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Posted: September 27th, 2008, 10:52 am
by klondike
Tried 3 times this past hour to cut & paste MSN coverage of this story, but my PC's locking up like crazy this morning :x ; Lynn, could you cover this in Gone with or without?

Posted: September 27th, 2008, 11:05 am
by moira finnie
Sad, but true. A good actor, but thanks to all he did for others, a fine man. My condolences to his beloved wife, children and all who called him friend, (including millions of moviegoers for the last five decades.)

To see a partial list of charities underwritten by Paul Newman or to make a donation in his memory, please click here.

Paul Newman Dies at 83 on CNN

New York Times Front Page Appreciation of Mr. Newman

LA Times Tribute with a video

Posted: September 27th, 2008, 12:40 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
A great actor and even greater humanitarian.

The Verdict (1982) was my personal favorite of his work. Great film.


Posted: September 27th, 2008, 12:54 pm
by Dewey1960
My favorite will always be THE HUSTLER (1961). His character, Fast Eddie Felson, was probably the one he was born to play. Here he is squaring off against Minnesota Fats (Jackie Gleason) in their first encounter at the table.

Posted: September 27th, 2008, 1:53 pm
by Vecchiolarry

Very sad but not unexpected news....
The photo of him in a wheelchair looking debillitated from cancer alerted me to the 'all is not well here' mood and sure enough it wasn't long before we now have this news....

A good looking guy, who was that Hollywood rarity - a great star and a fine actor.
Also, a humanitarian we all could emulate....

My favourite film of his is: "Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys!" with Joanne Woodward and Joan Collins....

My condolences to Joanne Woodward and their family & friends.

R.I.P. Mr. Newman.


Posted: September 27th, 2008, 2:25 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Paul Newman really was a superstar. Brilliant actor, beautiful man. I'm saddened by his passing. I can't believe he was 83.

My condolences to his family.

RIP Paul Newman.

Posted: September 27th, 2008, 5:08 pm
by mrsl
Once again I feel like I've lost a long time personal friend. Not only a fine actor, but more important, a fine man. I can't afford his stuff on a regular basis, but I do purchase his products whenever possible because of the charity donation. The funny thing is, as critical and suspicious I am of most things and people, I never doubted that all proceeds went to charities. Newman and Woodward seemed to convey that kind of truthfulness.


Posted: September 27th, 2008, 8:05 pm
by silentscreen
By Todd Leopold Entertainment Producer

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- The news of his death came on Saturday.

A charismatic Paul Newman in 1967 in "Cool Hand Luke." Newman knew how to reveal a character's soul.

The death of Paul Newman, the most self-effacing of actors, was announced on the day of the week when it would get the least attention from the news media. It was the day of the week when people would be out working the yard, playing with their children, enjoying a cold one with a college football game.

He died, one hopes, the way he wanted to: quietly, without pity, having lived his life to the fullest.

He raced cars. He gave away millions. He had honor and integrity when he was young, and he wasn't afraid of being old.

No offense to his contemporaries, but can you imagine Warren Beatty in "Mr. and Mrs. Bridge"? Or Robert Redford as the scamp old-timer in "Nobody's Fool"? Newman let himself be old in 1982's "The Verdict." He was in his late 50s at the time.

Maybe Jack Nicholson would be willing. But he still got the (much younger) girl in "As Good as It Gets."

Don't Miss
Hollywood titan Paul Newman dies at 83
Newman could make you salute the hero, and he could make you sympathize with bad guys. After all, "The Sting's" Henry Gondorff is a con man, pure and simple. When Robert Redford's Johnny Hooker is asked how Gondorff succeeds at cards, he doesn't hesitate in his reply: "He cheats."

And you love Gondorff -- whom we first see as a drunken slob living in an amusement hall -- anyway. That's Newman.

It's also Newman that makes his "Road to Perdition" character, a gangster kingpin now living the elegant life, so haunting. In Newman's eyes you can see a character who's lost his soul; in another actor's performance, he may not have had a soul at all.

When I was a child, fresh from viewings of "Butch Cassidy" and "The Sting," I wanted to be Paul Newman. He was handsome, he was funny, he was charitable and adventurous and sharp. He was married to beautiful, intelligent Joanne Woodward, a woman every inch his equal. Who wouldn't want to be Paul Newman?

