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Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:36 pm
by movieman1957
If any of you have itunes and like to listen to radio versions of movies, which were apparently very popular back then, there are several podcasts that not only have old regular radio shows but the "Warner Brothers Archive Collection" has 78 episodes of broadcasts of films done for radio.

Titles as varied as "Whistling In Dixie" (Red Skelton) to "Johnny Eager" make up the list. Some of the selections are interviews. The programs run from 25 minutes to just over an hour.

The "Old Time Radio" category in the podcasts section will get you 158 episodes of Jack Benny. Fibber McGee and Molly and genre specific shows are available.

Podcasts are new to me so forgive me if I haven't quite got it right. This may not be news to anyone but I thought I'd throw it out.

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 1:39 am
by mrsl
I have something to say about a musical person and I can't find the whiny thread. Now, if you're still reading, we know now that Andy Williams died two days ago and except for a short, personal comment on the news program I was watching, I haven't seen anything else on the fact. Andy was a big star in music. He made some great songs even greater just by being the one who did the singing. Canadian Sunset, Moon River, and so many others. He gave us years of television variety on his weekly show, and eventually rebuilt the city of Branson, bringing big names to the theaters there. He lived a quiet life, raised a few kids, and was a fine icon to be admired. Yet, when he died, it wasn't worth the time to even put his photo up on the T.V. during commercials, or credits and wish his family well. This burns my butt. It happens over and over again. All I can figure is they are older so no longer of interest to anyone, but that kind of thinking is all wrong. Some of us who loved, danced to, and enjoyed his music do care. I know I got tears in my eyes when I heard about it. I didn't get any tears when I heard about a couple of younger singers and actors in the past couple of years who died of drug overdose. Everyone worried about a 19 year old daughter as if she was 10, and the same with a bunch of other kids, all with different mothers. I know this won't do anything, but I had to get it off my chest.

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 11:41 am
by moira finnie
CNN, ABC, and CBS all had reports on the career and passing of Andy Williams and we certainly expressed our feelings about his work on this site in the Gone With and Without Fanfare. Every newspaper in the last few days has had long obits and appreciation of his contributions. Since this is a thread about Old Time Radio on iTunes, you might want to view the numerous songs and albums by Williams there:
Andy Williams on iTunes

There's also a wealth of clips from his programs on youtube too:
Andy Williams on Youtube

Do you find that there are almost too many OTR shows to choose from? I do. There are tons of OTR episodes of every type available for free on iTunes. I have subscribed to a couple, but the sheer number can be overwhelming to me. I downloaded some as mp3 recordings and am able to listen to them on the run, which is fun. (My favorite so far: Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar episodes). A variety of these shows can be seen at this link:

OTR at iTunes

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 1:46 pm
by mrsl
Sorry moira but I haven't seen anything here in the Chicago area. I've been watching MSNBC almost exclusively lately except when I take a break to watch something I've DVR'd, but truly there was nothing at all on the morning news the day after he died and of course I was watching NBC because it has Chicago news until 7:00a.m. It was Ed Smith on MSNBC who took a few minutes to say something about him, and if I hadn't seen the option to click on his name on my Yahoo home page just before that, it would have been a real shock to me. I did however, see the thread here on SSO, and I did enter a post. I just thought a big T.V. ipersonality like Andy Williams would rate a little more attention, which you are telling me I missed. Thank you for that, because it settles my mind a bit.

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 2:01 pm
by MissGoddess
count me as one who doesn't know where to start with all the radio shows! i end up going with jack benny and bob hope most of the time. :D

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 3:35 pm
by norfious
Yes! Also, YouTube has a great selection of old radio shows! Besides Lux Radio Theater, my favorite is the "Suspense" show, which features the vocal talents of many classic film stars. Of course the ones featuring Ronald Colman are my favorite. ;)

I really wish I could find more that just a few episodes of the "Halls of Ivy" radio show that Ronald Colman did with his wife Benita Hume. Has anyone run across some of these?

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 4:44 pm
by MissGoddess
Have you done a google search for "Halls of Ivy"? I was sure that some collector was offering them, but it was several years ago. I didn't get them, but I am curious myself since that program always got high praise for its wit.

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 4:44 pm
by movieman1957

Yes. I subscribe to several of the comedy shows. One was exclusively Jack Benny. That has been great fun. I also subscribed to two that almost have the same name. They also have some Jack Benny but have Red Skelton, Milton Berle, Mel Blanc and others I know of and some I've never heard of. There is also a Martin and Lewis podcast.

I subscribe to a couple of classical music sites that are fairly short and are fun learning.

Frankly, I'm at the max I dare get. I accidentally added all 142 episodes from the NY Philharmonic at once. That will take a while. It's pretty tempting to get more but it would seriously get in the way of my watching movies.

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 6:38 pm
by Professional Tourist
The Internet Archive is the greatest resource of OTR recordings. It's like a Walmart where everything is free, but you can't easily browse the merchandise, you have to ask specifically for what you want. Fortunately the search engine is pretty good. For Norfious:

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: October 1st, 2012, 4:43 pm
by norfious
MissGoddess wrote:Norf,
Have you done a google search for "Halls of Ivy"? I was sure that some collector was offering them, but it was several years ago. I didn't get them, but I am curious myself since that program always got high praise for its wit.
I could have sworn that I googled that show in the past, with no luck, but I just found it on via a search! Boy, do I feel silly now. Anyway, thanks for advising me to try again. :)
I know what I am going to be listening to while doing housework for the next few weeks!

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: October 1st, 2012, 6:13 pm
by MissGoddess
these shows are great to listen to while doing housework, i agree. i love that i'm free from having to pay attention to the image on the telly. :D

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: November 25th, 2012, 12:18 pm
by Vienna
Discovering all the old radio shows on has been magical. You can never run out of shows to listen to!
I like Frank Lovejoy and have listened to about 50 episodes of his NIGHTBEAT.
Who would have guessed that Jean Arthur did JEZEBEL on Screen Guild Theater, or Deanna Durbin played Teresa Wright's role in SHADOW OF A DOUBT (Deanna did it well).
You can listen to Spencer Tracy and Rosalind Russell in NINOTCHKA- or Joan Fontaine and William Powell!
Bette Davis as JANE EYRE,Ida Lupino in THE 39 STEPS.
Alan Ladd did 52 episodes of BOX 13- his deep voice was perfect for radio.
Sometimes condensing a film's plot into 30 minutes didn't work, but other shows ran for an hour.
Initially the studios didn't want to air adaptations of their movies on radio, but once they saw it worked , they happily let their biggest stars appear, often in films they hadn't done on screen! For instance, Barbara Stanwyck,Errol Flynn and Mary Astor appeared in THESE THREE. In HOLD BACK THE DAWN, Charles Boyer was joined by Maureen O'Hara and Margaret Lindsay. In EDGE OF DARKNESS , none of the original stars appeared. We heard John Garfield,Maureen O'Hara and Ralph Morgan.

Re: Old Time Radio on itunes

Posted: November 25th, 2012, 1:20 pm
by Professional Tourist
I agree with you completely Vienna, I love the Internet Archive and the fact that the vast majority of OTR is in the public domain and so may be freely accessed.

The only catch is that it can be difficult to know what is available and who did what, in order to determine what one would like to hear. :) A big help for me are the online logs for the various programs. Some of these logs are created by people who sell discs and tapes of these OTR recordings, while others are informative only. These logs are not 100% accurate, but are good resources. Two I could recommend are Jerry Haendiges and The Digital Deli. Once a program/episode of interest has been chosen, then it can often be located at the Internet Archive. :)