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Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: April 27th, 2009, 2:21 pm
by ChiO
Who would be the cast and crew in your dream film noir? My nightmare (not necessarily the favorites, but folks I'd love to see work together):


Studio -- Eagle-Lion
Producer -- Mark Hellinger
Director -- Edgar G. Ulmer
Cinematographer -- John Alton
Screenplay -- A.I. Bezzerides
Source -- a never-written story, Black Is As Black Does, by Cornell Woolrich
Music -- only in the nightclub scene with Shorty Rogers and His Giants


Sterling Hayden -- the hardboiled detective, criminally eradicating crime while chewing on a matchstick
Joan Bennett -- the detective's wife (but whose side is she really on?)
Robert Ryan -- outcast criminal seeking redemption...while bloodying some lips
Ida Lupino -- the outcast criminal's gal, blind to his failings (but whose side is she really on?)
Lawrence Tierney -- Da Boss of Da Gang, hunting down the outcast criminal between knockin' back a few bourbons and jaws
Lee Marvin -- Meatball Slob, constantly challenging Da Boss' leadership, gets into fights a lot...and avoids coffee
Elisha Cook, Jr. -- gang member, constantly smacked around, probably dead by the end
Raymond Burr -- the attorney-on-the-make, on the side of whoever paid him last...or whoever might pay him next
Dan Duryea -- the attorney's private investigator, beaten up by Tierney & Marvin, but he smacks Cook
Gloria Grahame -- the ubiquitous floozy (on her side)
Timothy Carey -- the Timothy Carey role (misunderstood by some to be a whack-job)
Whit Bissell -- the Greek Chorus in a lab coat
Lionel Stander -- voice-over narration

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: April 27th, 2009, 2:53 pm
by moira finnie
I LOVE this premise and have gotten completely sidetracked today playing with it. Thanks so much to ChiO for thinking of this...sorry, no Timothy Carey appearances in my noirs just yet.

Here's my first crack at this subject, shining a spotlight on an "if only" film noir that ought to have been made. I've always had a weakness for those noirs that played fast and loose with psychiatry on screen:

Title -- The Dark Night of the Soul (1948)
Studio -- RKO
Producer -- John Houseman
Director – Robert Siodmak
Cinematographer -- Nicholas Musuraca
Screenplay – Ben Hecht, A.I. Bezzerides & Crane Wilbur
Source -- a previously unknown story by closet pulp writer Eric Knight
Music -- Bernard Herrmann (experimenting with both a theremin & viola d'amor solo by Virginia Majewski)


Tom Conway – the oily head of a psychiatric hospital, with far too many graduate degrees papering the wall of his office--but not enough to cover the truth!
Richard Conte – hotshot Freudian analyst turned Jungian, a former POW, just back from Vienna after completing his postwar studies.
Isobel Elsom – older, moneyed blue blood society dame, and soon dead, wife of Tom Conway
Ella Raines – tough, but tender gal Friday to head shrink, rumored to have recently ended a love affair with Conway.
Colleen Gray – malleable patient, in love with Conway (or is it just transference?)
William Bendix – Conte's "wing man" in the Air Force, shot down over Germany with him, now rediscovered as an amnesiac patient in hospital.
Walter Slezak – fabulously wealthy mentor of Conte's at local university, a bit of an intellectual dilettante who is currently occupying the Larry Ballentine Chair for the Study of Human Duality
Richard Erdman – snarky male nurse, who knows more than he will say and drinks on duty.
Elisha Cook, Jr. – orderly who may have been working in the nuthouse a little too long.
Fred Clark – slightly incompetent but likable chief of detectives
Mike Mazurki – Slezak chauffeur

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: April 27th, 2009, 11:27 pm
by knitwit45
Moira, I stumbled into this nightmare over at Nightmare Alley Headquarters, and have been trying to convince myself it's only a dream....

Does someone around here have a nightmarish crush on ol' Richard Erdman????? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:48 am
by moira finnie
knitwit45 wrote:Moira, I stumbled into this nightmare over at Nightmare Alley Headquarters, and have been trying to convince myself it's only a dream....

