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Comes A Horseman

Posted: May 2nd, 2008, 1:35 pm
Spoiler Alert

Comes A Horseman is my favourite Jane Fonda movie. it's set during the last days of WW2, where Jane plays a struggling rancher fighting to keep hold of her small piece of land.

Jane learned how to be a proper cowhand for this role, even learning to do things that wern't requried in the movie. she was pretty convincing on a horse and with a rope, cutting a fine figure in her jeans

James Cann plays her partner, who after an uneasy start with Fonda becomes her beau.

Jason Robards plays a cattle baron trying at the same time from keeping an oil Baron from taking his land, to driving Fonda of hers

Re: Comes A Horseman

Posted: February 25th, 2010, 1:08 am
by mrsl
It had been a long time when I saw this movie, and the time you wrote this post, Stuart, so I couldn't clearly make comment, then lo and behold, it was on the other night. It's a pretty darn good western. Jane held her own as a lady wrangler and ranch hand/owner. As pretty and delicate as I think she is, she looked like a callous would not be out of place on her hand. I know a lot of people are against her because of her antics during Vietnam, even her own father wouldn't talk to her for a long time, but a long time has passed, and we're all too old to hold grudges for that long. I've seen her in quite a few roles that she did a marvelous job on, like They Shoot Horses Don't They? and Julia, and now she says she loves doing these light weight comedies like Monster in Law, so as long as she stays out of the political arena, I'll watch her movies. In any case, she and Jim Caan made a good pair, too bad they haven't done more together because I thought I saw some good chemistry there. She did a great job of down-playing herself for the film. Even for the dancing late in the movie, she still looked like a hard working woman, and not a social butterfly as is so often the case. The hair was rather fly away, with very little make up (if any), and a dress that most city women of the day would have used to wash floors in.

Re: Comes A Horseman

Posted: February 25th, 2010, 11:29 am

Henry Fonda on The Parkinson Show in the 70s told of how proud he was of Jane and Peter. 30 yrs later, on the same show, Jane was surprised at what her dad had said, not having heard him say it. I've thought for a long time Henry's politics is closer to Jane's as say his best pal Jimmy Stewart, a right wing Rebulican. Though one book I read suggested Jane for a while was a Communist, which her dad disapproved off.

Jane's Georgia Rule is a great modern film, her Golden Pond, so to speak with her in the Katharine Hepburn type role in a three generation movie

Compared to her controversial speech when she won her Oscar, Jane's close pal Venessa Redgrave was gracious and respectful, particulary toward the Royal Family, when she was given a life achievement award at the Bafta's

Re: Comes A Horseman

Posted: July 4th, 2010, 9:38 pm
by ken123
I can't make a comment on this film because I, generally, dont watch Jane Fonda or Redford films. :oops: