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Family of Secrets

Posted: January 6th, 2009, 2:16 pm
by ken123
Is the title of a book by Russ Baker ( Bloomsbury Press 2008 ), concerning the Bush family from granddaddy Prescott ( & before ), which I received right after Christmas. The portion of the book that I find most interesting was the section dealing with the JFK assassination & the Warren Commission. Mr Baker's Chapters dealing with Watergate ( & Howard Hunt - who is also, in some accounts is a JFK assassination figure ) are very good also,but the person Albert Jenner as a WC counsel is most enlightening and his connections to the Crown family of Chicago. Most of the information I had known for years, thanks mostly to the writings of Peter Dale Scott, and William Torbitt ( real name David Copeland ).Mr Torbitt's book, written in 1969 - 70, was actually was a mimeographed bound volume written in horrible type, but is a very valuable tool, IMHO, for JFK researchers. Anyway, for whatever it is worth the Crown family were big Obama supporters from the beginning ( & before ) of the campaign for the office of President!.

The book Supermob by Gus Russo, a non - conspiracy author, when it come to JFK, is an excellent book on crime, politics, and Hollywood, with Chicago, mobsters & politicos, playing a large role.