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No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 3:29 pm
by ken123
[ That what CNN 's Lou Dobbs says. None of these foreign holidays such as St.Joseph's Day, St Columbus Day, what that what he said Old Chris is a Saint OMG !. Mr Dobbs wants "An American Holiday ". Is anyone else tired of this " I am a Better American Than You Are" shtick as I am. I see that Herr Limbaugh is again siding with mammon in the AIG bonus scandal, what a shock :wink: b]

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 3:58 pm
by jdb1
You know, Ken, I hardly ever even watch those "news" networks, because only about 20% of what's on there is actual "news." The rest is bombast and ego and fact-twisting.

You probably also remember, as I do, when Lou Dobbs was a genuine, serious, network news reporter, back in the olden days of half-hour news reports once or twice a night. Who gave him that hypodermic of crazy, I wonder?

What I don't wonder is why most young people get their news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Those two gentlemen seem to me to be a lot more rational, mature, and credible than the over-made up and coiffed, over-surgerized, America-firsters on the cable news networks (that goes for most of both the supposed Liberals and Conservatives, both of which groups have made nightly news a completely geocentric event).

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 4:35 pm
by ken123
What Jon Stewart did to Jim Cramer & CNBC last night was a joy to watch. That is what real news reporting should be. CNBC has been just a cheerleader for deregulations, with no questions asked. The major media was a relentless cheerleader for the walk up to this disastrious War In Iraq, with again no questions asked. If you questioned the war your patriotism was questions. Thinking was thrown out the window, its the same with the bank bailout - AIG mess.

The War supporters now say that the US has won the war. Won the war with so many families destroyed by this war,mental illnesss,ravaged bodies, suicides, maritial breakups, drug addiction? The war is worth all that, I say no ! Not mentioning the havoc & heartache it has caused to Iraqi citizens

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 9:16 pm
by movieman1957
They never should have done the bailout. The SEC knew these bonuses were, by contract, obligated to be paid. They did nothing about it. Congress even worded the package so they could be paid. Now they are all oh so indignant. They are phony as the day is long.

The other outrageous matter is the President wanting private health insurance to pick up wounded veterans treatment. Good luck with that. As if things weren't bad enough for him...

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 18th, 2009, 10:59 pm
by ken123
Contracts with unit that caused the downfall of AIG MUST be complied with, union contracts with the big three automakers MUST be overturned. So much for justice in 21 Century America. Congressional Conservatives demanded that NO pay limits be imposed on the bailled out banks ( & AIG ) but these same family values folk demand that UAW workers bare the brunt of the big threes loans. That champion of the middle class Mr Limbaugh supported the GOP on these issues, when will the American people wake up & realize that Limbaugh & his ilk are the enemies of the middle class, decency and of America ? The same goes for the " populists " Dobbs & Beck !

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 12:26 am
by markfp
I guess Mr.Dobbs doesn't realize that St. Patrick's Day is not and has never been an offical holiday. It's just a day that those who are so inclined celebrate Irish heritage. The government doesn't shut down, people still have to work, (unless they use personal time) banks are open and life continues just like every other day. If he wants to celebrate an "American" holiday, he can do so on JULY 4th and he can even get the day off with pay.

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 8:27 am
by ChiO
Judith wrote:
What I don't wonder is why most young people get their news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Not just "young" people. For my money, Jon Stewart is the best news interpreter and commentator since Eric Sevareid.

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 8:36 am
by movieman1957

Aren't the automakers still obligated for all those contracts to the unions and retirees unless they file bankruptcy? Maybe that would have been the smart thing to do with AIG.

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 8:48 am
by jdb1
ken123 wrote:Contracts with unit that caused the downfall of AIG MUST be complied with . . . .
Interestingly, Ken, an op-ed piece in the NY Times pointed out that many of these AIG executives had the standard kind of exec contracts that tie bonus to performance. If the company tanks, you don't get your treat (or you get a much smaller bite), so they should not have been paid.

That argument about how these jokers are the "best and brightest" and had to be rewarded or they'd walk is so ludicrous as to almost not even need rebuttal. I don't know how it is in other urban centers, but in NYC, there are about 5,000 equally qualified people hovering right behind you, just waiting to step into your shoes. Invaluable, indeed. As Col. Sherman Potter would say: "Bull cookies!!!"

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 11:40 am
by ken123
movieman1957 wrote:Ken:

Aren't the automakers still obligated for all those contracts to the unions and retirees unless they file bankruptcy? Maybe that would have been the smart thing to do with AIG.

