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La Foule Hurle (1932) Howard Hawks

Posted: March 1st, 2009, 4:11 pm
by myrnaloyisdope
Anyone out there know anything about this French version of Howard Hawks' The Crowd Roars? What piqued my interest is the fact that the Jimmy Cagney role is played by Jean Gabin!!!

I see that it has 11 votes on imdb, so there is a reasonable chance it exists.

Re: La Foule Hurle (1932) Howard Hawks

Posted: March 2nd, 2009, 4:18 am
by Ann Harding
Well MLid, I don't know if this film has been preserved. But this one wasn't directed by Hawks, but by Jean Daumery and shot in France. It was quite typical of the early thirties to produce the same film translated in French. Another case: Hawks' The Criminal Code (1931) was made in France as Criminel (1932) and directed by Jack Forrester with Harry Baur in the Walter Huston part. This film was shown during a recent Hawks retrospective whereas La Foule Hurle wasn't. It might have been lost...

(as for IMdB votes, it's totally unreliable as many lost silents have votes as well!)