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Posted: March 19th, 2010, 2:52 pm
by pvitari
Shane! Come back!

(JackFavell, there's a brief Ben Johnson story in here...)

Shane came back to Atlanta last night (Thursday, March 18) with a screening of a gorgeous 35mm print at the Plaza Theatre. (The Plaza Theatre is a 70 year old Art Deco landmark that has staved off destruction, most lately with its purchase by a young couple that has turned it into a non-profit showing both current films as well as golden oldies that often include live entertainment. Here's their website:

The screening was preceded by a short talk by Jim Dunham, director of special projects for the Booth Western Art Museum in Cartersville, GA. Jim came dressed in full western regalia and not only told us about the film but gave us a wonderful demonstration of quick-draw techniques. Jim has also had a career as a weapons handler and trainer in the movies. While we were waiting in line to go into the theater, he talked to the people in line about Shane and about his movie career. His friends included Ben Johnson, with whom he once spent four days riding around and camping in Monument Valley. I asked him if Ben Johnson was as great a man as we've heard and he confirmed that indeed he was a terrific person.

Here's an article about Jim Dunham: ... owboy.html

This screening was sponsored by radio station WMLB 1690 AM on your dial, "The Voice of the Arts," and they're hoping it will be the first in a series of older films sponsored by the station.

One of the station's DJs, Scott Glazer, entertained the people in line with his guitar and renditions of Gene Autry songs, and other radio station personnel also attended.

With the talk, the twirling guns, the music, and that beautiful 35mm print, everyone had a great time. The Plaza has a very big screen and seeing this classic on the big screen confirms once again that the best place to see a movie is in a darkened theater with several hundred of your for-that-evening best friends. :) It delivers an impact that a DVD simply can't.

Re: Shane

Posted: March 19th, 2010, 3:44 pm
by JackFavell
Aaaaah! to be a fly on the wall... or buzzing around during that 4 day camp out! I am pea green with envy that you got to meet Jim Dunham, let alone ask him about Ben. It sounds like a fantastic evening, and I wish I could have been with you to seen Shane with an audience, like you are supposed to see it. I haven't had a chance to look at the links you provided, but will as soon as ever I can! Thanks for the info! It's great to hear more about Ben, but also about someone as knowledgeable as Mr. Dunham.

Re: Shane

Posted: March 19th, 2010, 7:29 pm
by klondike
Wendy, I'm right behind ya in that envy queu!
('Sokay, though, I got 2 po'boys wrapped hot in tin foil & a big vacuum bottle of sweet tea.)