Does someone around here have a nightmarish crush on ol' Richard Erdman????? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Well, I wouldn't call it a crush, exactly. He just makes me laugh every time I see him in a movie. And you know how desperately film noir needs its lighter moments. At least I didn't give Mr. Erdman any "uncredited" appearances. (Kind of like ChiO and his Timothy Carey appearance in his movie). Hope that you will make up your own noir nightmare, Nancy!

Here's a few other dream casts that occurred to me:
This time, The Mob vs. Cops vs. Feds Noir in the 1950s

Title: The Canary Sings Twice (1951)
Studio -- Columbia
Producer -- Samuel Bischoff
Director – Phil Karlson
Cinematographer – Bert Glennon
Screenplay – Jay Dratler & Crane Wilbur
Source – "Confessions of a Stoolie" by Jack Lait and Lee Mortimer
Music -- Gerald Fried


John Payne – mob accountant who, caught in a raid on a betting parlor, is now a contact for the FBI inside "The Organization"
Brian Donlevy – philosophical but still deadly head of the syndicate, wondering if his henchman have noticed he's growing a bit soft, (now needs hearing aid in addition to lifts, toupee and male girdle)
Ted de Corsia – the restless right hand man of Donlevy, tired of being described by the boss as "like a brother"
Ricardo Montalban – newly appointed lieutenant to the city's crime task force with a chip on his manly shoulder
Regis Toomey -- Montalban's partner on the task force, counting the days until his pension, when he can retire with the wife and 5 kids so they can operate a laundromat and rake in the "big money"
E.G. Marshall – a by the book F.B.I. man, used to bumping heads with local cops, and not impressed with young Lt. Montalban.
Phyllis Kirk – daughter of Donlevy, just back from college, seemingly unaware of her father's real business, doesn't enjoy being eyed by Ted de Corsia & Jack Elam like a tender steak on a sizzle platter (see below)
Gloria Grahame – desperate, nympho girlfriend of Ted de Corsia, who makes a play for Montalban
Neville Brand -- "muscle" for the Syndicate, a human doberman on a leash held by Donlevy (or is it de Corsia now?)
Jack Elam -- wall-eyed simpleton, half of the muscle team led by Brand...and Neville's roommate (Jack does the ironing and cooking)
Richard Erdman – eager beaver photographer from the local newspaper, willing to do anything for a good shot.
Ian Wolfe – Minister with a past
Will Wright – Pops, the pool hall attendant (uncredited)
Percy Helton – Mailman (uncredited)
Nita Talbot –Jailbait Barfly (uncredited)


How about we take a look at a hypothetical attempt by glossy MGM to hop on the gritty Noir Bandwagon before the cycle plays out for good? Well, maybe the gloss won out here...

Title: Johnny Came Lately (1949)
Studio -- MGM
Producer -- Harry Rapf
Director – Curtis Bernhardt
Cinematographer – Paul C. Vogel
Screenplay – John Lee Mahin & James Edward Grant
Source – Saturday Evening Post article "Whither Youth?" by Westbrook Pegler
Music -- André Previn


Van Johnson – ambitious, rising young attorney and war hero, engaged to be married, with alot to learn about the way things really work in Middletown, USA.
Gloria de Haven -- profession: fiancée, goal: security, prospects: excellent, except when Van refuses to heel when whistled for.
Audrey Totter -- the loyal legal secretary to Van, whose big, sleepy blue eyes see more than intended.
Keefe Braselle-- handsome kid brother of Van Johnson, just back from service in Occupied Japan with too much money in his pockets and no apparent determination to buckle down to a career--until he's had what he calls "fun".
John Hodiak -- Danny Rossetti, who grew up with Van, but now has taken the reigns of local underworld activity.
Walter Pidgeon -- Gloria's Dad and Dutch uncle partner to Van at Johnson's law firm. As a longtime friend of the family, he warns that it may be surprising how many careers will be thrown into jeopardy if Van keeps digging around in "the Rossetti case."
J. Carroll Naish -- Van Johnson's client, a grocery store owner who killed a Rossetti minion in self-defense after the hoodlum hurled a fire-bomb through Naish's store window.
Esther Minciotti -- Naish's long suffering wife, with few lines but an eloquently expressive face and a strong belief in the power of novenas to solve most problems.
Leon Ames -- a used car salesman who used to date Totter and is desperate to get close again.
Marshall Thompson -- childhood best friend of Keefe, newly married to Pier Angeli who's expecting their first baby.
Pier Angeli -- vulnerable young Italian war bride whose peasant wisdom is no match for all-American naiveté of her hubby.
Jay C. Flippen -- Seamus Thorkelson, a waterfront contact with lots of street cred and a mean left hook.
Richard Erdman -- Bartender at the Country Club who knows more than he will say.
Richard Anderson -- Golf Pro at the Country Club, giving Gloria private lessons.
Marc Lawrence -- gunsel for Hodiak (uncredited)
Tom Helmore -- snobby partner at law firm (uncredited)
Jeff Corey -- Man with Switchblade (uncredited)

