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September Dawn

Posted: October 12th, 2010, 1:19 am
by mrsl
Surfing around during the weekend, I found a couple of good movies on various channels. Although the subject is sad and tragic, September Dawn held my interest all through the whole film. It is based on the massacre of a group of settlers supposedly executed by a Mormon church and its' congregation. I have a hard time accepting this as fact because of all that the Mormons went through to find freedom to practice their religion, I can't see them attacking and slaughtering women and children on the possible theory that the wagon train is there to burn out the Mormon church. Having seen how the people live in Salt Lake City, I find it hard to believe this peaceful people could be so heartless.

The movie was released in 2008 so it's not an old film, and I am not sure of the names of many of the cast other than Jon Voight as the Mormon leader.

The wagon train stops for water and to stock up for the final leg of their trip to California, and for a time all goes well between the two groups. Unknown to the wagon train, the Mormons are planning this massacre and carry it off with few hitches. There is blood spilled and the thought of those children puts a very gruesome air over the whole movie. During the movie, the story is told in flash backs, and flash forwards but is not hard to determine what is going on as in some movies. I believe it is on one of the HBO channels, and possibly good for a short break from a boring weekend or some such day. You might consider it if you see it on your channel guide.