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Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 4th, 2011, 12:06 pm
I get the impression on this side of the pond that Sarah Palin wants to America's next President. She seems to have found a new surge of popularity with her looks appearing to be an assett.

I was listening to 2 speeches of hers on you tube, where she's heckled about the war in Iraq and gives the same answer, My Son is fighting in Iraq for you to protest.
I maybe doing her an injustice, I was a bit suspicious about it and wondered if it was a set up. If wrong I apologize.

I do worry about her apparent crasp on foriegn affairs and her recent attack on the British National Health Service, something we take for granted over here. I wonder how most American's feel about her oppisition to the Health Care Barack Obama wants to bring to the U.S

President Obama has recently had a great State visit in Great Britain and Ireland, becoming the first U.S President to make a speech in Westminister Hall, so it appears over here we'd like him to stay in office for a while longer, but I gather he's under attack for his handling of the ecomomy.

I've always thought Hilary Clinton would be a great choice for President, but asumming Obama runs for a 2nd term she'll be nearly 70 when her next chance comes. Hilary might not want the job by then

Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 5th, 2011, 9:33 am
by CineMaven
Have no fear. Sarah Palin does not want to be the first woman President of the United States of America. Sarah Palin just wants fame for Sarah Palin and to be paid for personal appearances and books and her tv show. She does not want the job. She does not want one of the most important jobs on our planet. (Yes, she is very attractive) but she can't speak. Her syntax in speaking is the strangest I've ever heard. She sounds like a fifth grader writing a composition on a topic that she's not thoroughly familiar or comfortable with, so she pads her book report with words. (I've sometimes done that in my school work, so I know what that "sounds" like). I've tried not to think that she is a Martian like the female lead in TCM's recent showing of "GHIDORAH -THE THREE HEADED...", but I am fast coming to the conclusion that she is a robot. She was recently in NY to visit that other presidential hopeful (Donald Trump). He claimed to be considering running for President, but most of us knew he just wanted the publicity of implying he wanted to run, when what he really wanted just the publicity. Donald Trump does not want the job as President, b'cuz it would require him to work. Nope, he doesn't want the job either. My thoughts of Sarah Palin being a robot were confirmed when she and Donald Trump had their photo op at a famed NYC pizza place...something akin to Roosevelt, Stalin & Churchill meeting. She & Trump were using a knife and fork to eat a slice of pizza...and they never finished their pizza. Sarah was picked to run as VicePresident with Senator John McCain who was running for president back in 2008. She was like the monster Dr. Frankenstein created...and then later lost control of. Why, I don't think Sarah took even two bites of that pizza.

You know how kids is school try to put down the smart kid or the kid they feel threatened by. That's all that's happening here. Listen, I'm no political genius. My thought is that the gas prices are very high b'cuz of Wall Street speculation. One of our political parties think that if they keep the prices high, that will defeat Obama; if they make sure jobs are scare, folks will be upset and not vote for Obama. The political side that lost the election and wasted the surplus we had is dead set for defeating President Obama.

But I'm going to go out on a limbo here This'll just my opinion based on what I've read and the news channel I watch which, while Liberal, is very balanced and doesn't lie or pander to its viewers or play on fears. Look, I am no Nostradamus, but mark my words, President Barack Obama will be elected for a second term as President of the United States of America. Americans like their little games and political banterings...and we are in the throes of financial difficulties. (It doesn't help that the Republicans voted to lower the taxes on folks who are the WEALTHIEST in the country or lower the taxes on corporations who have made unprecedented profits.

The majority of my fellow Americans will vote and re-elect Barack Obama. (Yes, the debt ceiling WILL be raised).

If I'm can name your price. (Ha! Besides, if he is not elected I will be paying a price...and looking into moving to Amsterdam...where I had the BEST time of my life).

CineMaven (IMHO).

Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 5th, 2011, 1:43 pm
by CharlieT
Hi, stuart.

I don't argue politics. The main reason I quit the TCM boards was that every thread turned into an argument on Jane Fonda or Charlton Heston.

I don't think that Sarah Palin will run for President. She has been targeted by the media for any and every little thing she (and/or her family) has done for the past 3+ years - and she wasn't even successful in her Vice Presidential run. Even though she has said that she isn't campaigning, she is followed mercilessly by the media now. Cinemaven's comments reflect the opinions of a large group of American voters. Another large group feels totally opposite - including President Obama's chances for re-election. This will have to play out over the next year and a half and we'll see which group will claim victory. Both of these groups rely on news sources that reflect their own political leanings. Neither side is totally unbiased in their reporting and each claim to be fair and balanced.

