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The End is Near

Posted: October 17th, 2008, 3:52 pm
by ken123
The Chicago Tribune, aka The World's Greatest Newpaper,has endorsed for the first time in its 150+ year history a Democrat for President. Earlier today the LA Times endorsed Barack Obama, making him the first Democrat in that papers history to wins its endorsement.

Until 25 years ago or so the Tribune had underneath its title the phrase about its being the world's greatest , it also had replicka of the American flag with the wording, An American Newspaper for Americans. The Trib was lampooned in the John Ford Western classic Stagecoach by the banker Gatewood statement that every American newspaper should have on their frontpage America for Americans. It also seems that banker Gatewood was very concerned about bank examiners and that bankers should be allowed to run their business as THEY see fit. :roll:

Posted: October 17th, 2008, 4:41 pm
by ChiO
(rustle rustle rustle)

That's Col. MacCormick turning over in his grave.

"God" Hilliard in '08 and beyond!

Posted: October 21st, 2008, 11:01 pm
by mrsl
What a difference a name makes!

Isn't it funny that nobody stopped cheering for Cassius Clay when he took on the name of Muhammud Ali for his chosen religion's sake, or when Lou Alcindor became Kareem Abdul Jabar, people were still on his side, but when a guy whose name was given him as a baby upon his Christening day must suffer slights and jeers because of his name, I'm glad to see a newspaper as big as the Chicago Tribune and the L.A. Times endorse him. American freedom is really being put to the test lately, and I'm happy that most people are understanding there is no difference between Joe the plumber, and Barak the Senator - they both put their pants on the same way.


Posted: October 22nd, 2008, 6:13 am
by ChiO
Isn't it funny that nobody stopped cheering for Cassius Clay when he took on the name of Muhammud Ali for his chosen religion's sake, or when Lou Alcindor became Kareem Abdul Jabar, people were still on his side
My recollection is the opposite -- both Muhammed Ali and Kareem Abdul Jabbar were severely criticized in most quarters because they were perceived as having turned their backs on their country and gone "foreign". All of which may make the endorsements of the Chicago Tribune and LA Times even more impressive.
I'm happy that most people are understanding there is no difference between Joe the plumber, and Barak the Senator
I'm glad there is a difference. I wouldn't want Joe the Plumber (or most people I know) anywhere near the White House, even to fix leaks. I don't want a President like me -- I want one better than me.

"God" Hilliard in '08 and beyond!

Posted: October 22nd, 2008, 11:24 am
by mrsl
* * * * * "I'm glad there is a difference. I wouldn't want Joe the Plumber (or most people I know) anywhere near the White House, even to fix leaks. I don't want a President like me -- I want one better than me. " * * * * *

I didn't mean mentality or brains - I meant they are both men of the people, not born with silver spoons.

As for the other, most of the guys I knew appreciated their sporting talents too much to consider them wrong.

My main point however, was, a name does not make the man. He's been Barack all his life. In my Italian family we have Dominics, Vito's, Ignatio's, and Vince's, yet none of them are mafia. I have a friend Lars, and one Eric, yet neither ever made me think of Nazi's. Nor are all the O'Hara's drunks, or Weitz's mizers as Jews are thought to be. All those idiots who yelled 'terrorist' or 'kill him' at McCains meetings probably belong to their local KKK, or believe that all people who have Arabian features should be put in work camps like the Japanese during WWII.


Posted: October 22nd, 2008, 11:43 am
by TalkieTime
The issues are more substantive than names.

Watching the Obama "press conference" it becomes clearer how this nation is becoming a socialist nation where Obama is the Agent of Change.

Bread and Circuses!

Posted: October 22nd, 2008, 11:54 pm
by ken123
TalkieTime wrote:The issues are more substantive than names.

Watching the Obama "press conference" it becomes clearer how this nation is becoming a socialist nation where Obama is the Agent of Change.

Bread and Circuses!

I guess that the USA has been socialist since that adaption of the graduated income tax, after all Marx advocated it. Mr McCain originally opposed the Bush tax cuts, Obama's plan is to go back to the tax rates pre - Bush. So I guess McCain, in 2000 - 201 was a socialist.There is nothing, IMHO, socialist about Obama's economic program. The way that the GOP tosses the term socialist around it has lost its meaning and the is just thrown out there because the McCain team has no program.

Posted: October 23rd, 2008, 8:51 am
by jdb1
If I remember my history correctly, the same charges of "creeping Socialism" were hurled at FDR as he tried to pull the country out of the Depression.

Ditto for whoever it was who was fluoridating the water supplies some years later.

Since when is it that a social conscience and sense of responsiblity equals Totalitarianism? Because that's what the fear mongers really mean when they shout "Socialism!" And it's a pretty sure bet that that bunch will be the first ones with their hands out when something good is on offer from the evil government the so revile when they fear something might cost them a little money.

A highly socialized government structure means higher taxes, and that's the crux of the matter for those "haves" who are so afraid to lose a little of their perceived superiority (i.e., their money) over the rest of us. I have no love of paying taxes, but I'd feel much better about paying them if I knew they were really, really going toward necessary social services, some of which I myself would be using. More free day care; less military/industrial complexes!

Class war, my eye. Sheesh, McCain -- you and your lot are the Knights Templar of that ongoing crusade.