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The Sons Of Katie Elder, great performance by Wayne.

Posted: October 3rd, 2008, 10:11 am
When I say John Wayne gave a great performance in The Sons Of Katie Elder, I'm not saying in an acting sense he was better in his truly great roles Red River and The Searchers, but phyisically I thought Duke was amazing in this particular film.

The reason for this was it was his come-back movie after his cancer operation, which left him missing one lung and in regular need of an oxegen mask to help with his breathing. Though Duke as far as I believe was short of stamina, it didn't show here, in what was a phyisically demanding role and as far as I can tell he did many of his own stunts.

I reckon however, Duke had to be playing younger that his 58-yrs as the sums didn't add up regarding the age of his recently departed mother and father, not to mention his 18-yr-old brother played by Michael Anderson jnr

Dean Martin was also terrific as his brother and Earl Holliman gave a good account of himself as the other sibling.

Martha Hyer was Duke's leading lady and it was almost, IMHO, a change to see her play a strong no-nonesense woman in comparison to Ice Palace, Houseboat and to a lesser extent Some Came Running. Martha looked as if she had a good few yrs in front of the camera, but she retired just a few yrs later.

Posted: October 5th, 2008, 7:02 pm
by movieman1957
The age thing has always bothered me about the movie too but I find a way to overlook it as it is a fun film.

Duke, I think, also did as many things as he could himself to show folks he was fine. It didn't help that they filmed at a rather high altitude in Mexico.

Posted: October 5th, 2008, 10:16 pm
by mrsl
I thought Dean Martin being in there between Wayne and Holliman, pretty much evened off the age thing between the brothers. It provided about a 7 to 12 year break between each boy, considering miscarriages (which were pretty regular at the time and place). So you have ages of approximately 58, 50, 40, 29, and trailing the end at 17, could be possible.

I was always sorry Martha didn't get farther than she did, she was so lovely, I'm surprised Hitchcock didn't grab her up as he did his other blond beauties which he loved so much.

I remember reading that the fall Duke took into the water at the end of the gun fight was not scripted, but being the trooper he was, he continued on with the scene so it was a while before he dried off from the cold water. You're correct that it was shortly after his operation as well as a bout with pneumonia so all things together caused him no small difficulty.


Posted: October 6th, 2008, 2:48 am

You're right about the age thing, but I was also taking into account the births and dates on the parents headstones.

In 'Cahill' Wayne's teenage kids were more than young enough to be his grandchildren, but that was explained when he told Nevellie Brand his children came late.

One of Martha Hyers last roles was as a villain in Roger Moore's Crossplot, his first post 'Saint' role.

Posted: October 10th, 2008, 10:07 pm
by inglis
mrsl wrote:I thought Dean Martin being in there between Wayne and Holliman, pretty much evened off the age thing between the brothers. It provided about a 7 to 12 year break between each boy, considering miscarriages (which were pretty regular at the time and place). So you have ages of approximately 58, 50, 40, 29, and trailing the end at 17, could be possible.

I was always sorry Martha didn't get farther than she did, she was so lovely, I'm surprised Hitchcock didn't grab her up as he did his other blond beauties which he loved so much.

I remember reading that the fall Duke took into the water at the end of the gun fight was not scripted, but being the trooper he was, he continued on with the scene so it was a while before he dried off from the cold water. You're correct that it was shortly after his operation as well as a bout with pneumonia so all things together caused him no small difficulty.

I agree with you Anne about Hitchcock,that he did not scoop her up to do movies with him she would have been well suited I think for some roles . I Love John Wayne in all his movies .I hate that he died the way he did, :cry: he was one of the good ones