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Made in Dagenham

Posted: April 11th, 2011, 10:08 am
Spoiler Alert

Well I've been looking forward to seeing Made In Dagenham and it didn't disappoint. It's about a group of Machinists working at the Ford plant in Degenham going on stirke for equel pay in the late 1960s.

The director made the point regarding 3 of the women in the story, Sally Hawkins as the strike leader Rita O'Grady, a working class girl living in a high rise flat, Rosamund Pike as Boss Rupert Graves wife, a Univeristy graduate, who's a frustrated housewife and secretly supportive of the strike and Miranda Richardson (The Lost Prince) as one of the most powerful women in the UK, Cabinet Minister Barbara Castle. One of the funny things in the movie is Rita borrowing an expensive dress of Pike for a meeting with Barbara, who's wearing a non expensive frock from C And A. Geraldine James, also outstanding, made the point while most of the actresses played real women, no-one knew what they were really like, while Miranda played a well known public figure.

Mirada Reminded me of Judi Dench's Elizabeth 1st in Shakespear In Love in the sense she wasn't on the screen long, but when she was Wow! She took no nonsence from her advisors, stood up to Prime Minister Harold Wilson and had to deal with a bully boy from America representing Ford Motors, played by American actor Richard Schiff

It's not just the girls, but there are some great actor's doing their bit. Danei Mays (Vera Drake) is Rita's husband, Roger Llyod Pack (Emily's dad and star of Fools and Horses) is married to Geraldine James' character, as mentioned before Rupert Graves (Sherlock), Bob Hoskins played a sympathetic shop steward, while Kennthe Cranham played a two faced union official and Scottish actor John Sessions (The Lost Prince) played Harold Wilson

Re: Made in Dagenham

Posted: April 11th, 2011, 8:56 pm
by srowley75
Thanks for this review. I'd wanted to see this film but found that it was in and out of theatres before I even knew about it.