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Posted: March 21st, 2012, 7:45 pm
by knitwit45

While searching to see if there was a thread dedicated to this film, I found the image above.. Thanks, Joe, I thought it would make a lovely start to this.

A friend and I went to see the 2pm screening today. There were only about 35 people in the theater, some my age, some much much younger. The manager assured me the evening performance at 7pm is almost sold out. Those 34 other people and I had an incredible experience.

Robert O introduced the movie (boy is he cute on a big screen!) and had about a 10 minute intro to the film. I started getting nervous, so many of the key points of the movie were shown in the intro, I was afraid it might spoil the actual viewing...nope, it did not. From the opening credits, when that Warner Bros shield appears, to the last, foggy scene with Louie and Rick strolling off, everyone was firmly planted in their seats. Laughter in all the right places, (S.Z. Sakall got the most laughs,) and sniffles from the ladies several times. I even heard some throat clearing from several men.

The most stirring moment for me was when Victor Lazlo leads the band in the Marseillaise. I was ready to leap up and sing along. The next most moving moment was at the Roulette wheel, when Rick tells the young Bulgarian to put it all on 22 and keep it there....S.Z. and I were thrilled.

Ingrid Bergman was unbelievably radiant in this movie. Her eyes glowed, her skin glowed...and her hair. Oh, my goodness, that hair. It had a shiny softness to it, you could almost smell the fresh scent of it. Bogie never ever looked as good as he did today. So many facial expressions, small ones that sometimes go unnoticed when I've seen it on television. When he slams the table and says "Play it, Sam. If she can take it, so can I." my heart just kind of clenched. And his last "Here's looking at you, Kid" sent me reaching for the tissues. When Ilsa says "I wish I didn't love you so much", I heard 2 ladies (not together) sigh...and I sniffled...

Thanks for listening to me gush....

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 21st, 2012, 8:57 pm
by moira finnie
knitwit45 wrote:The most stirring moment for me was when Victor Lazlo leads the band in the Marseillaise. I was ready to leap up and sing along. The next most moving moment was at the Roulette wheel, when Rick tells the young Bulgarian to put it all on 22 and keep it there....S.Z. and I were thrilled.

Ingrid Bergman was unbelievably radiant in this movie. Her eyes glowed, her skin glowed...and her hair. Oh, my goodness, that hair. It had a shiny softness to it, you could almost smell the fresh scent of it. Bogie never ever looked as good as he did today. So many facial expressions, small ones that sometimes go unnoticed when I've seen it on television. When he slams the table and says "Play it, Sam. If she can take it, so can I." my heart just kind of clenched. And his last "Here's looking at you, Kid" sent me reaching for the tissues. When Ilsa says "I wish I didn't love you so much", I heard 2 ladies (not together) sigh...and I sniffled...

Thanks for listening to me gush....
If you hadn't come here to "gush" I would have been "shocked, shocked"...and VERY disappointed. Thank you so much for your beautiful descriptions of my favorite moments (the Marseillaise) and Joy Page and Helmut Dantine's happy ending. I can't imagine how wonderful it must be to see Ingrid B. on a real movie screen...not to mention Bogie. Oh, hell, I better dust off my DVD and watch this again. Glad you got to go, Nancy. Let's hope that this is the next step in "the start of a beautiful friendship" between our neighborhood movie theaters and TCM throughout the country in the years to come.

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 8:18 am
by movieman1957
I wanted to take my daughter but she couldn't switch her shift at work. Then our surrogate grandson had to stay the night. We're going to get to one of these someday.

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 9:07 am
by knitwit45
I've been reading the responses on Facebook, from others who saw it yesterday or last night. Every one is saying how enthusiastic the crowds were, and how there was sustained applause at the end of the movie. People are hungry for good entertainment, and willing to pay for it. Wish Hollywood would pay attention!

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 10:01 am
by MissGoddess
I really wanted to go, but wasn't feeling up to it. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Knitty. I think it's smashing that TCM did this, and I agree with Moira, may this be the start of something beautiful...

P.S. You're so right about audience response. I am willing to bet most showings in NYC were sold out. It's so fun being with an audience while watching these movies...and appreciative audience, not a jaded one.

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 11:50 am
by movieman1957
IF it's been answered before please forgive me but how does this thing work? Do the theaters download it from a satellite? Is is broadcast like a TV broadcast on a closed circuit signal? I know they don'e send out 1000 special DVDs to theaters.

I'm picking up bits and pieces but not completely sure.

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 2:42 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I'm so pleased you got to watch Casablanca on the big screen Nancy, sometimes it's just good to go back to where we started with classic movies and be wowwed all over again. I wish I could have watched it with you.

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 4:09 pm
by RedRiver
This is why we're all here. TV and video are but pleasant substitutes for the real thing. The movie experience, the cherished memory, happens as you have lovingly described it. CASABLANCA is one of the great movies. Certainly one of the most beloved. There are some I like better. But that's not the point. Filmgoing is a collective experience. Few classics will excite a group of strangers like this one. You've reminded me what our shared interest is all about!

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 4:46 pm
by knitwit45
Alison, my 'dream' experience would be to have the first row balcony seats filled with you, Moira, Jacks, Paula, Miss G, 'Nando, Chris, Red, Jeffrey, ChiO, Ark, the Dewmeister, MrsL,Eric, and all the others here....with, of course, ME in the very middle! :lol: :lol:

Now THAT I would pay top dollar for!!!!!

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 4:52 pm
by JackFavell
Me too!

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 6:15 pm
by CineMaven
Psssssst. SSSSSssssssssssh up there in the balcony. I'm trying to hear the movie. What did Bogart say about gin joints???

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 6:50 pm
by knitwit45
Believe it or not, there was absolutely NO talking during the movie! The way today's audiences are talking, visiting, texting, turning off their phones AFTER it rings....this audience was so polite, I felt like I really had stepped back in time!

And what the h-e-double hockey sticks :lol: :lol: are you doing downstairs, T? We've been holding your seat, fending off all comers...get your backside up here!!! And if you see Joe or Larry....grab 'em!!!!

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 7:58 pm
by Rita Hayworth
I have never seen CASABLANCA on the big screen yet. I seen it on TCM and other channels about 3-5 times in my life and I for one would love to see it on a biggest screen any theater can bolster. It would put a :) on my face!

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 9:27 pm
by Lzcutter

As I understand it, It's usually done via satellite. The theater gets a code that unlocks the file and allows the theater to download the film. Downloading the key can be problematic for those wanting to set up and do a system check. Usually the key will unlock the film about an hour or so before the screening. With problems happening because there is no ability to go through a check for picture and sound, some studios are working more with theaters.

The key expires shortly after the screening.

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 9:55 pm
by movieman1957

I'm there. Either driving or you're picking me up at the airport.


Thanks. I was reading the thread at TCM and there were several stories of varying problems along with some that went smooth. A few bugs are left to be worked, I guess.