I have my personal opinions on this subject, but that's exactly what they are - PERSONAL. Keep an eye on what's happening and remember the movie, Wag the Dog. Sometimes getting the whole truth is impossible, but if you try, you can get enough of it to make an informed decision. At least, you don't have to make the choice. You just have to worry about how the outcome affects you and your own country.

I, for one, will remain here in the USA regardless of the outcome. I kinda like it here. (Oops. Did I say "kinda" - that's so moronic of me.) :oops:

Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 5th, 2011, 6:18 pm
by knitwit45
I have my personal opinions on this subject, but that's exactly what they are - PERSONAL. Keep an eye on what's happening and remember the movie, Wag the Dog. Sometimes getting the whole truth is impossible, but if you try, you can get enough of it to make an informed decision. At least, you don't have to make the choice. You just have to worry about how the outcome affects you and your own country.

I, for one, will remain here in the USA regardless of the outcome. I kinda like it here. (Oops. Did I say "kinda" - that's so moronic of me.) :oops:
AMEN, CHARLIE!!! This is a FILM FORUM, not a political one.

remember when Babs Streisand said she'd be leaving the US if President Bush was elected????? uh, huh...... :lol: :lol:

Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 6th, 2011, 12:13 pm
by CineMaven
Babs didn't have the trip I had in Amsterdam.


Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 6th, 2011, 1:46 pm
by moira finnie
To address one of Stuart's original questions, Hilary Clinton has stated categorically here that she does not want to run for president again. Actually, in this transcript of her statements in March, she said that being in high office may not be all that attractive, period. Clinton was interviewed during her visit to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo on March 16, 2011.

I believe her, but I've been wrong before. Maybe power lost its allure after she really got closer to it.
Here's the full transcript:

Q- If the president is reelected, do you want to serve a second term as secretary of state?


Q- Would you like to serve as secretary of defense?


Q- Would you like to be vice president of the United States?


Q- Would you like to be president of the United States?


Q- Why not?

Because I have the best job I could ever have. This is a moment in history where it is almost hard to catch your breath. There are both the tragedies and disasters that we have seen from Haiti to Japan and there are the extraordinary opportunities and challenges that we see right here in Egypt and in the rest of the region. So I want to be part of helping to represent the United States at this critical moment in time, to do everything I can in support of the president and our government and the people of our country to stand for our values and our ideals, to stand up for our security, which has to remain first and foremost in my mind and to advance America's interests. And there isn't anything that I can imagine doing after this that would be as demanding, as challenging or rewarding.

Q- President of the United States?

You know, I had a wonderful experience running and I am very proud of the support I had and very grateful for the opportunity, but I'm going to be, you know, moving on.

Q- I asked my viewers and followers on Twitter to send questions and a lot of them said, "Ask her if she'll run in 2016 for the presidency." A lot of folks would like to you to do that.

Well that's very kind, but I am doing what I want to do right now and I have no intention or any idea even of running again. I'm going to do the best I can at this job for the next two years.

Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 6th, 2011, 6:45 pm
by CineMaven
Hillary ran a tough campaign. She is a team player. She is a fantastic Secretary of State.

A direct quote from Sarah Palin during her Northeastern bus tour when she was up in Massachusetts. This is in reference to American patriot Paul Revere:

"We saw where Paul Revere hung out as a teenager, which was something new to learn. And, you know, he who warned the British that
they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms by ringing those bells and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those
warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure?

Listen my children and you shall hear...what'd she say?

Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 6th, 2011, 7:07 pm
by mrsl
The only good thing about Palin running for President is that I'm pretty sure people know what a ditz she is, and would vote for Obama because ANYONE would be better than Palin. Hopefully, U.S. citizens know by now that the Republican party has shot down all bids for improvement that Obama has offered.

Out of curiosity, did the media say much about Obama speaking before the Queen? They thought it was quite a disaster here. What did the 'man in the street' have to say about it?

Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 6th, 2011, 9:13 pm
by movieman1957
Hopefully, U.S. citizens know by now that the Republican party has shot down all bids for improvement that Obama has offered.

A goodly portion might disagree with you there.

Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 12th, 2011, 3:06 am
It's still alleged in the UK that Sarah Palin wants to become President.

The latest rumour is that she's coming to London and hopes to meet with Margaret Thatcher. However, its said that the Iron Lady wants nothing to do with Palin believing her to be nuts

Re: Is Palin pushing for the Whitehouse

Posted: June 12th, 2011, 9:40 am
by Vecchiolarry
Hi Stuart,

In relation to Palin's penteant for shooting defenseless wildlife - - here's a joke....

A lady in Florida phoned the police department to report that a bear was swimming in her pool...
Or as Sarah Palin would say: "Soup!!"....
