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Questionable locations

Posted: March 14th, 2010, 3:25 pm
by mrsl
Have you ever watched a movie and felt a 'deja vu' about it? I've loved The Way West for a long time. It's the big sprawling type of Western that I love, with a large cast, and a lot of action, as well as character inter-play. There is one scene however, where the pioneers are on a huge cliff with a straight to the bottom drop off, so they rig up a rope, hauling system to get to the bottom and continue.

Recently I've discovered The Big Trail, and in the past 6 months or so, have seen it about 5 times, so by now I'm noticing more than just the actors. This wagon train runs into exactly the same circumstances as the one in The Way West, and they solve their problem in the same way. My question however, is: Is this the same location? I've checked the location shooting, and 'West' was shot exclusively in Oregon, actually 5 places, and one in Arizona. The Big Trail however, was shot in California but with some shot in Oregon, but it doesn't say where.

All I ask is that you keep this in mind, and the next time you see these movies, you look closely at the locations (you won't have any trouble knowing what I'm talking about), and see if you can see any landmarks, considering there is a 37 year span between the two movies. This makes me nuts every time I see either movie.


Re: Questionable locations

Posted: March 15th, 2010, 10:50 am

A few yrs ago I watched an old Wagon Train episode. Now as much as it was a ground breaking series and seen as a flag waver for tv westerns, I felt much of it was studio shot. However, in this episode they were lowering wagons, cattle and other items down a steep cliff. I took the opinion such a shot would be expensive to film for a 50s tv show, so I figured they used old footage from The Big Trail. I remember faigly another clip which seemed older than the rest of the WT episode, so may the same happened here

Re: Questionable locations

Posted: March 15th, 2010, 3:56 pm
by mrsl

Your reasoning is correct except The Big Trail was in B & W, and The Way West was in color. But as for the Wagon Train episode, it could be very possible that's what they did.
