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Bad Lieutenant

Posted: April 20th, 2008, 12:48 am
by Hollis
Good morning all,

I just wanted to know what my more knowledgeable friends who have seen it, think of Harvey Keitel and "Bad Lieutenant." I just caught it on IFC and thought it was one of the better character studies I've seen and was fascinating to watch. Harvey Keitel is a seriously underrated actor. This movie went well beyond your typical crime drama in my opinion. Your thoughts?

As always,


Posted: April 20th, 2008, 2:10 am
by Dewey1960
Morning Hollis - You've brought up one of my favorite films (and, by extension, favorite directors of the more modern era: Abel Ferrara.) BAD LIEUTENANT is just one example of the brutal type of entertainment he has cranked out since the late 70s; MS. 45, DRILLER KILLER, CRIME STORY (series pilot), KING OF NEW YORK, DANGEROUS GAME, BLACK-OUT, THE FUNERAL, THE ADDICTION are only some of the others. But BAD LT. (92) goes where few if any films have been, smashing every known emotional boundary as it barrels through your brain. Not an easy film to strongly recommend, but I do.
Many find it repellant in the extreme, and I suppose it is. For others it is impossible not to watch as it sickens and repels in ways that are beautiful and horrible at the same time. Five Stars Out of Four. Caution: Not suitable for all viewers.

Posted: April 20th, 2008, 8:49 am
by klondike
Dewey1960 wrote: Many find it repellant in the extreme, and I suppose it is. For others it is impossible not to watch as it sickens and repels in ways that are beautiful and horrible at the same time. Five Stars Out of Four. Caution: Not suitable for all viewers.
Aptly put, Dewey; I remember watching it as a rental in the mid 90's, and I most clearly remember that my wife (a tough, worldly, strong-minded individual, no small fan of noir & crime dramas herself [she introduced me to the works of James "Demon Dog" Ellroy) actually got up after watching the "traffic stop" scene, went to the lavatory & got mildly sick.
And although she returned promptly to (cautiously) watch the remainder of the film, she pronounced afterward that Keitel, despite all his noble intentions, was a very bad lieutenent, and then proceeded to foster a growing, subconcious fear of watching films with HK in them; I recall bringing home a VHS of Young Americans in '96 - I knew it would be right up both our alleys, plot-wise, sort of a rififi spin on Stormy Monday, but when I showed her the rental sleeve, she cut a face at me and queried: "He's not going to be, you know - touching himself in this one, is he?!"
Well, what can one say, right? Harve's been making a personal speciality out of viscerally creeping viewers out since way back in Saturn 3.
But, still, I got to admit, big, little or in-between, I don't think I've ever seen a Keitel performance that wasn't worth looking at, and thinking about, and maybe even talking around.
He's just that kind of guy, y'know?

Posted: April 20th, 2008, 8:59 am
by Mr. Arkadin
Wow guys, thanks for turning me on to a new film! Maybe instead of Meet the Press on Sunday morning, we should have Keitel Round Table instead. 8)

Posted: April 20th, 2008, 9:28 am
by Dewey1960
Harvey very rarely disappoints. Here are my ten favorite Harvey Keitel performances:
1. BAD LIEUTENANT (92) see above
2. MEAN STREETS (73) Upstaging the unupstagable DeNiro
3. FINGERS (78) highly disturbing personal crime drama
4. BLUE COLLAR (78) Harvey plays (masterfully) a Detroit autoworker
5. RESERVOIR DOGS (92) what a year for Harve!
6. TAXI DRIVER (76) so memorable as Sport the Pimp
7. DANGEROUS GAME (93) Harvey as "bad director"
8. PULP FICTION (94) nice star turn as Winston Wolf
9. LULU ON THE BRIDGE (98) offbeat, even by Harvey's standards
10. THE PICK UP ARTIST (87) very cool in small role as vicious hood

Who else likes Harvey?

Posted: April 20th, 2008, 9:55 am
by Mr. Arkadin
I love the guy. I hit the record button on any film with him in it.

Posted: April 20th, 2008, 10:55 am
by Hollis
Good morning again,

Thanks for the input gentlemen. The question of what to add to my NetFlix list has been answered. When I find that your own opinions dovetail with my own, it makes me feel that maybe there's still some hope for the likes of me. It also goes to show that cinema really does have the power to cut across all sorts of real or imagined boundaries like age, gender or educational background. It really is a powerful medium. Thanks again!

As always,
