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Rio Rita (1929) on 10/1 @ 7:30 AM EDT TCM

Posted: September 29th, 2008, 11:10 am
by moira finnie
Just a reminder that Rio Rita (1929), which is one of the grand-mamas of movie musicals, is on TCM this Wednesday 10/1/08 at the unlikely hour of 7:30 AM EDT. Having seen it (at an equally ungodly hour of 5am last time it was broadcast), I wouldn't mind seeing it again, perhaps when I'm more awake and caffeinated.

It might interest those of us who are intrigued by early talkies, technicolor in its infancy, Broadway history, (this was such a hit for Flo Zeigfeld, it delayed the opening of Showboat by one year), and are curious about what the grandparents might have found amusing about Wheeler and Woolsey. If you like Bebe Daniels, Dorothy Lee, and John Boles and want to see the dimpled knees of several plump chorus girls whose singing sounds like bees humming, you might enjoy it.It is a piece of film history.

Posted: September 29th, 2008, 12:19 pm
by jdb1
Moira, I love the poster. Very Gustav Klimt, no?