How about those proto-feminist noirs that seemed so edgy once, and gave employment to some great actresses? Here's a dream cast...or is it nightmare?

Title -- Beyond the Pale (1953)
Studio -- RKO
Producer -- Bert E. Friedlob
Director – John Cromwell and Ida Lupino(uncredited)
Cinematographer -- Carl E. Guthrie
Screenplay – Virginia Kellogg and Crane Wilbur
Source -- "Sin of Omission" a short story written for "True Adventure" magazine by Douglas Heyes
Music -- What music? Tin cups on bars?


Ida Lupino – Ida plays a compassionate social worker trying to help young girls behind bars, even if she must suppress her womanhood! Sure, Lupino's the co-director of this flick too, but she's a name first. Now if only someone would remind her that she's a woman too!
Barbara Stanwyck – sent away for life back in the '30s for causing a series of men to commit suicide over her babyface. Now she's queen of the cell block and not interested in being "helped" by anyone, not even Ida.
Dan Duryea – weaselly head guard at the prison, got his job through connections, has his eye on Lizabeth, since he likes 'em heartless (and expressionless?).
Lizabeth Scott – there wasn't enough money in the world for this girl, who vows never to change, even if it leads to the gas chamber.
Robert Ryan – progressive instructor in the prison, proposes to institute a training program for the inmates designed to help them become stenographers when they "graduate" to the real world. Teaches boxing on the side.
John Emery – sleazy head of the parole board, with an eye for the inmates
Marsha Hunt – doing time for offing her brutal hubby by pouring acid on his car's brake lining. No regrets from this gal, even if she keeps trying to break out of her typecas--er, make that cell.
Ann Francis – pouty-lipped lass who stole a car with John Drew Barrymore, only to rack it up on the lawn of Hope Emerson.
Whit Bissell – has rocketed his way up from "apprentice guard" to "associate guard" in only 18 years. Plays Lenny to Duryea's George.
Richard Erdman – "Cookie" who prefers the title of head chef of facilities, but who nips the cooking sherry too often and may have seen more than he should have during a smoke break on the loading dock.
Irene Dunne – Special Guest Star Dunne reprises her role as "Ann Vickers", prison reform pioneer of the 1930s. Miss Dunne appears in a prologue explaining that the conditions depicted in this film predate modern reformatory techniques, which have revolutionized the penal system by 1953, making a term in the state pen seem like a day trip to the hairdresser.
Louis Jean Heydt -- dead prison guard, falls off tower (uncredited)
Charles Buchinsky -- Marsha Hunt's husband, seen in flashback as he goes over cliff (uncredited)
John Fiedler -- Ann Francis' boyfriend, seen on visiting day (uncredited)

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:13 pm
by ChiO
With genuine respect and affection ---


Director: William Beaudine
Producer: Robert L. Lippert
Studio: P.R.C.
Cinematography: Ray Dennis Steckler (and various uncredited for stock footage)
Screenplay: William Beaudine (still writing as lowered into grave)
Source: William Beaudine's demented imagination
Music: Various classical (in the public domain); Arch Hall, Jr. (under opening & closing credits)


