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Two small films from two big directors

Posted: May 19th, 2010, 8:30 pm
by markfp
Just a reminder that on Sunday, May 23 TCM is showing two rarely shown films by two major directors. At 8pm is Carol Reed's A KID FOR TWO FARTHINGS, a Technicolor fable about a small boy who buys a one-horned goat which he believes is really a unicorn.

Then at 10pm we get to watch John Ford's "other" Irish film THE RISING OF THE MOON which Ford shot in Ireland using an all Irish cast. It consists of three separate stories dealing with life in Ireland under British rule. Tyrone Power is listed in the credits, but all he does is introduce the stories. I'm really looking forward to this one as I haven't seen it in about 40 years.

These may not be in the same category as, say, THE THIRD MAN or THE SEARCHERS, but any film by Reed or Ford is certainly worth a look.