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Peter Bogdanovich's "Sacred Monsters"

Posted: January 11th, 2009, 2:03 pm
by Lzcutter
Mr Cutter and I last night traveled to Westwood and the Billy Wilder theater to see Peter Bogdanovich's one-man show, "Sacred Monsters".

For those unfamiliar with it, this is an evening with Bogdanovich where he talks about (and imitates) some of the famous Hollywood directors and actors that he knew back in the 1960s and 1970s.

He had come from New York to Hollywood back then (with wife Polly Platt) to become a director. He also wanted to meet the men and women in film he had idolized over the years.

Among those he talks about are Alfred Hitchcock (he does a good Hitch imitation), Cary Grant, Howard Hawks, John Ford, Ben Johnson and Jimmy Stewart.

He tells some great stories and shows some film clips to highlight some of them as well.

He talked for about 75 minutes and had the audience laughing throughout the evening.

I was worried that he might be too over the top. For a long time he had a very bad habit of name dropping and basically sounding much too full of himself and saying "and then Cary said or Orson said" every other sentence.

But the evening was surprisingly devoid of that conceit and he came across as sharing his memories with some of filmdom's finest in a very respectful way.

Has anyone else had a chance to see this show? I know he did it at Telluride a few years back as well as the AFI Fest here in Los Angeles two years ago but perhaps he has traveled around and done it in NYC or somewhere else?