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Shutter Island

Posted: March 14th, 2010, 12:59 pm
by MikeBSG
Has anyone else seen this one yet?

I liked it very much. I think it is better than "The Departed," although I probably liked Leonardo DeCaprio better in that film than this one. (Actually, "shutter Island" would be the perfect movie for Dana Andrews.)

I've read people criticizing the ending of "Shutter Island," but I think it has a much better ending than "The Departed." I thought the ending gave the viewer something to think about on the way out of the theater. (Of course, that may be why some people didn't like it. They just want an arm leaping out of a grave at the end.)

In some ways, this reminded me of "the Shining," and there was one scene that really seemed indebted to Kubrick's film. I also caught a resemblance to Lewton's "Bedlam." The nice thing was that Scorsese didn't club us over the head with these. If we got them, fine. If not, they just added to the general sense of unease.

Ben Kingsley and Max von Sydow both were very good, especially Kingsley.

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: March 14th, 2010, 2:55 pm
by mrsl
I am literally afraid to see Shutter Island. From what I've seen in the ads, I fear my measly 3 or 4 hours a sleep per night would be frightfully shortened from dreams about it. At my age, you would consider me too old for such nonsense, but you would be wrong. The Skeleton Key woke me once, and The Ring twice. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately I've lived in a time from skeleton keys, to little invisible lines on a card as keys, and I grew up with a wishing well in the back yard, so perhaps association has a lot to do with nightmares, but waking up at 65 with my heart pounding as if I had been running, and trying to catch my breath, is no fun. I'm sure age has a lot to do with it, because I used to love sci-fi, although never big on horror, so I'll leave it to the youngsters. I would love to hear a review of it though, and get a small idea of what happens, other than Leo and his friend get abandoned there and weird things start to happen.


Re: Shutter Island

Posted: March 14th, 2010, 4:55 pm
by SSO Admins
I haven't seen the movie, but I've read the book. Lehane is good though -- he does both good plots and he's a good writer.