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Okay...I know I'm an idiot...but....

Posted: May 7th, 2007, 4:19 pm
by pktrekgirl
...could someone please explain to me this Classic Cinema College forum?

I went in there today, after eyeballing it from afar for the past 3 weeks. The whole time I thought I'd find something like that history of thing they advertise on TCM.

But this is clearly not that.

Could someone explain it to me? What do you guys DO in there?


Posted: May 7th, 2007, 4:45 pm
by Lzcutter

Don't worry, you aren't the only one that has been flummoxed by the CCC.

Moira created the Classic Cinema College last summer over at TCM City.

It's a mythical college, kind of like Brigadoon, that specializes in a star studded faculty and staff. I don't know that anything actuall gets taught there as we seem to specialize in big party events more than anything.

We have taken to including many of the posters here as part of the staff. For instance Moira is the Dean, Kyle is Head Publicist/Bartender, Klondike was hired after rescuing Dean Finnie from a bumpy cross country mis-adventure, that sort of thing. MrsL runs the B&B.

It gives a chance to hone our imaginations and dream of a place where we would all, undoubtedly, love to work.

Posted: May 7th, 2007, 5:23 pm
by pktrekgirl
Thanks very much, Lz!

I never even noticed it on the other board. But for the past few months, I rarely opened threads unless I was pretty sure of the content ahead of time. For obvious reasons. :lol:

CCC: origins of the species

Posted: May 7th, 2007, 5:26 pm
by moira finnie
Oops, Pktrekgirl, sorry! Here's a link to the first post related to the CCC, which I created to entertain myself and anyone else who stumbled upon it armed with a sense of the absurd and a grasp of movie history:

It has a few offshoots around the Old TCM site, such as this Halloween edition in a town near CCC, but generally, we tried to keep the denizens of CCC under control in one thread. Hope that you enjoy it. It's just for fun.