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Mama Roma (1962)

Posted: March 21st, 2009, 10:24 am
by moira finnie
Mama Roma (1962), directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini and starring Anna Magnani is coming up on Mon., March 23 at 2AM ET on TCM. Magnani, who is always compelling as an actress, (even when she overdoes it), plays a middle-aged prostitute trying to retire after years on the street and raise her country-bred 16 year old son.
Magnani and son (Ettore Garofolo).

I haven't seen this movie before, but look forward to anything featuring that force of nature known as Magnani. Having relished the wonderful Pasolini-scripted Nights of Cabiria (1957), directed by Fellini, about another prostitute as a human being, and having seen and enjoyed The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964) a long time ago, perhaps this film is worthwhile. I hope that you'll add your thoughts here if you've seen this movie. Thanks.