Alan Rudolph: Remember My Name

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Moraldo Rubini
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Re: Alan Rudolph: Remember My Name

Post by Moraldo Rubini »

kingrat wrote:Alan Rudolph's REMEMBER MY NAME is coming up on TCM Underground next week. Is this a must-see, a don't-bother, or a "You'll like it if . . . ?" I love Rudolph's CHOOSE ME and WELCOME TO L.A., and like TROUBLE IN MIND fairly well--although the Kris Kristofferson character is a doofus for preferring Lori Singer to Genevieve Bujold. SONGWRITER is anonymous work-for-hire, THE MODERNS has its fans but I was disappointed, and MADE IN HEAVEN is a shapeless mess. Where does REMEMBER MY NAME fit into Rudolph's patchwork quilt of a career?

Clearly, Rudolph is a talented director. Quirky, ambitious, personal films are hard to bring off, but sometimes Rudolph succeeds. None of his films has ever really hit big, so he's had to do routine projects that haven't suited his talents.
I saw this film at the Cento Cedar theatre in San Francisco when it was first released. I too loved Choose Me, and contarily enjoyed The Moderns (but then I was obsessed with Paris at the time). Alas, all I remember from Remember My Name now is Geraldine Chaplin stabbing some poor bloke with a pencil. This scene must have affected me, as I can still picture it clearly; bleak parking lot and all. Wait, it's not entirely true that this is all I remember. Though I cannot recollect plot points, I remember the general ambiance of the film; the muted colors and spare aesthetics of the piece.

Did you see it? How is it, from a 2010 perspective?
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