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Glenn Ford as a Cowboy

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 4:05 pm
by mrsl
I can't decide if I like Glenn in Westerns or not. I've seen him in maybe 6 or 7, including Jubal, The Fastest Gun Alive, and my least favorite Cimarron. Today I watched The Last Challenge and although I found it wanting in a lot of ways, it was interesting in how the plot around the fastest gun was handled differently from the norm. Angie Dickinson being the love interest helped improve the movie a bit, and Chad Everett as the youngster looking for a fight did a good job.

Whenever I see Glenn in a shootout, I recall that he practiced all the time to be the fastest draw in Hollywood, and most of the time, he could have the camera on him during the draw since he was so fast. Because Glenn did not want to fight Chad, I thought he had some knowledge we did not have, like being his father or something, but that is not the case. Angie describes it all quite well so you are not left with that question in your head.

I liked Glenn in the original Ransom which Mel Gibson tried to remake, and disliked him in Gilda - a movie I don't understand all the hoo rah about. I don't see her dress or her dance very enticing, but I'm a woman so maybe that is answer in itself. But look at Hedy Lamarr just walking across the screen as Tandelayo, and you might see the difference in sex appeal. I loved him in The Courtship of Eddies Father, but much of that was due to Shirley Jones and Ronnie Howard.

Any comments as to Glenn's appeal as a cowboy compared to modern man?

Re: Glenn Ford as a Cowboy

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 11:09 pm
by movieman1957
You mention several of the westerns I really like him in. "Jubal" and "The Fastest Gun Alive." I like him in "The Violent Men." I think his intensity serves him well in these movies. He is scared to death in "Fastest Gun" and uses his anger well in some others. My least favorite of his is an over-the-top performance in "The Man From Colorado."

As far as his modern character performances I think the same kind of mindset works for him in "Ransom" and something like "The Blackboard Jungle." I think he does a fine job in "The Courtship Of Eddie's Father." He works well with a young Ron Howard.

I don't like him in everything but more often than not I enjoy his work.

Re: Glenn Ford as a Cowboy

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 11:32 pm
He played modern day cowboy Sherif Sam Cade in Cade's County in a tv series with Edgar Buchanan as an aging Deputy. IMO along with Destrey Rides Again, The Sheepman are the 2 best spoof westerns, no surprise both films had the same director. He was also good in The Violent Men

Re: Glenn Ford as a Cowboy

Posted: July 4th, 2010, 10:41 pm
by ken123
I liked him in TEXAS a comedy western with Holden & Claire Trevor, directed nicely by George Marshall. InThe Trial he was OK, but the best performances in that film were by Arthur Kennedy & Juano Hernandez, Dorothy McGuire was excellent also. The Courtship I used to like, but now I find it very slow & dull, except when Stella Stevens is on screen. :D