More than three decades later, I still want to be Paul Newman. To which Paul Newman would probably say, "Bulls---. Be yourself."

I'll do my best. But I'll still miss Paul Newman terribly.

Posted: September 28th, 2008, 12:39 am
by myrnaloyisdope
If you grew up in Canada in the 70's or 80's, you grew up with Slap Shot, which is pretty much the quintessential hockey movie. So Paul Newman is very much a part of my growing up.

In the past year I've become a devotee of classic film, and have been blessed to catch some of Paul Newman's best work. Network might be my favorite picture of his, as he managed to convey charm, sorrow, patheticness, and conviction with a wonderful realism. He was one of the best, and one of the few who managed to age with grace on screen.

He will be missed, but thank God we have his work to remember him.

Posted: September 28th, 2008, 8:16 am
by klondike
From MSN, this morning:

Hollywood is mourning the death of screen legend Paul Newman. The actor succumbed to cancer on Friday and was surrounded by family and friends at his home in Westport, Connecticut. The Hollywood icon will be remembered for his many roles on the silver screen throughout the years, but many of those who worked with him are remembering the man behind the roles.


"There is a point where feelings go beyond words. I have lost a real friend. My life — and this country — is better for his being in it." — Robert Redford.


"I loved that man with all my heart. He was goodness and kindness and pure integrity. I know he loved his family, his wife, the world and mankind. He was purity of heart. Working with him was such a joy. Knowing him, being his friend, was as golden as the sunset and a privilege I'll never forget. I thank God and feel so honored for that privilege. May he be in God's embrace forever." — Elizabeth Taylor.


"I was blessed to have know him. The world is better because of him. Sometimes God makes perfect people and Paul Newman was one of them." — Sally Field.


"He set the bar too high for the rest of us. Not just actors, but all of us. He will be greatly missed." — George Clooney.


"He was my hero." — Julia Roberts.


"Paul was a very fine actor and a really good race driver. But mostly, he personified humanity — always taking care of those who were less fortunate. For me, this will be his legacy." — David Letterman.


"Yes, his eyes were that blue and beautiful. ... His legacy as a humanitarian for children around the world is unmatchable. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to Joanne and the family." — Eva Marie Saint.


"Our father was a rare symbol of selfless humility, the last to acknowledge what he was doing was special. Intensely private, he quietly succeeded beyond measure in impacting the lives of so many with his generosity." — Newman's five daughters.


"Paul Newman was the ultimate cool guy who men wanted to be like and women adored. He was an American icon, a brilliant actor, a Renaissance man and a generous but modest philanthropist. He entertained millions in some of Hollywood's most memorable roles ever, and he brightened the lives of many more, especially seriously ill children, through his charitable works. — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.


"Paul and I have been partners for 26 years and I have come to know his passion, humor and, above all, his generosity. Not just economic generosity, but generosity of spirit. His support of the team's drivers, crew and the racing industry is legendary. His pure joy at winning a pole position or winning a race exemplified the spirit he brought to his life and to all those that knew him." — Carl Haas, Newman's racing-team partner.


"Paul Newman's craft was acting. His passion was racing. His love was his family and friends. And his heart and soul were dedicated to helping make the world a better place for all. — Robert Forrester, vice chairman of Newman's Own Foundation.


"We mourn not only the passing of a screen legend, an actor of great depth and charisma who touched generations of fans, but we have lost a true Connecticut treasure in Paul Newman. We were blessed to have him as a friend and neighbor in Connecticut for nearly a half-century." — Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell.


"Paul was an American icon, philanthropist and champion for children. We will miss our dear friend, whose continued support always meant the world to us. Our prayers and thoughts are with Joanne and the Newman family and the many people who Paul impacted through his endless kindness and generosity." — U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Bill Clinton.

Posted: September 28th, 2008, 12:42 pm
by mrsl
myrnaloy. . . :

I'm afraid you have Paul mixed up with William Holden for Network. You might be thinking of The Verdict in which he played a lawyer who became terribly involved in his case. Also, you could mean Absence of Malice where, again he is entangled through no fault of his own but in both movies he was all the things you said.
