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Along Come Jones

Posted: May 7th, 2007, 1:05 pm
by ken123
Was on, I guess, TCM this morning, I snoozed until very late today. I always love Bill Demarest,who played " Uncle Roscoe ". Any comments ? 8)

Posted: May 9th, 2007, 11:06 am
by MissGoddess
I was really taken by surprise at how much I liked it when I first saw ACJ---this was before I became such a GC fan. It really was charming and funny, and somehow the really, truly bad rear-screen projectioning in some sequences made it all the funnier.

I love Dan Duryea---he could play smarmy and oily like few could. One of his best at this type was in William Wyler's THE LITTLE FOXES.

Posted: May 9th, 2007, 8:58 pm
by ken123
SHolmes wrote:
MissGoddess wrote:
I love Dan Duryea---he could play smarmy and oily like few could. One of his best at this type was in William Wyler's THE LITTLE FOXES.
I agree with you on this one, Goddess. He was excellent in THE LITTLE FOXES. And he made such a convincing character. I also liked that young man who played the boyfriend of the daughter. Do you remember what his name was? He was the one who socked Dan Duryea in the face on the front porch during the rain.

And I think he used to play on television in a show called I LED THREE LIVES?
Richard Carlson is the actor's name. :wink:

Posted: May 10th, 2007, 9:53 am
by MissGoddess
SHolmes wrote:
MissGoddess wrote:
I love Dan Duryea---he could play smarmy and oily like few could. One of his best at this type was in William Wyler's THE LITTLE FOXES.
I agree with you on this one, Goddess. He was excellent in THE LITTLE FOXES. And he made such a convincing character. I also liked that young man who played the boyfriend of the daughter. Do you remember what his name was? He was the one who socked Dan Duryea in the face on the front porch during the rain.

And I think he used to play on television in a show called I LED THREE LIVES?
Yes, as Ken has already posted that was actor Richard Carlson who always was good at playing honest, straight-forward types. He was the one "normal" person besides Theresa Wrigth in the whole story.


Posted: August 27th, 2007, 2:31 pm
by ken123
" Along Came Jones " is on TCM's Loretta Young Day at 1:30AM EDT overnight. 8)

Posted: September 15th, 2007, 12:44 pm
by pktrekgirl

You can see how often I come into the Westerns Forum. I didn't see this thread until now! But since it's one of the few I can comment on in here, I'll go ahead and bump it.

I thought this was an amusing film. As a western, I can't say it was the best ever or anything...but I do think it was a good vehicle for Coop to show off some of that naive, bashful charm thing he had going on...and was so superb at portraying.

Here is Melody, thinking he was getting respect because of the way he was acting...when all along it was simply because he had the wrong initials. :lol:


And the whole naive charm carried over very well to the romantic part of the story with Loretta Young's character.

In short, this film was a very good vehicle for Coop to do some of the things that Coop did best: ride horses, be brave, and be adorably cute. :)