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Are You Being Served - British Comedy

Posted: May 14th, 2011, 1:01 am
by Rita Hayworth
Are You Being Served


Two Great Photos of the Cast of Are You Being Served - above and below


Are You Being Served? is a British sitcom broadcast from 1972 to 1985. I watched this show (as a young man) faithfully when it was on one of my local channels and I get a big kick out of it. I died laughing watching for the first (in 2011) time again and again.

These great British Actors and Actresses are so good at their craft and being hard of hearing every single one of them speaks so clearly I can easily follow along their witty and charming acting. This show is wonderfully written and I happen ran across it by accident on my cable television trying to find something good to watch for 30 minutes before retiring for the night.

I love the way they end this wonderful show ... the end credits (listing all the "employees" and "special guests") ... and that delightful "cash register music" ...

Grace Brothers Rules!