DeForest Kelley: young befuddled male ingenue (John Payne cost too much)
Ann Savage: female, but not a lady, with her foot out to trip Kelley (Gloria Grahame cost too much)
Robert Emhardt: slobbering, leering elderly gentleman, ready to trap Kelley or Savage, whoever is more vulnerable (Sydney Greenstreet cost too much)
Hugh Beaumont: straight looking and talking gentleman who is none of the foregoing (Fred MacMurray cost too much)
Dick Bakalyan: young tough who will stick anyone for price...or a thrill (Lee Marvin cost too much)
Joe Sawyer: grizzled gruff cigar-chomping marshmallow, smacking Bakalyan, staring down Beaumont, and shooting Emhardt (Gene Evans cost too much)
Lyle Talbot: the Greek Chorus (Lon Chaney and even Lon Chaney, Jr. cost too much)

Dedication: To Dewey1960 and BrandonLinden who made me stop worrying and love the B-Noir

Available (direct to video) on Alpha Video

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:26 pm
by moira finnie
:P If it doesn't cost too much to ask, what year was LIFE ON THE CHEAP supposed to be made, ChiO?

I'm so glad that you threw Joe Sawyer and Lyle Talbot in the cast. It used to make me sad to see them in poor movies, but now I'm just glad they're working. I'm afraid that I've come to loathe Lyle whenever he shows up in those Warner Brothers '30s movies as a leading man (what were they thinking?)--even when he's opposite someone who is neat-o, like Kay Francis or Jane Bryan. Okay, Talbot was okay as the drunken doc in Mandalay, and his appearances in documentaries when he was very old are fascinating. Did you know that he was very active in the early days of SAG and that he told Warner Brothers not to bother putting Humphrey Bogart under contract, since he'd never make it in the movies?

I think someone should compose an ideal Jack Bernhard movie. Huh, whaddya say?

After last night's Macao (1951) adventure with William Bendix holding up his end while Mitchum and Russell lolled around, maybe an ideal Howard-Hughes-driving-RKO-into-bankruptcy production should be considered?

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 8:01 pm
by Dewey1960
Studio: Columbia
YEAR: 1947
Cast: Tom Neal, Jean Gillie, Paul Kelly, Adele Mara.
Director: William Castle
Screenplay: Ned Young
Cinematography: Burnett Guffey
Running Time: 71 mins.
A drug-addicted musician awakens on Death Row without any knowledge of how he got there. A series of flashbacks gradually reveal the sordidly tragic truth about his circumstances.

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 9:12 am
by MikeBSG
This is fun. I'll have to bend my mind to this.

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 11:07 am
by moira finnie
I can't wait to see your "dream cast", Mike.

Here's my friend Jacqueline's interpretation of this theme, which she's posted on her website at Another Old Movie Blog. I think it's quite amusing, especially since she makes Bogie a happy-go-lucky guy and give Charles Lane a leading part, for once: ... -noir.html

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: May 9th, 2009, 1:50 pm
by Dewey1960
Year: 1960
Studio: Columbia
Director: Irving Lerner
Writer: Stirling Silliphant
Photographed in B&W by: Burnett Guffey
Running Time: 77 mins.
Synopsis: A psychopath is loose in the city and his victims are all young
women with a penchant for poetry and angry young men.

Vince Edwards
Tuesday Weld
John Dehner
Barbara Steele
Carolyn Jones
Dick Bakalyan

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: May 10th, 2009, 7:04 am
by moira finnie
Oh, nice, Dewey! I am so glad to see the ubiquitous John Dehner included in the cast, and Mongo will be delighted to have Carolyn Jones off the unemployment line since she is one of his faves.

Who would do the music for The Dead Beat? I'd like to see the art direction or at least the opening credits done by Saul Bass, but let's face it, he is probably out of this movie's league, money-wise.

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: November 26th, 2009, 7:10 am
by ken123
Wow ! What a thread !

The Fatal Embrace ( Universal - International 1946 )
Producer: Mark Hellinger
Director: Robert Siodmak

Screenplay: John Paxton & Richard Brooks ( Mark Hellinger uncredited )
Director of Photography: William Daniels
Musical score: Miklas Rosza
Running Time: 92 Minutes

