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Haven't seen a thread for this--remake of The Women

Posted: August 23rd, 2008, 12:44 am
by traceyk
So what do you all think--will it be good? Or a not-so-shining example of What's Wrong With Hollywood Today?

Here's a link to the webpage:

Gotta love the theme music, though.[/i]

Posted: August 23rd, 2008, 11:22 pm
by mrsl
I think it will be a shining example . . .

This is one of my all time top five favorite movies.

I have to disagree about the music, sorry :oops:

The other two versions had the ladies all dressed and coifed in the very best. Except for Meg Ryan and whoever that is sitting down, the rest all look like the mark of so many of todays' women - trying to look like their teen aged daughters.

I'll wait and see, but I don't hold out any high hopes.


Posted: August 25th, 2008, 8:52 am
by jdb1
I don't see how a remake, which I assume will also be an update, can be made of this play. The Women is a prime demonstration of what women were all about in the past. The cattiness, the gossip and the back-stabbing all had one driving factor: landing and keeping a man, in a time when women did not as a rule work and were not expected to have any interests outside the home.

These days, when it is understood for most women that they will have some kind of career and be self-supporting, and if not, at the very least they understand that they can do pretty much what they want without public chastisement, and especially now, when gossip is considered entertainment, and not necessarily a weapon, who cares?

You know, I can't even recognize most of the women on the website. I see Candice Bergen and Meg Ryan. Who is the brunette under the photo of Bergen in the Photo Gallery? The younger ones I don't know at all, or else, as Anne says, they are so surgerized, that I can't tell who they are.

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 8:03 pm
by traceyk
The film also stars Jada Pinkett-Smith (the black one), Annette Benning in the Rosalind Russell role, Debra Messing (the knocked-up one), Eva Mendes in the Crawford role and Bette Midler as the Countess. Carrie Fisher is mixed up in there too and so are Cloris Leachman (in the Marjorie Main role--don't know how even she could fill those shoes) and Candice Bergen as the mother.

I can't make up my mind whether to see it or not. I can't imagine how they are going to update it either--there's some plotline involving a newspaper or magazine expose. I'd like to see the reviews first, I think. I like Meg Ryan (in comedies) and Bette Midler so it might be worth seeing for them. Maybe I'll wait and see it at the dollar movie so if it's awful, I won't feel so cheated.