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Pick your desert island disks

Posted: June 27th, 2009, 6:18 am
In the UK we have a radio show, currently presented by Kirsty Wark, but has been running for over 40-yrs.

As I understand it a guest picks 8 records to be played, but is allowed on on the island, a record, a book and a luxery item. Here's the 8 records I might pick and my, plus my island picks, though I might change my mind at a later date. What's yours

Theme from The Kid-Charlie Chaplin

Theme from Limelight-Charlie Chaplin

Rhapsody In Blue-George Gerswin

Stardust-Hoagy Charmichael

If I Can Dream-Elvis Presley

The Rose-Bette Midler

Miss You Nights-Cliff Richard

Lead Me. Guide Me-Elvis Presley

For the island

Record-Lead, Me Guide Me-Elvis Presley



Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 20th, 2011, 11:33 am
by MissGoddess
More housecleaning turned this up that no one responded, so I'll bite.

(By the way, "Hi in Scotland, Stu!")

Assuming this island is has electricity, cable/satelite and the internet (oh, brother!)

My one record (CD/Mp3 whatever): Sinatra: The Reprise Collection

My one book: Bible

My one movie (DVD/tape, what have you): Charade

My one luxury (again, assuming we have all the other "utilities"): The perfect man.

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 22nd, 2011, 4:27 pm
by Fossy
MissGoddess wrote:

My one luxury (again, assuming we have all the other "utilities"): The perfect man.

You rang?

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 22nd, 2011, 7:13 pm
by MissGoddess

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 24th, 2011, 4:57 pm
by Fossy
I suppose a beautiful Goddess with a lovely smile would come in handy. Among other things she could wash the dishes for me.

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 12:08 pm
by movieman1957
8 albums.

Revolver - The Beatles.
Tchaikovsky's 6th Symphony - Eugene Ormandy - Philadelphia Symphony
Brahms' First Piano Concerto - Alfred Brendel
Moviola - John Barry
Try Anything Once - Alan Parsons
To Our Children's, Children's Children - The Moody Blues
Nether lands - Dan Fogelberg
Red Room - Christopher Cross.

(Pretty dull, huh?)

Book - To Kill A Mockingbird.

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 1:22 pm
by JackFavell
Book: Vanity Fair

Albums/CD's : (I'm cheating by adding best of collections which give me more songs than the original albums)

The Best of Cat Stevens
The Best of Harry Nilsson
Beatles RED
Beatles BLUE
Riders in the Sky THE COWBOY WAY
Ray Charles and Betty Carter
XTC Skylarking

one to grow on, cause I can't seem to discard it: The Clash LONDON CALLING

I'll add one movie to the list of things brought:

Hmmm, My Man Godfrey or Miracle of Morgan's Creek? Today, it's Miracle all the way.


hot tub

I just realized I'm the woman in the movies who is selfish and tries to smuggle something extra on board the tiny lifeboat.

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 2:54 pm
by ChiO
The 16 music discs (and I cheated, too, with listing of some compilations:

Billie Holliday: The Original Recordings (Columbia) - Billie Holliday
The Best of Louis Jordan (Decca) - Louis Jordan
Hank Williams: 40 Greatest Hits - Hank Williams
Kind of Blue - Miles Davis
Mingus Ah-Um - Charles Mingus
A Love Supreme - John Coltrane
Spiritual Unity - Albert Ayler Trio
Bringing It All Back Home - Bob Dylan
Mr. Tambourine Man - Byrds
Forever Changes - Love
Ramones - Ramones
Original Sin - Mekons
Imperial Bedroom - Elvis Costello
Lotte Lenya Sings Kurt Weill - Lotte Lenya
If I Should Fall From Grace With God - Pogues
Tabula Rasa - Arvo Part

The 3 movies ahead of all others:

CITIZEN KANE - Orson Welles
STARS IN MY CROWN - Jacques Tourneur

Book: This Is Orson Welles - Orson Welles & Peter Bogdanovich

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 2:56 pm
by movieman1957
Now, that's a list! (Most of them I don't know but it sure sounds impressive.)

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 5:43 pm
by JackFavell
Oh man! I knew as soon as I posted that I would want to change my choices!

I really wanted stuff that would make me happy, if I was going to be on a desert island... and the Ramones were this close to making it onto my list. I still can't believe I forgot Mingus, Coltrane and Davis (and Monk). But the unforgivable sin of omission was not including an Elvis Costello cd or album on my list. I have to think long and hard about which one I would take (I am pretending there isn't another I would have to bump off the earlier list which I don't think I could do).

Right now it's between Deep Dead Blue with Bill Frisell and...oh geez, now that I am looking at them all, it's too hard.... It's weird, because if I go with the most upbeat one to me, it would be Brutal Youth, which doesn't say a lot for the happy side of Elvis Costello. :D

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 6:25 pm
by movieman1957
Apparently, I live in a cave.

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 6:59 pm
by ChiO
Goodness, gracious...Monk! Absolutely love him. As a jazz composer, he's one of my trinity (the other two being Ellington and Mingus), but there's is no single record of his that would make to the island with me (though Underground comes close because "In Walked Bud" with a vocal by Jon Hendricks just knocks me out).

The one I feel bad about leaving off the island: the first album that Bill Evans and Tony Bennett did together -- "But Beautiful" by itself makes it a contender.

Re: Pick your desert island disks

Posted: November 28th, 2012, 10:35 am
by Vienna
I've always enjoyed this long running radio series. I see Dustin Hoffman is the guest next week - he's in England to publicise his new film.
Picking just 8 discs is difficult, but here's mine - at the moment!

I love Jane Froman's voice and would choose I'LL WALK ALONE - such deep,rich tones.

Tex Ritter's DO NOT FORSAKE ME, - so much a part of High Noon.

I'm A GIGOLO - sung by Peter Gale from a Cole Porter concert. A English singer I didnt know.

BY THE BEND OF THE RIVER. . Had to have something of Grace Moore.

IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHT - another perfect Porter song. I like Nelson Eddy's version.

JUST ONE MORE CHANCE- Gracie Fields was better know for her comedy songs but she often showed how she could adapt her voice to romantic ballads.

THE MAN THAT GOT AWAY. Spine-tingling Judy Garland.

BEGIN THE BEGUINE - more Cole Porter from Broadway Melody of 1940.

If I had to choose one , as the program demands, I guess it would be Tex Ritter!