Yvonne DeCarlo - Marie ( Maria ) McCarthy - Nite Club Singer at " The Lounge "
Ella Raines - - - - Maureen ( Mo ) McCarthy McBride - Marie's Married Sister
John Payne . . . . Danny McBride - Maureen's Harding Working Husband
Dan Duryea. . . . .Frankie ( Slim ) Ireland - Small Time Hood & Marie's Boyfriend
Helen Walker. . . .Moira Murphy - The McBride's wisecraking neighbor
Raymond Burr . . . Homer ( Fats ) McGuire - Owner of " The Lounge "
John Ireland . . . . Ernie ( Bones ) Dundee - Member Ireland Gang
Jeff Corey. . . . . . Pete Brannigan - Member Ireland Gang
Curt Conway. . . . .Phil ( Spider ) Webb - Member Ireland Gang
Mike Mazurki. . . . Chester ( Killer ) Karpinski - Member Ireland Gang
Percy Helton. . . . .Chuck ( Rhaspy ) Morrison - Bartender at " The Lounge "
William Conrad . . .Charles Farrell - Los Angeles Police Detective
Charles McGraw. . . Larry McGraw - Los Angeles Police Detective
Tom Pedi. . . . . . . Thommie Itianiano - Los Angeles Police Detective
Taylor Holmes. . . . Montague Asbury - Prominent Los Angeles Attorney
Henry Travers . . . . Father Kieron McMartin - Parish Priest
Roy Roberts. . . . . .Gordon Elliot - Danny's Employer
Dan Tobin. . . . . . . Thomas Thomas - Maureen's Boss & Fashion Designer Co Owner " Heavenly Fashions "
Rita Johnson. . . . .. Rita McSwean - Ex Model & Co - Owner " Heavenly Fashions "
Ann Dvorak . . . . . .Monica ( Bobbie ) McKim - Top Model at " Heavenly Fashions "
Roman Bohnen .. ... Rudolph ( Rudy ) Bowman - Has Been Actor
Art Smith. . .. . . . ..Max Berger - Bowman Agent & Drinking Partner
Elisha Cook, Jr. . . ..Howard ( Tippy ) O' Neill - Police informer
Harry Morgan. . . . .Newspaper Vender
Ann Doran. . . . . . .Ely McLeod - Secretary for Mr Elliot
Emory Parnell . . . . Officer Burke - Los Angeles Police Officer - Beat Cop
Cliff Clark. . . . . . .Officer Brophy - Los Angeles police Officer - Beat Cop
Don Beddoe. . . . . . Officer O' Hara 0 Los Angeles Police Officer - Desk Cop
Dan Seymour.........Oscar ( Sully ) Sullivan - Doorman at " The Lounge "
Marie McDonald - . . Secretary at " Heavenly Fashions " ( uncredited )
Marie Windsor . . . .Chic Woman ( uncredited )
Jean Brooks . . . . . .Patron at " The Lounge " ( uncredited )
Tony Schwartz ( Curtis ) . . . . Gigolo ( uncredited )
Veda Ann Borg. . . . . . . . . . . Model ( uncredited )
Marion Martin. . . . . . . . . . . .Model ( uncredited )
Iris Adrian.........................Laud Patron at "The Lounge " ( uncredited )
Jan Sterling. . . . . . . . . . . . ..Midge - Hat Check Girl ( uncredited )
Ruth Roman.......................Ruthie Cigarette Girl ( uncredited )
Shelly Winters.................... Showgirl at "The Lounge " ( uncredited )
Charles Wagenheim . . . . . . . Waiter at " The Lounge " ( uncredited )
Whit Bisell .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Man Buying Newspaper ( uncredited )
Victor Killian . . . . . . . . . . . . .Derelict ( uncredited )
Donald Kerr........................Cab Driver ( uncredited )
Mark Hellinger . . . . . . . . . . .Narration
Marie is a girl who wants it all, and Slim ireland is just the man to provide it. Danny & Maureen are happily married, he works as a loan officer and she stays at home, but does part time modeling at Heavenly Fashions. Unexpectedly Danny is given his two week notice and falls into a deep depression, but Slim, who has just married Marie has the solution to danny & Mo's problems. Moira is at the wrong place at the wrong time and is killed. Danny now knows that he needs to get out of the situation that Slim has put him into. He confesses to Maureen, who had no idea what was transpiring. Father McMartin plays a big role in the end and alone the way many odd characters are mixed it, each doing " their thing ". :D

Production Notes -Claire Trevor was originally slated to play Maria, but Producer Hellinger wanted someone younger. Marsha Hunt was likewise penciled in for the Moira Murphy role, but Helen Walker ended up landing the Eve Arden type role.

