Brighton Rock (1947)

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Brighton Rock (1947)

Post by dfordoom »

<i>Brighton Rock</i> (1947) was scripted by Graham Greene, from his own novel. It’s about a 17-year-old gangster called Pinkie, played by Richard Attenborough. Pinkie kills a journalist because he holds him responsible for the death of the leader of his gang, Kite. Pinkie has now taken over the gang. The background to the film is the activities of the infamous razor gangs in Brighton in the 1930s, who were active in running protection rackets. The movie can be seen as a gangster film, and as a juvenile delinquent film, and it stands as one of the greatest moves ever made in either of those genres. There is very little blood in the movie, and only a couple of brief scenes of violence, but it still manages to be extraordinarily menacing. Pinkie is a Catholic, he doesn’t smoke or drink, and he’s a virgin. Although he’s a vicious little thug he sees himself as being free of the corruption of modern life. For Pinkie the corruption of modern life means sex or any other form of sensual pleasure. Pinkie is not only vicious, he’s extremely disturbed. Richard Attenborough is absolutely superb in the role, he’s chilling but he also conveys the sense that Pinkie has of being someone who doesn’t really consider himself part of the world that everyone else belongs to. Pinkie’s nemesis is Ida, who is everything Pinkie isn’t – she’s loud, vulgar, cheerful, and she enjoys having a good time (which for Ida means booze and men). She represent everything Pinkie loathes and fears. And Ida (who had befriended the murdered journalist) is determined to see justice done.

<i>Brighton Rock</i> is beautifully photographed – Brighton looks delightfully seedy and vulgar. There are some wonderful close-ups of Ida, where she becomes almost overwhelming. There is a film that has been superbly put together – fine acting (including the first Doctor Who, William Hartnell, as one of Pinkie’s gang), great photography, great editing. There isn’t a wasted shot in the movie. There is only one tiny blemish, a tacked-on epilogue that weakens the book’s cynical and ironic ending. Overall this is a brilliant example of movie-making at its best.
Mr. Arkadin
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Post by Mr. Arkadin »

You guys have interested me in this film recently. I also picked up a nice set of essays on crime films that included this. Sadly, I haven't found a R1 copy yet. I'm gonna have to get a good multiregion DVD player. I have some R2's that I watch on the computer, but I WANT MY TV!!
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Sue Sue Applegate
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Post by Sue Sue Applegate »

Hermione Baddeley, known to us Americans mostly as Mrs. Naugatuck on Maude, is quite well known in the UK for her appearance in Brighton Rock as Ida.

Carol Marsh, as the young woman who becomes increasingly obsessed with her love for Pinkie, is absolutely marvelous. Unfortunately for the film-going public, she did not make that many more movies. (IMDb lists only 13 film and television appearances from 1947 to 1965.)

Brighton Pier, which is a mainstay of tourism in Brighton, in southern England, has children's rides, food stalls, and a small casino. It is famous for it's hard candy and candy canes which have the small name of Brighton Rock in many of the souvenir canes sold on pier itself. The movie has fueled its popularity for years.

I was informed by a local that the movie's dark theme has mirrored some of the more recent owners and their exploits.
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Post by raftfan »

Saw this film on a CBC afternoon broadcast many years ago, but have never quite forgotten it. Some critics claimed that Richard Attenborough was too boyish to play "Young Scarface", but I thought he did a magnificent job. A completely immoral and vicious character who gets - or not quite gets - in the final word in a recording to Carol Marsh. A cynical ending indeed.
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