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Mad Men

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 11:20 pm
by mrsl

There are three or four people on this board whose opinion I respect though am not always in agreement with their statements. Quite a while ago LzCutter started talking about Mad Men and I read her posts, but had already missed one or two seasons so never paid any more attention. A few months ago, I read that this might be the final season, but AMC was going to run the entire series from beginning to present on Sunday mornings, so I set my DVR to start recording all shows beginning at 5:00 a.m. while I was still, hopefully, dreaming. It took a while, but I finally started to see what Lynn had seen from the start. This is an A-List written, directed and acted show every week. I see a few things that irritate me, but on the whole it is very entertaining.

For one thing, if people are going to smoke as much as they do, someone should be on hand to teach them how to do it - - how to hold the cigarette, what to do with it when you're talking, etc. Most of them look like children playing with those white sugar stick imitation cigarettes they used to make. You don't smoke the whole thing holding it in your hand with your hand all spread out like a fan. Also, I don't know about most people, but neither I, nor any of my friends ever cooked, stirred food in pots, or salads, e.g. with a cigarette in my hand. I also never smoked while holding my baby or anyone else's baby on my lap, or while I changed their diapers or bathed them, yet I've seen all those things, especially by Don Draper's goofy wife. I was a relatively heavy smoker, but even I could hold off on a cigarette while doing certain things. The same goes for at the office. You didn't carry a cigarette around with you. You had a nice ash tray on your desk and left the cigarette there. In fact, most times, you would light a cig and have to leave it for typing, dictation, copying and so out of a full pack which you might light each day, often you only got to smoke about half the pack.

Another thing is that the men were not quite so obvious with their verbal innuendoes or visual glances. I don't know about ad offices, but in the Marketing department of a huge corporation, a guy would get his face smacked good if he dared to touch a secretary's butt when passing by.

Believe it or not, watching the show, I get nostalgic for the full skirts, dresses, and shoes - - 2 inch heels which was complimentary to the leg and possible to walk in.

It is a good show, and I am enjoying it immensely.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 10:33 am
by RedRiver
Mrs L,

I agree with everything you've said. This is a very good show; intriguing and thought provoking. But if you miss an episode, you're really confused. Like you, I came late to the series. I did catch re-runs of some early seasons. But I've missed a lot and it shows. I'm always going, WHAT?

They try too hard with the smoking. I remember the era. A lot of people smoked. But they didn't smoke every minute of every day. Occasionally, they needed their hands for something else! In the classic movies we like, smokers look natural. It's like eating or wearing shoes. This show is almost ABOUT the habit.

This is very clever TV. I look forward to watching. It just has a few quirks that could be ironed out!

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 10:04 pm
by mrsl
Hi Red:

I believe the smokers in the classics look natural because they were smokers in real life. The actors on Mad Men probably grew up in smokeless homes and never tried a cigarette themselves. For a true smoker like me, I get a good belly laugh out of a lot of the scenes where they're smoking. Even though I've now been smokeless for nearly 5 years, the habits are still with me, and I still don't know what to do with my hands after dinner while having that last cup of coffee.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 29th, 2012, 1:24 am
by Lzcutter
I swear that someone is either going to snap this season or someone is going out that big, upper floor, plate glass window of Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Pryce.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: April 30th, 2012, 10:14 am
by RedRiver
I'm thinking Roger is just about to come apart.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 11:04 am
by RedRiver
That was some episode Sunday (6/3)! Pretty heavy. Well written. Of course, we can't discuss it without spoiling it for others. But it warrants comment. So, only one more this season? Did I hear that right?

Re: Mad Men

Posted: June 17th, 2012, 4:14 pm
by Jezebel38
Season 5 - not up to par with past years, but I'm still a fan. The highlight of the final episode for me - Mad Men 007 montage:

Walk away Don, just walk away...


Re: Mad Men

Posted: June 17th, 2012, 4:44 pm
by RedRiver
That was a good moment. Probably my favorite Bond theme song.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: June 19th, 2012, 4:36 pm
by RedRiver
So, the season's over. Will there be reruns? Anybody know?

Re: Mad Men

Posted: June 21st, 2012, 12:40 am
by Lzcutter
There will likely be reruns but it may not happen until prior to next season's premiere. AMC is good about doing that.

As for the season finale, while it was a quiet one (compared to other seasons), coming after the loss of Lane, I enjoyed the quiet. Don's discovery of Megan's talent and the long walk out from the sound stage was well handled and kudos to the cinematographer.

And meeting Peggy at the movies, makes me wonder if ultimately when the series ends, Don will be working for Peggy.

You've come along way, baby, for sure!

Guess we will find out.

In the meantime, I don't see Pete finding happiness any time soon and can see him continue to spiral down in his unhappiness. Also, the enlightenment that Roger found in his LSD trip has worn off.

One thing is for sure, those big glass windows of the newly expanded Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Pryce aren't going away and will they continue to be a supporting player as much next season as they were this one?

Re: Mad Men

Posted: June 21st, 2012, 1:52 am
by mrsl
Personally when it comes to Pete, the more unhappy he gets, the happier I get. I have detested that guy since the first show. One nice thing about watching each season in continuity early on Sunday morning as I did, I remember most of it. The funny thing is, I was never crazy about Lane, but in the last few episodes, I was coming around to caring more about him . . . well that shows me what a great judge of character I am :!: :P

Re: Mad Men

Posted: June 21st, 2012, 8:58 am
by RedRiver
My sister said that episode would even work as the end of the series. "You Only Live Twice." Two identities, two careers, two suicides. The cycle repeats. Yes. But I hope, when the show does take its final bow, there will be more drama, more closure.

Re: Mad Men

Posted: March 15th, 2013, 8:03 pm
by Lzcutter
Well, Sunday nights are going to get a whole lot more interesting!

Game of Thrones returns on Sunday, March 31st to HBO


and the next Sunday, Mad Men returns the following Sunday with a two hour premiere!

I can't wait!!!!


Re: Mad Men

Posted: March 15th, 2013, 10:01 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I just started watching Game of Thrones!

Re: Mad Men

Posted: March 15th, 2013, 10:41 pm
by mrsl
.Re: Mad Men:

I'm watching the last two seasons reruns the past couple of weeks on Sunday mornings. I have to admit I like the method of repeating recent seasons just before a new season opener. It helps to remind you of the smaller things that happened that aren't covered in the opening "last week's review".

Well, I guess Vegas is gone forever. It seems that Golden Boy has replaced it. I am a little P. O'ed.

I started Thrones but it's a little too reality based for me. Most of the HBO 'made for HBO' shows are a little too much visual for me. I must be getting really older since that sort of stuff bothers me lately so much more than when I was younger. Also, I DVR'd all of Dallas for the last 7 weeks, and watched them over the last two weekends, but I never really got into them and pretty much ff'd through a lot of them. I did watch JR's funeral show though. I just couldn't get into the show. I was never all that big on the original, but since it had so many loyal fans, I thought I would see something in it, but all I saw was a lot of silly machinations and envious back biting which is not what turns me on..