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: December 2nd, 2009, 11:09 pm
by moira finnie
Ken, I love your Mark Hellinger production, which I'd missed on Thanksgiving. What a great addition to this imaginary genre you have made. I love your casting notes from behind the scenes very much. Henry Travers as a parish priest and Percy Helton as a bartender! Faith and begorra, it's going to be a long night for those two with this crowd seeking sustenance for their parched souls and throats.

I really hope you'll try to do another. You've given me several laughs with this one. Jeez, what a distinguished bunch of uncredited bits too!

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: December 2nd, 2009, 11:22 pm
by ken123
moirafinnie wrote:Ken, I love your Mark Hellinger production, which I'd missed on Thanksgiving. What a great addition to this imaginary genre you have made. I love your casting notes from behind the scenes very much. Henry Travers as a parish priest and Percy Helton as a bartender! Faith and begorra, it's going to be a long night for those two with this crowd seeking sustenance for their parched souls and throats.

I really hope you'll try to do another. You've given me several laughs with this one. Jeez, what a distinguished bunch of uncredited bits too!
:D :wink:

Re: Create Your Own Noir Nightmare

Posted: March 21st, 2010, 8:19 pm
by ken123
Lilith Ritter ( 1949 )
A Republic Production
Producer:Edmund Grainger
Director:Edward Ludwig
Screen Writer:W.R.Burnett - Based on a character created by William Lindsay Gresham
Director of Photography:Reggie Lanning
Music:Dimitri Tiomkin
Costumes:Adele Palmer
Special Effects:Howard & Theodore Lydecker
Art Direction:James Sullivan
Running Time:100 minutes
Helen Walker...............Lilith Ritter Chicago based psychologist - Too sad about her real life
John Payne..................Paul Miller Client of Dr.Ritter - Owns Miller Trucking Company
Ann Dvorak.................Maggie Magee Lillths roommate - former chantuese - IMHO one of most talented gals in films
Janis Carter................Abby Miller Pauls lonely wife
Howard Chamberlain......Sam Simmons Bookkeeper - Miller Trucking Company with a past
Steve Brodie................Butch Murphy General Manager - Miller Trucking Company He has an eye on Janis
Roy Roberts................"Big Ed " Hill President Hill Trucking Alliance & Mob connected
Joseph Sawyer............."Babe" McGuire VP Hill Trucking Alliance -in charge of " cleaning things up
Pamela Britton..............Edie Receptionist - Miller Trucking Company )
Art Smith....................Donald McBride Criminal Lawyer -In more ways than one
Cara Williams...............Sally McBride Receptionist - To bad the film is in black and white
Ann Doran...................Annie Dr.Ritter Receptionist Her eyelashes are " attracitve "
Jack Lambert...............Bill Gurney Truck Driver - A truck driver you have got to be kidding
Jeff Corey...................Mark McMahon Chicago Police Captain
Henry ( Harry) Morgan.....Al Marshall Chicago Police Lt - Wheres Jack Webb ?
Roman Bohnen..............Man Uncredited -Man seen in lobby - Mr Bohnen died during production
Maggie Hayes...............Woman Uncredited Woman in lobby waitng for elevator - Nice gams babe
Willie Best...................Willie Elevator Operator
James Burke.................O'Hara Chicago Police Officer - An Irish Chicago cop I dont belive it
Teresa Harris............... Nola Uncredited - Lillith & Maggies Maid
Jack Overman...............Thug Uncredited

Paul Miller is having martial & business problems and consults Dr Ritter - danger follows. Dr Ritter ( Nightmare Alley ) is back to her old and evil ways . Ed Hill is a business rival of Pauls and mob connected. Dr.Ritter is under his thumb unknown to Mr.Miller.

Republic spent a great sum ($ 1.5 million ) in making this noirish sequal to " Nightmare Alley ".Roman Bohnan was originally slated to play lawyer McBride, but he died early in production, all of his scences, but one, were cut from the released v ersion, the one scene showed him waiting for an elevator.The Lilith - Maggie " relationship" ( implied ) caused a sensation of sorts at the time. In flashbacks Maggie was shown as a night club singer were she first attracted Dr. Ritters attention