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Damsels in Distress

Posted: May 9th, 2007, 10:15 pm
by ken123
"Lifetime Movie Channel "often shows made for TV films where ladies are in a bad marriage/relationship with dire results. Meredith Baxter, Jaclyn Smith, and Judith Light are frequently cast as the damsels in distress . Do you have a favorite film or damsel of this type. It does not have to be a made for TV film. :wink:

Posted: May 10th, 2007, 12:41 am
by Dewey1960 would be WITNESS TO MURDER (1954) starring one of my favorite damsels--Barbara Stanwyck. As the film opens, she sees George Sanders strangle a young woman to death through her window in the apartment across the street. Of course no one will believe her and Sanders spends the rest of the film terrorizing poor Babs. It's an extremely suspenseful, well-directed (Roy Rowland) film and one of Sanders' best roles. Gary Merrill plays a cop who finally believes her. It's a great looking film, too: John Alton photographed it. It's a UA film and it turns up on TCM every now and then.

It'll Blow Your Nose!

Posted: May 10th, 2007, 2:13 pm
by benwhowell
All those "damsel in distress" movies involving the telephone are fun...
"Dial M For Murder"
"Sorry, Wrong Number"
"Midnight Lace"
"Wait Until Dark"
Three of my favorite movies with female characters in "danger" are
Roman Polanksi's "Repulsion" (with a wonderful performance from Catherine Deneuve as a young woman's descent into madness) and "Rosemary's Baby" and John Waters' "Polyester-"
"Purr Francine, purr purr Francine."

Posted: May 10th, 2007, 3:20 pm
by jdb1
Charade and The Wizard of Oz come immediately to mind.