Its my understanding that the contracts were redraw between the UAW and the big three automakers with the workers taking a pay & benefit cut & the jobs bank eliminated. I might be wrong.

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 2:04 pm
by jdb1
And more and more I feel like I'm living backwards. Increasing numbers of beggars in the subways and on the streets, shuttered businesses, decreased street traffic. And now, labor losing all the ground it fought so hard to acquire, and which it strove for not out of greed, but out of basic human need.

How many of the Wall Streeters and economic pundits, so blithely and pointedly either ignoring the plight of us plebs, or trying to graph it, are aware of the fact that people in this country were willing to lose their lives to make sure that their children and children's children would have decent work hours and work conditions, a living wage, some time off once in a while, and some modest benefits and perks--like say, some help with healthcare from those they were working themselves to death for? It's not the fault of working people that healthcare has become so expensive, but we are the ones paying a terrible price for that reality.

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 3:32 pm
by ken123
You are so right ! The last two Saturday afternoons I did my grocery shopping at Jewel and both times the weather was warm, sunny, no rain, or snow, and no ice leftovers, and both times my shopping took place between 2 - 3 PM, and to my shock the store was both times the store was virtually empty, I got in and out of checkout within five minutes. Motor traffic also seems much reduced. Today I visited a local fast food establishment, during the noon rush, three other customers were presents, two more arrived while I waited to pick up my beef sandwich. Until recently "The Dog Stop " has been very busy at this time. I have also been doing more home cooking.

For the last 2 plus years the house to the south of mine and the house directly behind me have been vacant due to foreclosures, since Mid December the house to my south has new owners :D and in the last month the house across the alley from mine has been renovated with the new owners moving in next week. :D

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 2:51 pm
by ken123
Arianna Huffington was recently on " The Morning Joe " ( MSNBC ) with ex GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough in which Mr. Scarorough stated "It seems no matter who is President that Wall Street Runs Treasury". The U.S. Department of the Treasury. Wow call out the FBI , or Limbaugh - Hannity - Malkin another " Red " ( :wink: )is found working in the Mainstrain media.

Mark Haines, another of the talking heads at CNBC, says the people making under $250,000, can't run a Wall Street firm. Apparently people making well over that sum can't either. :oops:

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 21st, 2009, 11:21 pm
by Birdy
Judith -
Well said that we are 'living backwards". I actually know people who are washing out clothes by hand and other time-consuming tasks that just a few years ago we all thought we were too far above. (Okay, I admit it, I've always been kind of maniacal about my finery but that's another story.) And while I think it's great that we're having to take a step back from the indulgence we've all gotten used to to reasses needs from wants, about half of America's teeth are rotting out of their heads. Something has to be done to move dental prices in line with other medical costs, at least.
And speaking of regression, can you believe we have entire shows devoted to paternity testing? How archaic is that, that so many people don't know who the father of their child is. What, are we back to living in caves and being drug off by our hair? While I don't want us to return to the mores of just a few decades ago that forced women to go into hiding and give up their babies born out of wedlock, I have to wonder if this economy will have any effect on the perception of unplanned pregnancy as an indulgence. But then, that's one thing through history the downtrodden have always been proud of, lots of babies.
Okay, I know you're not used to me carrying on like this so I'll just climb off my soapbox and go drink a glass of champagne on the deck with Doug F., Jr. and the gang. Cheers.

Re: No to St. Paddy's Day

Posted: March 22nd, 2009, 11:22 am
by mrsl
Hi Judith:

I can tell you one thing about shopping at Jewel, and that is you won't catch me in one of them. I can testify that when shopping there, my food bill will definitely be up to $7.00 more than when I shop for name brands at Walmart, or Target. K-Mart has recently raised their prices so I no longer shop there. I love the way Walmart and Target display their meats, in addition to the fact that you literally have to ask the meat cutter for a piece with fat on it because they trim fat off so beautifully. Although Target has a better quality of clothing and therefore higher prices in other departments, their food prices are so much better than Jewel or Dominic (another one I won't go into). Both Target and Walmart carry all the different flavors and nuances of foods, so their selection is extraordinary. I know Walmart is often unfair to their employees, but in this time of economic disaster, I have to watch out for my budget. I also have to giggle a bit at my daughter who at one time laughed out loud at me for using coupons, but she now has a fistful when she goes shopping. So if any of you have a Walmart Superstore close to you, it is well worth taking a drive and checking it out. :roll:
