in the 1850's. We also visited the tiny little town of Cong where THE QUIET MAN" was shot. Terrific place for a film buff as it hasn't changed that much and most of the houses and other locations are still there.

Posted: April 7th, 2008, 3:21 am
by mrsl
Make one night your own private night in Italy. Order take out from what you know is a great Italian restaurant. Rent The Seven Hills of Rome, and It Started in Naples, get a nice, fresh loaf of Italian bread, some seasoned oils for dipping it, and settle down with Chianti (including small glasses for the kids, mixed with 7Up of course), and enjoy the two fine family movies set in Italy. (Start with . . . Naples because the kids will love 'Nando, and Mario Lanza is more for you and your spouse, after the kids fall asleep).


Posted: April 7th, 2008, 5:31 am
by silentscreen
:( I feel so badly for you Alison! Maybe the weather will improve and you can get out for a road trip somewhere! If not, all the suggestions made sound like winners.

Posted: April 7th, 2008, 6:13 am
by feaito
It's really appalling what happened to you Alison, but I'm sure you will have a good time anyway. On the other hand, maybe you'll be able to ask Mr. Brownlow some questions :wink:

Posted: April 7th, 2008, 1:47 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Thank you all for your good wishes.

Breaking news :D

After a day of searching we've booked a cruise (after my husband said he'd never go on one) it was the only thing we fancied.

We start at Palma, Majorca on Friday, a full day cruising then to Messina in Sicily, Naples, Livorno, Italy then Toulon then Barcelona and Valencia Spain then back to Palma arriving back home Saturday 19th.

I'll have to unpack and then repack, I'll have to be a bit posher on a cruise. Instead of wearing the jeans and trousers and casual wear that caravan camping needs, I'll need a posher pair of shoes to wear with skirts. Chris didn't bank on this :lol:

Now the children are going on a plane and a ship. Now I have more humour about the situation, as we were driving away from the airport after the snow had nearly gone, the planes were flying overhead and the children were 'Look Mummy, Daddy aeroplanes' we didn't want to look at them. The radio was playing songs about snowing all the way home, we switched off in the end. On the way back we drove past four airports. Yes we had decided to by pass them all in favour of Gatwick and British Airways.

There's a moral here somewhere. I've not worked it out yet.

Markfp, We went to Cong last summer, I drove my husband mad following all the walks and seeing the sights, it is so gorgeous.

Posted: April 8th, 2008, 7:56 am
by Ollie
While on business in Europe this summer, we hope to take a week off for a visit to Croatia, a place I've never been but, because of an e-penpal, we're looking forward to its sites and foods. I have a feeling this will be one of several trips there - we seldom feel like a single visit is ever 'good enough' and, if it is, I've always suspected we didn't the see "real" place. I think a drive from the northern Balkans down to the Grecian border and back again could be quite full of scenery and interesting foods, but maybe once again, regional tensions may involve a few too many unpleasantries for a trip of that scope. So, we're hopefully going to isolate ourselves to one central town and a few smaller villages nearby.

Posted: April 8th, 2008, 9:06 am
by jdb1
Well, I'm vicariously enjoying your vacations.

As a single parent, I've rarely had enough money or enough time for the kinds of vacations you describe. My daughter and I used to take guided bus tours of places a reasonable drive from New York, but most of those tour companies have gone out of business. And now that my inner ear problems have gotten worse, travel of any kind poses many difficulties for me, so I stay home, even when I've taken time off from work.

As I've said before, I feel lucky to live in NYC because there are so many attractions and opportunities for cultural activities that I don't feel all that deprived. Plus, my building has a large outdoor swimming pool, and I live only a short distance from Coney Island and other beaches, should I feel the urge for some surf and sun.

I hope you are not taking your mobility for granted. All the trips you describe sound wonderful.

Posted: April 8th, 2008, 7:47 pm
by feaito
charliechaplinfan wrote:Thank you all for your good wishes.

Breaking news :D

After a day of searching we've booked a cruise (after my husband said he'd never go on one) it was the only thing we fancied.

We start at Palma, Majorca on Friday, a full day cruising then to Messina in Sicily, Naples, Livorno, Italy then Toulon then Barcelona and Valencia Spain then back to Palma arriving back home Saturday 19th.

I'll have to unpack and then repack, I'll have to be a bit posher on a cruise. Instead of wearing the jeans and trousers and casual wear that caravan camping needs, I'll need a posher pair of shoes to wear with skirts. Chris didn't bank on this :lol:

Now the children are going on a plane and a ship. Now I have more humour about the situation, as we were driving away from the airport after the snow had nearly gone, the planes were flying overhead and the children were 'Look Mummy, Daddy aeroplanes' we didn't want to look at them. The radio was playing songs about snowing all the way home, we switched off in the end. On the way back we drove past four airports. Yes we had decided to by pass them all in favour of Gatwick and British Airways.

There's a moral here somewhere. I've not worked it out yet.

Markfp, We went to Cong last summer, I drove my husband mad following all the walks and seeing the sights, it is so gorgeous.
Glad to hear this Alison. Have a wonderful vacation with your family :D