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Stagecoach and Bus Stop. two films with a common theme

Posted: April 21st, 2008, 10:32 am
Though both are westerns, one is a serious drama and the other a modern day romantic comedy, but despite this i think both films have a lot in common.

While admittedly Claire Trevor's Dallas is a prostitute and Marilyn's Cherie isn't, MMs character is a singer who is open about the fact she's been round the block a few times. some folk think John Wayne's character is naive. about what Dallas has been doing for a living, though i think he knew all right and still wanted her. in Bus Stop however, there's no denying Don Murray's Beau's naivety regarding Cherie, believing her to be an angel. though to be fair he knows the score by the end of the picture and says it doesn't matter what she did in the apst if it made her the girl she is now.

Re: Stagecoach and Bus Stop. two films with a common theme

Posted: January 31st, 2010, 5:28 pm
by ken123
Bus Stop ( :shock: )because of MMs vulnerability. :)