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Sometimes a Great Notion (1972)

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 4:07 pm
by moira finnie
Sometimes a Great Notion (1972), an interesting movie drawn from the Ken Kesey novel is on Retroplex this month. Never on DVD in North America, it features some fine performances from the director and star Paul Newman, with the director capturing scenes of their highly dangerous work beautifully. A movie that makes many of its points quietly, it focuses on the tensions in the family and on how change amid a divisive strike affects the members of a family logging business in the Pacific Northwest (it was filmed in Oregon). I don't mean to point out the obvious, but it just occurred to me that several of Newman's movies pay close attention to work and how it can shape, elevate and destroy the character of those who pursue their own notion of excellence, (Slap Shot, The Verdict, The Hustler, Winning).
Above: Paul Newman and Richard Jaeckel in Sometimes a Great Notion.

Basically, it tells the story of the Stamper family, with Henry Fonda as the flinty patriarch, Paul Newman and Michael Sarrazin as half-brothers with an old score to settle. Richard Jaeckel as a brother-in-law with a sweet nature who keeps his own identity in this tight (sometimes too tight) family has the best role of his career, highlighted by an exceptionally moving conclusion. It is not on DVD and has not been screened much in the last forty years, perhaps because of rights issues or because it was a financial failure when it was released. While it is not a perfect movie and only includes part of the book, there are several unforced natural moments in this movie that are wonderful--there's hardly any melodrama.

Sometimes a Great Notion (1972) can be seen on Retroplex on the following dates and times (times are all Eastern time):
Thursday, February 10th at 6pm
Friday, February 11th at 12:40pm
Sunday, February 20th at 5:50am
and Friday, February 25th at 5:30am and 8pm

Re: Sometimes a Great Notion (1972)

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 7:29 pm
by klondike
Some folks may know this film in it's frequently edited TV broadcast version under the alternate title: Never Give An Inch.
Not to everyone's taste (just like Kesey's novel), but certainly worth looking at, if for no other reason than some very strong & atypical performances, especially from Jaeckel, whose denoument from this storyline is particularly powerful.

Re: Sometimes a Great Notion (1972)

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 9:29 pm
by JackFavell
I think this might be the movie that traumatized me as a kid... I thought it was Spencer's Mountain, but the one I saw definitely had Richard Jaekel in a logging ...uuuhh....situation.... can someone tell me if this is the movie without giving away anything?

Re: Sometimes a Great Notion (1972)

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 9:47 pm
by Lzcutter

I think it is the film you are looking for. Can't say much else without spoilers and it's better to see it without spoilers.

I thought Richard J should have shared the Supporting Actor Oscar with Ben Johnson because it's a great performance and he gives it his all.

Re: Sometimes a Great Notion (1972)

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 9:59 pm
by JackFavell
Thanks, Lz! Richard Jaekel was very good.... but I was far too little to have watched this movie. It completely freaked me out.

Re: Sometimes a Great Notion (1972)

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 10:37 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
The movie sounds intriguing, but my cable company doesn't carry this channel.