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John Ford's "Bucking Broadway" (1917)

Posted: February 1st, 2009, 1:09 pm
by MissGoddess
I found this little interview of Peter Bogdanovich
from the 2007 Toronto Film Festival I thought you'd
enjoy. Somehow, I'd never heard that Bucking Broadway
was miraculously found and restored
until I followed a link at, which
led me to in France where I purchased a
Region 2 DVD of this 1917 John Ford silent. I hope
somehow it will turn up on Region 1, or that some
kind person in Europe will upload it to YouTube so
all of you Stateside can see how GLORIOUS it looks---it's
been restored to an almost pristine condition. Anyway,
here's Peter talking a little about it:

As Peter says, the story is simple but there is a verve
to it's manner, as if it's bursting at the seems with the
energy of it's (then) young participants. It's really a
treat to see (clearly and distinctly) a YOUNG Harry
Carey. Now I can appreciate his extreme naturalness
in comparison to other screen cowboys (not so much
of this era, which seems to be more authentic, but in
comparison to the flashier screen cowboys to come.)
Harry also does a pretty cool stunt in one part, and it
looks convincingly that he is doing it without a double.
The ride up "Broadway" is very exciting---i only wished
for it to last longer.

Another thing I noticed---the women back then were
decidedly Rubenesque, lol! How times change!

I'd love to hear the story behind who found the print
of this movie two years ago, and how, but at least
this proves that there is reason to hope for some other
gems thought to be lost. :)